Mathilda is trying to give you back some control of your tweets. The plugin copies your tweets from Twitter continuously and saves them into the WordPress database. The tweets can be displayed on the blog chronologically (but do not have to). Indeed, Twitter is also blogging, micro-blogging so to speak.
- Copy your tweets back
- Copy your tweeted images back
- Display your tweets on the blog
- Shows basic tweet statistics
- Import your complete tweet history
- Export your tweets as CSV file
- Languague: English, German (only FrontEnd)
Live Demo
Future of this Plugin
As Twitter has decided to discontinue free access to the Twitter API, I have stopped using Twitter, which also impacts the future of this plugin. For a longer period of time, the plugin was still able to execute API calls strangly enough. The plugin is using the Twitter API Standard v1.1. In the meantime Twitter became X and also free access to v1.1 is still possible, but X has removed the required endpoint to fetch data. As consequence the core feature of the plugin is not working anymore, which is very sad. Independent from this, displaying of already received tweet data and the import of DSGVO Data Export from X is still possible with this plugin and will be supported and maintained as long as possible.
- Register your Mathilda-Instance as Twitter-Application for API Access apps.twitter.com
- Activate the plugin in WordPress
- Maintain OAUTH Access Token, OAUTH Access Token Secret, Consumer Key, Consumer Secret and your Twitter Account in the settings
- Run the initial load (Tools/Tweets)
- Create a WordPress page (page slug must match mathilda slug)
Further Information
Supported Tweet Types
Following tweet types are supported.
- 140 Character Tweets
- 280 Character Tweets
- Replys
- Quotes
Supported Tweet Objects
Following tweet objects are supported.
- Images
- Hashtags
- Links
- Mentions
- Galleries
Data storage and process logic is separated from the WordPress Framework. The toots are not saved in the table wp_posts. And TootPress is not registering a custom post type for the toots as well.
CSS classes
All mathilda UI elements can be addressed with individual CSS selectors. Please use your debugger to find the right classes.
Data & Files
Mathilda creates 4 folders within wp-content/uploads.
- mathilda-twitterapi = Archive of the Twitter API data
- mathilda-images = Tweet Image Folder
- mathilda-export = Export Directory
- mathilda-import = Import Directory
- Autoload Tweets (every 15 minutes, customizable)
- Get Embedding Code from External Source (every 15 minutes, customizable)
- Import Tweets (every Minute, if Import is running)
WordPress Action: mathilda_tweets_updated (fired on tweet update)
Related Links
How to setup Mathilda?
Screencast Video (German)
How to split large JSON files?
Which Tweets are displayed in the blog?
Mathilda focuses on the core functionality of Twitter meaning only Text-Tweets, Images, Galleries, Hashtags, Mentions and Links are displayed. Surveys, Threads, Stories, Videos and GEO-Locations are not supported.
Why does Mathilda not support Retweets?
Retweets are not your data. That is why we do not support them.
Will the tweets be loaded automaticly?
Yes. But the first load must be done manually (Tools/Tweets/Load Tweets). Otherwise the autoload will not activated.
How often will the tweets be loaded?
As Standard your tweets will be fetched from Twitter every 15 minutes. But you can define the period in minutes different in the plugin settings.
What is the difference between Load and Import?
Load copies your current tweets online through the Twitter API and saves them into the WordPress Database regularly. With the import you can copy your complete Twitter archive into WordPress. For this, you must download your archieve from Twitter before.
What do I have to do first, run the cron or import my tweets?
All the same. It works both. Mathilda is flexible. But the autoload will only be activated with an initial, manual load.
How can I import my tweet history?
To import your tweets, you must download your tweet archive from Twitter (Profile/Settings/Your Twitter Data). Your archive contains the file data/tweet.js. Split this file in smaller files (<400 KB) with a local tool like JSON Splitter. After that upload the splitted files to “www.yourblog.com/wp-content/uploads/mathilda-import/”. Now you can run the import (Tools/Tweets).
How does Mathilda handle the canonical URL?
Mathilda does not modify the existing canonical url handling in WordPress. If you want to change the canonical url, you must control that with a SEO plugin.
What have to be considered with the usage of caching plugins?
The length of the cron period in combination with the configuration of caching determines how early a tweet will be displayed within the blog. If a tweet should be displayed as early as possible, the caching must be deactivated for the page including the tweets. Another possibility is removing the affected page from the cache, if new tweets have loaded. For this, a WordPress Action is fired by the plugin (mathilda_tweets_updated).
Does Mathila support the new 260 character tweets?
Why require some updates a reset of the plugin and reload of the data?
To avoid data inconsistency and process errors some updates require a reload of the data. Sometime Mathilda will have a maturity level, which does not require such resets anymore.
Does Mathilda support WordPress Multisite?
No. Mathilda does not support the WordPress Multisite Feature. The plugin is working on the master-site, but is not working on all other child sites within the wordpress network.
I have activated Embedding, but no linked content will be embedded.
The embedded content will be retrieved and generated every 15 minutes (or with the same period as the autoload of the tweets). If you have activated Embedding for the first time, it takes 15 minutes until the first changes appear. The embedded content will le loaded in small portions, which means it could take days until all embedd content is retrieved. If you are using https Encryption, only encrypted resources will be embedded too.
How is Mathilda handling the nofollow Attribute?
Backlinks to Twitter will be declared as nofollow. This affects Hashtags, Mentions and the Backlink of the Tweet itself. Links within the tweets are declared as follow.
0.12 “Alfred”
- April 2023
- Feature: Deactivate regular API Request
0.11 “Alice”
- October 2020
- Feature: Support of new large DSGVO Twitter Data Export
- Feature: Displaying Link to Video for Video Tweets
- Bugfix: Broken 2nd Hashtag (if similar hashtag was before)
0.10 “Deadshot”
- June 2018
- Feature: Support of Tweet Galleries
- Bugfix: URL Rendering (if more as 1 Link is included in Tweet)
0.9 “Renee Montoya”
- April 2018
- Feature: Import Tweet Archive reinvented
- Feature: New Navigation Type with limited Numbering
- Improvement: Differentiated Message on public pages if tweets not yet loaded
- Improvement: Secure Execution (Load, Import)
- Changed: Mathilda Initial Load is limited 200 tweets now
- Changed: Date Rendering
- Updated: Mathilda Handbook
- Bugfix: Embedding on encrpyted sites only if source is encrypted too
- Others: Code Improvements
0.8.1 “Maps”
- September 2017
- Bugfix: Support of MariaDB
- API: New Action mathilda_tweets_updated
0.8 “Neo Gotham”
- July 2017
- New Option: Set Tweet Backlink to Twitter
- SEO: Backlinks to Twitter are declared as NoFollow
- Enhancement: Last Tweet Update @ WordPress is shown in the Dashboard
0.7 “Undercloud”
- March 2017
- Feature: Support of Extended Tweets (Extended API Mode)
- Feature: Full oEmbed Support
- Feature: Embedding Cache for better Performance
- Enhancement: Truncate Check added in Plugin Healthy Check
- Enhancement: Highlighting of Warnings and Errors in Plugin Healthy Check
- Enhancement: Embed Yes or No Option in the Plugin Settings
- Enhancement: Links within the Plugin Entry on the Plugins Overview
- Enhancement: Documentation of Tweet Source
- Bugfix: Mathilda Multisite Support Notice on Child Sites
0.6.1 “Calamity”
- February 2017
- Bugfix: Mathilda works now with the Yoast SEO Plugin
0.6 “Poison Ivy”
- February 2017
- Feature: YouTube Embedding
- Feature: Plugin Reset
- Enhancement: Fetches Meta Data from Twitter API to enable better Processing
- Enhancement: Reporting on Retweets, Replies and Quotes
- Enhancement: Update Notices
- Enhancement: Data Consistency Verification in Plugin Healthy Check
- Enhancement: Check on allow_url_fopen in Plugin Healthy Check
- Enhancement: Additional Processing Information in Plugin Healty Check
- Enhancement: Include or Exclude Quotes from Mathilda Loop
- Enhancement: Expert Settings
- Bugfix: Display Images in original Width
- Bugfix: Hide Bottom Navigation, if Navigation is not required
- January 2017
- Feature: Dashboard Widget with statistic Information about Tweet Data
- Feature: Hyperlink Rendering Option (Shortlink or Reallink)
- Feature: Support of Line Breaks within Tweets
- Feature: Option to deactivate Mathilda CSS
- Bugfix: Initial Cron has not started in some cases
- Bugfix: Display correct Time if local TimeZone is defined with UTC-Offset
- Bugfix: CSS Class for Image Alignment
- Improvement: Twitter API Access optimized
- Security: Call of Mathilda Functions without WordPress is not possible anymore
- July 2016
- Bugfix: Fallback, if local TimeZone is not defined in the WordPress settings
- July 2016
- Bugfix: Handling of blanks if the tweet contains a URL and does not end with it
- July 2016
- Feature: Custom Mathilda Cron Period
- Feature: Additional Bottom Navigation Type
- Enhancement: W3C Validated HTML Code
- Enhancement: W3C Validated CSS Code
- Enhancement: Latest Plugin Code now available on GitHub
- Bugfix: Display Tweets on pages with blank in the name
- Bugfix: Hide Navigation if only a few tweets available
- Bugfix: Flush Rewrite Rules, only if Slug is changed
- June 2016
- Feature: Replies are supported
- Feature: Update process for upcoming plugin updates
- Feature: Localization German @ FrontEnd
- Feature: Mathilda Handbook is integrated
- Enhancement: Support of TimeZones and WordPress Local Date
- Enhancement: Advise before inital load and import
- Enhancement: Preventing Timeouts during Import/Cron Runtime
- Enhancement: Autoflush Rewrite Rules if Slug was changed
- Enhancement: Result Page for Plugin Healthy Check
- Enhancement: Healthy Check outputs PHP Max Execution Time
- Enhancement: Better Mathilda Development UI
- Enhancement: More Developer Settings
- Bugfix: File Counting during Import
- Bugfix: HTML Correction Import/Cron Output
- Bugfix: Finish Message added for Cron
- Bugfix: Healthy Check verifys Import Folder
- Bugfix: Mention links to Twitter Profile
- Late May 2016
- Replacement of WebCron with WP-Cron
- Import Script is changed from external script to WordPress Function
- First Version published at WordPress Plugin Directory
- May 2016
- Initial Release