JSM Adobe XMP / IPTC for WordPress


Retrieve the following Adobe XMP / IPTC information from images in the WordPress Media Library and NextGEN Galleries:

  • Creator Email
  • Owner Name
  • Creation Date
  • Modification Date
  • 表示ラベル
  • クレジット
  • 移動元
  • Headline
  • 都市
  • 州(都道府県)
  • 国名
  • 国コード
  • 位置
  • Title
  • 内容
  • 作成者
  • Rights
  • キーワード
  • Hierarchical Keywords

The extracted XMP / IPTC data is cached on disk to improve performance and is refreshed if / when the original image is modified.

You can use the plugin in one of two ways; calling a method in your theme template(s) or using the [xmp] shortcode in your content.

There are no plugin settings – simply install and activate the plugin.


Automated Install

  1. Go to the wp-admin/ section of your website.
  2. Select the Plugins menu item.
  3. Select the Add New sub-menu item.
  4. In the Search box, enter the plugin name.
  5. Click the Search Plugins button.
  6. Click the Install Now link for the plugin.
  7. Click the Activate Plugin link.

Semi-Automated Install

  1. Download the plugin ZIP file.
  2. Go to the wp-admin/ section of your website.
  3. Select the Plugins menu item.
  4. Select the Add New sub-menu item.
  5. Click on Upload link (just under the Install Plugins page title).
  6. Click the Browse… button.
  7. Navigate your local folders / directories and choose the ZIP file you downloaded previously.
  8. Click on the Install Now button.
  9. Click the Activate Plugin link.


How do I retrieve XMP data as an array?

$adobeXMP =& adobeXMPforWP::get_instance();

$xmp = $adobeXMP->get_xmp( $image_id );

echo '<p>Photograph by ' . $xmp[ 'Creator' ] . '</p>';

How do I include a shortcode in a post or page?

[xmp id="101,ngg-201"]

This shortcode prints all the XMP information for Media Library image ID “101” and NextGEN Gallery image ID “201”. The XMP information is printed as a definition list <dl> with a class name of “xmp_shortcode” that you can style for your needs. Each <dt> and <dd> element also has a style corresponding to it’s title – for example, the “Creator” list element has an “xmp_creator” class name. Here’s an example of the definition list HTML:

<dl class="xmp_shortcode">
<dt class="xmp_credit">Credit</dt>
<dd class="xmp_credit">JS Morisset</dd>
<dt class="xmp_source">Source</dt>
<dd class="xmp_source">Underwater Focus</dd>
<dt class="xmp_hierarchical_keywords">Hierarchical Keywords</dt>
<dd class="xmp_hierarchical_keywords">What > Photography > Field of View > Wide-Angle > Fish-Eye</dd>

The shortcode can also take a few additional arguments:

  • include (defaults to “all”)

Define which XMP elements to include, for example:

[xmp id="101" include="creator,creator email"]
  • exclude (defaults to none)

Exclude some XMP elements, for example to print all XMP elements, except for the “creator email”:

[xmp id="101" exclude="creator email"]
  • show_title (defaults to “yes”)

Include / exclude the <dt> definition titles.

[xmp id="101" show_title="no"]
  • show_empty (defaults to “no”)

Include / exclude empty <dd> definition values.

  • not_keyword (defaults to none)

Exclude a list of (case incensitive) keywords, for example:

[xmp id="101" not_keyword="who,what,where"]

To exclude a hierarchical keyword list, use hyphens between the keywords, for example:

[xmp id="101" not_keyword="who,what,where,who-people-unknown"]




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Version Numbering

Version components: {major}.{minor}.{bugfix}[-{stage}.{level}]

  • {major} = Major structural code changes and/or incompatible API changes (ie. breaking changes).
  • {minor} = New functionality was added or improved in a backwards-compatible manner.
  • {bugfix} = Backwards-compatible bug fixes or small improvements.
  • {stage}.{level} = Pre-production release: dev < a (alpha) < b (beta) < rc (release candidate).


Changelog / Release Notes

Version 1.6.0 (2020/11/21)

  • New Features
    • None.
  • Improvements
    • Added support for the copyright <dc:rights></dc:rights> tag.
  • Bugfixes
    • None.
  • Developer Notes
    • None.
  • Requires At Least
    • PHP v7.4.33.
    • WordPress v5.9.