このプラグインは WordPress の最新3回のメジャーリリースに対してテストされていません。もうメンテナンスやサポートがされていないかもしれず、最新バージョンの WordPress で使用した場合は互換性の問題が発生する可能性があります。

Monocle by Spur


Monocle can detect a user session coming from a residential proxy, malware proxy, or other endpoint based proxy network.
By detecting this at the session level, you can take action on abusive users without impacting legitimate ones.

Spur.us Monocle API

This plugin relies on the spur.us Monocle API for both evaluation of the client behavior, and decryption of the
resulting analysis. The API key is free but requires registration.

Additional Resources

Privacy Policy
Developer Docs

Help & Support



  1. Add the Monocle plugin from the Plugins menu in your WordPress admin console.
  2. Activate the plugin.
  3. Configure your monocle site token and decrypt token in Settings/Monocle from the WordPress admin console.


How to get a monocle site and decrypt token?

Follow the next steps in order to get and enable monocle protection:
1. Sign up for an account at Spur.
3. Click the Monocle tab at the top.
4. Click the Create Deployment button.
5. Click the Spur Managed checkbox, or you will not be issued an API token.
6. You will see your site and decrypt API tokens.
7. Copy them and paste to the appropriate fields on plugin Settings page.
8. Save changes in WordPress.

What pages does Monocle protect?

When enabled, protects the standard WordPress register, login, lost password, and comment pages.
By default Monocle is in “Log Only” mode. Additional options are located in Settings/Monocle from the WordPress admin console.

Can I protect other forms?

Ensure that any forms you create have “monocle-enriched” as a class on the \<form> element,
the library will automatically append the latest client threat bundle to the form data with the id “monocle”.




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Ability to add Monocle into standard forms.