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Customer Reviews by Revukangaroo


Ever wonder what it would be like to never see a shocking negative review on a 3rd party site? Well lucky for you we created the ultimate review system.

You now have complete control of your reviews. Simply sign up, then install this plugin and funnel any negative reviews in house, while allowing the positive ones to those 3rd party sites.

The Revukangaroo system allows you to determine what a \”negative\” review is for you business. Our funnel system allows you to receive a real time notification and the ability to respond directly to that individual. This gives you the ability to engage and save that customer before its too late.

Revukangaroo will also automate and push any user leaving a positive review to a 3rd party review site of your choice.

What about social media?
We have included a push feature that allows you push a copy of any review to popular social media sites with a click of a button!

Looking to promote your reviews onto your site? Upgrade to our Review Map tool. All of your positive reviews will automatically be published


  • Frontend Screenshot
  • Admin Screenshot


  1. Upload the customer-reviews-by-revukangaroo folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the Customer Reviews by Revukangaroo plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Settings => Review API Key and submit your API Key there.
  4. Create a new page and assign RevuKangaroo Customer Reviews Template to that page


Customer Reviews by Revukangaroo はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。


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