JobBoardWP は使いやすく軽量なプラグインで、あなたのウェブサイトに求人掲示板の機能を追加することができます。クリーンでモダンな UI によって、求職者は求人情報を閲覧・検索することができ、一方、求人企業は求人情報ダッシュボードから求人情報を登録・管理することができます。
このプラグインを使えば、wp-admin から簡単に求人掲示板を管理することができます。
管理者として、すべての求人のリストを見ることができ、ステータス (公開、保留、期限切れなど) でフィルタリングが行えます。また、wp-admin の求人リストから求人を閲覧、編集、承認することができます。
新しい求人を wp-admin から直接作成することもできます。
求人タイプは、ユーザーが求人情報を投稿する際に、掲載する求人のタイプを選択することができます。このプラグインには7つのジョブタイプ (フリーランス、フルタイム、大学院生、インターンシップ、パートタイム、派遣社員、ボランティア) が組み込まれており、各タグには既定のタグ色が割り当てられています (タグ色は簡単に変更することができます)。職種は削除、追加、編集することができます。
求人用のカスタムカテゴリーを wp-admin で作成し、ユーザーが求人投稿時にカテゴリーを選択できるようにすることができます。
このプラグインには、ジョブボードの外観と機能をカスタマイズできるさまざまな設定が用意されています。また、電子メールの有効 / 無効を切り替えたり、電子メールのテキストを変更したりすることもできます。
このプラグインは、求人情報に構造化データを追加することで、Google 検索と連動するように構築されています。これにより、求人情報が Google の検索結果に表示されるようになります。
JobBoardWP で問題が発生した場合やヘルプが必要な場合は、ドキュメントにアクセスして、ナレッジベースの検索を実行してください。問題の解決策が見つからない場合は、サポートフォーラムでトピックを作成できます。
開発者の方で、適切なフックや関数を見つけるのにお困りですか ?開発者向けドキュメントのページをご覧ください。
- Jobs categories list Displaying jobs categories list
- Jobs list Displaying jobs list
- Recent Jobs Displaying recent jobs
- Post job Displaying jobs posting form
- Jobs dashboard Displaying jobs dashboard
- Single job Displaying a single job
- Activate the plugin
- That’s it. Go to Job Board > Settings to customize plugin options
- For more details, please visit the official Documentation page.
Where can I find JobBoardWP documentation and user guides?
For help setting up and configuring JobBoardWP please refer to our documentation
Where can I get support or talk to other users?
If you get stuck, you can ask for help in the JobBoardWP Support Forum.
Will JobBoardWP work with my theme?
Yes! JobBoardWP will work with any theme, but may require some styling or making custom templates.
Will JobBoardWP work with WordPress Multisite installation?
Yes! JobBoardWP is WordPress Multisite compatible.
JobBoardWP – 求人掲示板の掲載と投稿 はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。
1.3.1: November 21, 2024
- Fixed: Email Templates list table vulnerability. CVE ID: CVE-2024-10880
1.3.0: November 14, 2024
- Fixed: “Load textdomain just in time” issue
1.2.9: November 12, 2024
Added: Supporting new
function for registering WP Blocks -
Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade
1.2.8: October 16, 2024
- Added:
filter hook - Added:
placeholder to email notifications - Fixed:
placeholder in job submitted email notification - Fixed: Using “/” or “@” symbols in search jobs field
- Fixed: wp-admin job data validation related to job salary
- Fixed: Default job template when block theme is active
- Fixed: Filesystem initialization when errors
- Fixed: Resetting expiration reminder marker as soon as expiration date is changed
- Fixed: Displaying filled job for the author if filled jobs are hidden in the jobs list
Tweak: Updated PHPCS + WPCS for getting better code experience
Templates required update:
- dashboard/jobs.php
- job/footer.php
- jobs/search-bar.php
- js/job-categories-list.php
- js/jobs-dashboard.php
- js/jobs-list.php
- widgets/recent-jobs.php
Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade
1.2.7: May 7, 2024
- Added: Hook
to change new user registration recipients - Fixed: Caching company logo image URL in the form fields
- Fixed: Typo “e-mail” to proper “email”
- Fixed: Extract for more security
- Fixed: Using “the_content” hook
1.2.6: May 24, 2023
- Added: Salary job field and filter for the job list
- Added: Company details form shortcode and predefined page for it
- Added: Override templates versioning utility for wp-admin
- Added: Filter by a featured option in jobs list wp-admin
- Added: input type=”number” for frontend and backend forms classes
Fixed: Marking a job as expired at the start of the expired day
All templates required update
- Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade
1.2.5: March 28, 2023
- Added: Some labels for Job Category and Job Type taxonomies on register
- Added: Hook
for 3rd-party integrations and add content above the jobs list and below the search bar -
Tweak: Changes the structure for the Gutenberg blocks’ scripts and way of registration
Templates required update:
- jobs/wrapper.php
Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade
1.2.4: February 17, 2023
- Added: Featured jobs functionality
- Added: Hooks and handlers for 3rd-party integration
Fixed: Using default single job template on the block themes
Templates required update:
- jobs/js/jobs-list.php
- job/content.php
- single-job.php
Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade
1.2.3: January 23, 2023
- Added: Ability to show jobs list filters on the single job category or single job type page (tax archive template)
- Added: Placeholder attribute for the textarea field-type
- Added: Hook for uploader preview styles
- Added: New mime-types for the job company logo (WebP and HEIC)
- Added: Hooks for custom fields and attributes taxonomies
- Added
hook for force disabling jquery-ui styles - Fixed: Displaying more than 1 jobs list per page
- Fixed: SQL meta placeholders in the long queries
- Fixed: Custom capabilities issue
- Fixed: Security issue with job posting process
Fixed: Function for rendering media field for uploads in JobBoardWP wp-admin forms
Templates required update:
- job-submission.php
- jobs/search-bar.php
- jobs/wrapper.php
Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade
1.2.2: November 23, 2022
- Added: Support multiselects for job type and job category in the blocks
- Fixed: Blocks’ preview for some arguments set-up
- Fixed: Security issues related to logo uploader
- Fixed: Loading plugin textdomain
- Fixed: Uploader previews
- Fixed: Login error when make logout action on the job submission page
- Fixed: Login redirect for the guests
- Fixed: Duplicate image notice in uploader
Tweak: Added new field-types for frontend and backend forms for 3rd-party integrations
Templates required update:
- emails/base_wrapper.php
- job-submission.php
- job/company.php
- job/footer.php
- jobs/search-bar.php
Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade
1.2.1: September 5, 2022
- Added: Recent Jobs Widget
- Added: Gutenberg Blocks for easy adding shortcodes and JobBoardWP functionality to WordPress posts, pages, etc.
- Added: JobBoardWP data to the Site Health screen
- Added: Enhancements for the 3rd-party integrations, hooks, attributes
- Fixed: Integrations with translations plugins
- Fixed: Job Category jobs counter when the “Hide filled jobs” option is enabled
- Fixed: Dropdown.js custom attributes using
Templates required update:
- dashboard/jobs.php
- jobs/wrapper.php
- js/jobs-list.php
- widgets/recent-jobs.php
Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade
1.2.0: June 16, 2022
- Added: Documentation for developers
- Added: Integration with multilingual plugins (WPML, Polylang, TranslatePress, Weglot)
- Predefined pages integration
- Templates integration
- Added: Displaying job category on the individual job page and on the jobs list
- Added: Ability to set individual job expired date when posting
- Added: Validation for the Job Data metabox fields on the add/edit job screen in Admin Dashboard
- Fixed: Hide filled and expired jobs on WordPress native archive pages. It’s based on the Admin Dashboard > JobBoardWP > Settings > Jobs List settings
- Fixed: Changed the placeholder {trash_job_url} to {edit_job_url}. There isn’t possible to generate the proper trash link in the email
- Fixed: Job location links based on Onsite/Remote/Onsite or Remote job meta
- Fixed: Categories dropdown and displaying child categories in the dropdown
- Fixed: Displaying posts/pages when link attached in the Job Description field on the posting form
- Fixed: Issue with category attribute in the jobs list shortcode
- Fixed: Dropdown.js library and
- Fixed: Logo uploader button for iPhones
- Templates required update:
- dashboard/jobs.php
- emails/base_wrapper.php
- emails/job_edited.php
- emails/job_submitted.php
- job/breadcrumbs.php
- job/footer.php
- job/info.php
- jobs/search-bar.php
- jobs/wrapper.php
- js/jobs-dashboard.php
- js/jobs-list.php
- job-categories.php
- job-submission.php
1.1.0: November 11, 2021
- Added: Breadcrumbs on the job page and option for disable them
- Added: Option for disabling Google structured data
- Added: Expiration reminder email notification to the job’s author
- Added: Reject the ability to use a simple password in Job Post form (Your Details section when register the user)
- Fixed: Security vulnerabilities related to not sanitized/escaped data
- Fixed: Delete settings on uninstall and Uninstall process
- Fixed: Job Type and Job Category dropdowns on Job Post form
- Fixed: Job Type and Job Category dropdowns on wp-admin Add New/Edit Job post screen (Job Data metabox)
- Fixed: Application contact placeholders and validation handlers on the Job Post form
- Fixed: [jb_jobs employer-id=”{userID}”] shortcode attribute
- Tweak: Implemented PHPCS + WPCS for getting better code experience
1.0.7: October 4, 2021
- Added: [jb_job_categories_list] shortcode for displaying all available Job Categories
- Added: Ability for job post date be translatable
- Fixed: Calculating job categories or tags when they are disabled
- Fixed: Jobs category pages visibility
- Fixed: Jobs taxonomies’ permalinks
1.0.6: June 14, 2021
- Added: hide-filled=”0||1″ hide-expired=”0||1″ filled-only=”0||1″ attributes for the [jb_jobs] shortcode
- Added: orderby=”title||date” order=”ASC||DESC” attributes for the [jb_jobs] shortcode
- Added:
hook for 3rd-party integrations to jobs query attributes array -
Fixed: Responsive JS scripts for some themes and screen width
Templates required update:
- jobs/wrapper.php
1.0.5: May 4, 2021
- Added: ‘jb-job-company-data’ hook for 3rd-party integrations to company data array
- Fixed: job type dropdown pre-defined value
1.0.4: March 10, 2021
- Added: Ability to get jobs feed
- Fixed: Jobs list pagination via shortcode attribute
- Fixed:
argument in $_GET attribute to avoid the conflicts - Fixed: Expiration date saving with localized date
1.0.3: December 23, 2020
- Fixed: Job description formatting
- Fixed: The issue with posting job from Guest
- Fixed: Displaying jobs list with hidden filled jobs
- Tweak: Removed tipsy.js as unused
1.0.2: November 3, 2020
- Added: Job Category attribute for the jobs shortcode
- Added: Job Type attribute for the jobs shortcode
- Fixed: Multisite support (Job logos)
- Fixed: Custom Job template parsing
- Fixed: Location field JS
- Fixed: Empty “Expired Date” data issues
- Fixed: “Sign In” typo and wp-login redirect on click
- Fixed: WP-Admin settings structure
- Tweak: Updated conditional logic for wp-admin settings (made the dependency from more than 1 field)
1.0.1: August 12, 2020
- Added: Hooks for the integration with Ultimate Member and Ultimate Member – JobBoardWP integration plugins
1.0.0: July 21, 2020
- Initial Release