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ET Mailing


Developed by EngineThemes, ET Mailing supports Mandrill and Mailgun – the two famous transaction email services, ET Mailing helps you to send, receive, track and store emails effortlessly. The emails will have a better chance of appearing in the inbox and if there’s something wrong, you’ll be informed. You’ll always know what has happened to every email.

Once ET Mailing is activated, you can easily find it in your dashboard and start setting it up. You can decide the information being displayed in your email as well as enable some features to get the records. The system will keep track how many people have opened your email and whether they click the links on your emails.


  • General settings
  • Send test email.
  • API Settings


  1. Visit your admin panel, choose Plugin > Add new.
  2. Search and choose “ET Mailing”.
  3. Click Install and Activate the plugin.


Which themes can this plugin be installed?

This plugin can be installed in WordPress themes

How can I use this plugin?

You can get the documentation in EngineThemes’ support center ET Mailing Doc

How can I ask for help?

You can contact EngineThemes via forums or send emails to support@enginethemes.com




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