Contact Form 7 Captcha


Protect your Contact Form 7 forms with Google CAPTCHA V2, hCAPTCHA or Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA

Easy integration and supports multiple forms on a single page.

Google reCAPTCHA V2

Use to generate Site key and Secret key.

When generating keys, choose Challenge (v2) -> “I’m not a robot” Checkbox

Update Site key and Secret key from Settings => Contact Form 7 Captcha => Google reCAPTCHA

To add reCAPTCHA V2 protection, insert [cf7sr-recaptcha] shortcode above the submit button in your Contact Form 7 form.

Default size of reCaptcha is normal, for compact size use shortcode: [cf7sr-recaptcha size=”compact”]
Default color theme of reCaptcha is light, for dark theme use shortcode: [cf7sr-recaptcha theme=”dark”]
Default type of reCaptcha is image, for audio type use shortcode: [cf7sr-recaptcha type=”audio”]
You can combine multiple attributes, sample shortcode: [cf7sr-recaptcha size=”compact” theme=”dark”]
You can also force reCaptcha to render in a specific language.


Use to generate Site key and Secret key.

Update Site key and Secret key from Settings => Contact Form 7 Captcha => hCAPTCHA

To add hCAPTCHA protection, insert [cf7sr-hcaptcha] shortcode above the submit button in your Contact Form 7 form.

Default size of hCAPTCHA is normal, for compact size use shortcode: [cf7sr-hcaptcha size=”compact”]
Default color theme of hCAPTCHA is light, for dark theme use shortcode: [cf7sr-hcaptcha theme=”dark”]
You can combine multiple attributes, sample shortcode: [cf7sr-hcaptcha size=”compact” theme=”dark”]
You can also force hCAPTCHA to render in a specific language.

Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA

Use to generate Site key and Secret key.

Update Site key and Secret key from Settings => Contact Form 7 Captcha => Cloudflare Turnstile Captcha

To add Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA protection, insert [cf7sr-turnstile] shortcode above the submit button in your Contact Form 7 form.

Default size of CAPTCHA is normal, for compact size use shortcode: [cf7sr-turnstile size=”compact”]
Default color theme of CAPTCHA is auto, for light or dark theme use shortcode: [cf7sr-turnstile theme=”light”] or [cf7sr-turnstile theme=”dark”]
You can combine multiple attributes, sample shortcode: [cf7sr-turnstile size=”compact” theme=”dark”]
You can also force CAPTCHA to render in a specific language.


  1. Upload the entire contents of the zip file to your plugin directory
  2. WordPress の「プラグイン」メニューからプラグインを有効化してください
  3. Configure plugin from Settings => Contact Form 7 Captcha


2024年8月3日 2 replies
After making the Cloudflare settings, I press the save button and I encounter a warning that says you do not have permission to access this page.
2024年10月4日 3 replies
Worst plugin to work with, no support provided, doesn’t block the bots, invalid error message does not go even on successfully checking the captcha checkbox.
2024年3月22日 2 replies
Just take a look at the Support forum for the plugin. A ton of support requests over the years going unanswered. It might not matter that much had the author constantly update his plugin to stay on top of issues. But the frequency of updates leaves much to be desired, I guess…..
Just as I needed, very easy to integrate with Google thanks to this plugin


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