

このプラグインの公開は2023年7月26日に停止されており、ダウンロードできません。 理由: ガイドライン違反。


I have been searching over a week for a chart plugin that I can use in automated page generation (for product stats). I’ve downloaded around 15 plugins, and of those only 2 worked well for being able to generate line charts in-code/automatically, rather than having to manually create each one in the WordPress backend. Of those 2, GoogleGraph is my favorite. PLEASE developer – consider continuing your work on this. I’d pay for a PRO version that added more features from the google charts library (eg. line color, thickness, etc.)
I tested several chart embedding plugins for a project I’m working on, and all but GoogleGraph fell short in some way. Although the shortcodes can be fairly complex for an end user, the results are beautiful! The only thing that would make this even better would be the ability to pull data from a Google Docs spreadsheet.
I had a problem with the pie chart and I got a very good service! I recommend it to everyone! It’s the only plugin for pie chart that allow me to have three pie chart on the same row and to put in in columns/rows. Also, that’s the only one that allow me to resize it and it actually work lol Very flexible! I think for the futur, it will be cool to have the choose of the color. Thanks again!
Really good plugin really loved it, well built and everything, easy to use.. I recommend!
برنامج رائعع و مفيد جدا انصح الجميع فيه شكراااا


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