BizaoPay for Woocommerce is a payment plugin designed for websites developed with WordPress and having Woocommerce already installed.
It facilitates the integration of Bizao’s Mobile-Money and Bank payment system through an intuitive web interface.
Accept payment from a large range of Telco mobile money services (Orange, Free, MTN, Moov, etc) and Visa/Mastercard.
From within WordPress
- Login to your WordPress Admin area.
- Go to “Plugins > Add New” from the left hand menu.
- In the search box type “BizaoPay”.
- From the search result you will see “BizaoPay for Woocommerce” click on “Install Now” to install the plugin.
- A popup window will ask you to confirm your wish to install the Plugin.
- Click “Proceed” to continue the installation. The resulting installation screen will list the installation as successful or note any problems during the install.
- If successful, click “Activate Plugin” to activate it.
- Click on the sub tab for “BizaoPay”.
- Configure your “BizaoPay” settings. See below for details.
- Download the plugin zip file.
- Login to your WordPress Admin. Click on “Plugins > Add New” from the left hand menu.
- Click on the “Upload” option, then click “Choose File” to select the zip file from your computer. Once selected, press “OK” and press the “Install Now” button.
- Activate the plugin.
- Open the settings page for WooCommerce and click the “Payment Gateways,” tab.
- Click on the sub tab for “BizaoPay”.
- Configure your “BizaoPay” settings. See below for details.