このプラグインは WordPress の最新3回のメジャーリリースに対してテストされていません。もうメンテナンスやサポートがされていないかもしれず、最新バージョンの WordPress で使用した場合は互換性の問題が発生する可能性があります。

Email Keep


Email keep is a WordPress Plugin that will keep a copy of any emails sent by the website. It provides you with the ability to retain those contact attempts that never got delivered to your inbox because of issues with your hosting configuration and or contact form bugs.

For backwards compatibility, if this section is missing, the full length of the short description will be used, and
Markdown parsed.

1. Capture email messages sent from the front end, admin or both.
2. Capture email messages with a specific keyword in the subject to limit the email capture to specific important emails, like anything with “contact” in the subject line.
3. Ability to soft delete messages and also restore deleted messages.


  • screenshot-1.png


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/email-keep directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->Email Keep screen to configure the plugin


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/email-keep directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->Email Keep screen to configure the plugin
How can I access the saved emails?

Login as an admin to see them.




Email Keep はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。


“Email Keep” をあなたの言語に翻訳しましょう。

開発に興味がありますか ?

コードを閲覧するか、SVN リポジトリをチェックするか、開発ログRSS で購読してみてください。



  • Initial version


  • fix for readme