Footnotes Made Easy


Footnotes Made Easy is a simple, but powerful, method of adding footnotes to your posts and pages.

Key features include…

  • 二重の丸括弧による簡単な挿入
  • 同一の注釈を合併
  • 投稿のページ分割に対応
  • 特定のページ種別では脚注を抑制
  • 素敵なツールチップを jQuery を使って表示するオプション
  • 多くの構成オプション
  • まだあります !

Footnotes Made Easy is a fork of WP Footnotes, a plugin by Simon Elvery which was abandoned some years ago.

Please visit the Github page for the latest code development, planned enhancements and known issues.


Creating a footnote is incredibly simple – you just need to include your footnote in double parentheses, such as this…

例文です ((そしてこれが脚注です))。


注意: 丸括弧の前に半角スペースを入れる必要があります。そうしないと動作しません !


You have a fair few options on how the identifier links, footnotes and back-links look which can be found in the WordPress admin area under ‘Settings -> Footnotes’.


Some of you seem to like the paginating post, which is kind of problematic. By default, each page of your post will have its own set of footnotes at the bottom and the numbering will start again from 1 for each page.

唯一の解決策は、それぞれのページごとに何番から開始するかを Footnotes Made Easy に教えることです。<!--nextpage--> で区切った各ページのどこかに、タグを追加して、本プラグインに対しこのページでは脚注を何番から開始すべきかを教えます。<!--startnum=5--> これは5番から開始したいとことです。


以前の脚注を2回以上参照することができると便利ですね。これを行うには、1回目とまったく同じ文字列を挿入するだけです。識別子は単に以前の注釈を参照します。また再び同じように入力したくないなら、次のような脚注を使うことができます: ((ref:1)) そうすると、識別子はその番号の脚注を参照します。


Available in 8 Languages

Footnotes Made Easy is fully internationalized, and ready for translations.

Many thanks to the following translators for their contributions:

If you would like to add a translation to this plugin then please head to our Translating WordPress page


  • The Settings screen with advanced settings shown
  • Continuation of the settings screen with advanced settings shown
  • The post editor page showing how to insert footnotes
  • Live preview of a post page showing footnotes within the page
  • Live preview of a post page showing the list of footnotes at the bottom of the post


Footnotes Made Easy can be found and installed via the Plugin menu within WordPress administration (Plugins -> Add New). Alternatively, it can be downloaded from and installed manually…

  1. Upload the entire footnotes-made-easy folder to your wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress administration.

Voila! It’s ready to go.


How do I add a footnote to my post or page?

To add a footnote, surround the footnote text with the opening and closing footnote markers specified in the plugin settings. By default, these are (( and )).

オプション以外に脚注の出力のスタイルを変更できますか ?

Yes, it can. The easiest way is to use the CSS editor in your theme customizer. For example, ‘ol.footnotes’ refers to the footnotes list in general and ‘ol.footnotes li’ the individual footnotes.

Can I disable footnotes on specific parts of my website?

Yes, the plugin provides options to disable footnotes on the home page, archives, search results, feeds, and previews.


This plugin was great. Then the original developer got busy and passed it to another developper, who in months hasn’t fixed small bugs that users takes the time to report, claims to be PHP 8.2 compliant, which is not. I believe the new owner was the wrong choice.
2024年3月24日 4 replies
Hello David, I’m sorry to hear you had to discontinue this plugin. But I have a problem now, as I’ve used footnotes on several of my blogs, the code is now shown in the text which gives a lot of clutter. Are you aware of another plugin which has the same setup, so I can keep using the shortcode I created? (I used a double (( — text — )) ) Thank you, Yolanda Update: I’ve changed the priority to 6 and now it’s working again. But I’m still worried about the future.
This plugin has been excellent – and deserves its five stars. It works very well. I use it for adding academic style bibliographic references to web pages. I remain impressed with (a) the simplicity of this plugin for inserting footnotes, (b) the way it automatically numbers footnotes, (c) the way it manages duplicated references – such that only one footnote is created in these cases, and (d) the way footnotes themselves can contain a link. It makes adding and amending footnotes effortless. There was a minor hiatus about four months ago in support for this plugin but everything has been working perfectly since (as it was before). Both developers (David Artiss and Patrick Lumumba) were responsive at that time.
As somebody who does academic and semi-academic work on my blog, I find this app to be simple to understand, easy to use, and entirely functional. Highly recommended.
2024年2月12日 2 replies
The plugin worked with the default settings, but would not save any changes I made to the settings. The developer was initially helpful, but his suggestions did not help, and then he then stopped responding. This seemed like a red flag, so I decided not to use something that was not actively supported.


Footnotes Made Easy はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。


“Footnotes Made Easy” は8ロケールに翻訳されています。 翻訳者のみなさん、翻訳へのご協力ありがとうございます。

“Footnotes Made Easy” をあなたの言語に翻訳しましょう。

開発に興味がありますか ?

コードを閲覧するか、SVN リポジトリをチェックするか、開発ログRSS で購読してみてください。


I use semantic versioning, with the first release being 1.0.

3.0.6 [February 2, 2025]

  • Fix: PHP 8.2 Compatibility issue.