このプラグインは WordPress の最新3回のメジャーリリースに対してテストされていません。もうメンテナンスやサポートがされていないかもしれず、最新バージョンの WordPress で使用した場合は互換性の問題が発生する可能性があります。

Blogger Redirector


If you just migrated from the Blogger’s Blogspot service to a self-hosted WordPress, and would like to keep the traffic and old visitors as well as the permalinks valid, this plugin is for you!

This plugin is just part of the tool needed for migration. For a complete guide, please refer to the my blog post.


This plugin can be installed like all the other plugin. It requires no extra configuration except being activated.

  1. Extract the downloaded zip file to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. You might also want to use OneClick Installer to automate this step.
  2. In the Admin control panel, goes to ‘Plugins’ and activate the ‘Blogger Redirector’ plugin.
  3. Done. No extra configuration is needed.

If you have enabled the redirection in the Blogger, it should works and bring you to the correct page.

This plugin is just part of the tool needed for migration. For a complete guide, please refer to my blog post.




Blogger Redirector はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。


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