

このプラグインの公開は2023年3月30日に停止されており、ダウンロードできません。 理由: ガイドライン違反。


This allows you to autopost your blog post to twitter. What more can you ask for, especially if you have a large twitter backing such as myself. Even if you don’t social media exposure is a big deal, and helps bring in a decent amount of traffic.
Thanks for this wonderful plugin, working well and without any issue so far. If I could vote for a new feature, I would support what iteagle03 asked in December 2015: Having a general option to not auto post for any updates of existing content would be great, as I would then not need to remember to turn off auto post each time when editing existing content.
A Fantastic plugin gentlemen. The life became easier after this. No more manually sharing. The #post link in teh field can be default though to avoid any confusion in the configuration. Thank you, VG
2016年9月3日 1 reply
Works great except it would be nice if I ever perform a quick edit after already posting an article it wouldn’t perform a second auto post.


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