

このプラグインの公開は2025年2月4日に停止されており、ダウンロードできません。 この公開停止は一時的なもので、完全なレビューを待っている状態です。


Not knowing how to install a Google Map into a page, I just searched the Help, Topics already covered, and there it was – the exact answer I needed. It works like a charm! Thanks to the author(s)!
There’s very little documentation on what to do, and/or how to do it. I understand that I should put one of these (listed below) in my posts, but which… idk. I’ve tried a lot of the different codes provided in the plugin’s directions to get my map to show, but only the world map will show. I gave up. I uninstalled this plugin because while I can get A world map to show up, I’ve yet to get my map to show up. I’m supposed to use one of these codes in my posts, but none work: {google_map}address{/google_map} [google_map]address[/google_map] echo do_shortcode(‘[google_map]’.$address.'[/google_map]’); This is my map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=za1nymMLEMfI.kYGHSMVD7tyw But I guess I’ll just take an image of it and post that. Damn, uninformative instructions…


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