Display Featured Image In Post List


Plugin that show featured image on post list in the admin panel. The Display Featured Image In Post List is a WordPress plugin which will create a new column called ‘Featured Image’ on your All Posts page that displays Featured Images/Post Thumbnails in your admin panel.


  • screenshot-1.png


  1. Search and install the “Display Featured Image In Post List” from your Add Plugins page.

  2. Or download and upload the plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ folder.

  3. Activate the plugin and done.


Does it work with any theme?

Absolutely! It will Works With Any Theme

Where it will show the Featured Images?

It will show the Featured Image in the seperate column in posts list.


I decided not to bother with featured images in WordPress, preferring the text-only listings on my blog posts page. 200 posts later, and I now want to have a thumbnail show against the posts lists, which, of course, I can’t do easily as I used individually named images on each separate post page! After going through 20 posts and swapping my image to a featured image and changing the format of the post listing page to show a featured image thumbnail i was completely fed up with the process and wondered if i could use a generic featured image for the old posts! This plug in is magic and now i don’t have to go through the old posts!!!!!!
I strongly recommend this plugin for its efficiency in displaying featured images exclusively on the listing page. It delivers a streamlined solution for showcasing images, enhancing the overall user experience.
2023年10月25日 1 reply
I run a comic/art website, and this makes it so much easier to handle posts at a glance. Simple, does does the job, no need for any other settings. Thanks!


Display Featured Image In Post List はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。


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コードを閲覧するか、SVN リポジトリをチェックするか、開発ログRSS で購読してみてください。