Put a hidden wp-admin/login link in the top-left corner, visible on mouseover. This simple plugin/code is useful if you want to have an easy to find admin link that is not visible on the page. Very easy to modify (position, colors etc.).
Demo: http://www.lynk.de
There are two options: Use the plugin or copy the code into your template
Install the plugin:
To install drop the admin-link-box.php file into the plugins folder and activate it.
The plugin requires the “get_footer()” template tag somewhere in your
template files. Most templates have it, some may not. If you use the plugin file and the link
does not show up on your page, the missing tag is very probably the reason.
You could just put the “get_footer()” tag into your template’s index.php somewhere at the bottom within php tags and create an empty wp-footer.php file. -
The second option is to paste the code (open admin-link-box.php to view it) directly into one of your template files. I suggest to paste it directly after the