このプラグインの公開は2024年10月17日に停止されており、ダウンロードできません。 この公開停止は永久的なものです。 理由: 作者からのリクエスト。
- Membership Checkout Form Dynamic form that allows users to complete free registration or paid checkout for the selected membership level.
- Single Membership Level Displays a single membership level's information and pricing with individual level components.
- PMPro Page: Account Profile Edit Dynamic form that allows the current logged in member to edit their default user profile information and any custom user profile fields.
- PMPro Page: Orders Dynamic page section that displays a list of all orders (purchase history) for the active member. Each order can be selected and viewed in full detail.
- PMPro Page: Billing Dynamic page section to display the member's billing information. Members can update their subscription payment method from this form.
- PMPro Page: Account Profile Dynamic page section that displays the member's profile as read-only information with a link to edit fields or change their password.
- Login Form Dynamic form that allows users to log in or recover a lost password. Logged in users can see a welcome message with the selected custom menu.
- PMPro Page: Account Links Dynamic page section that displays custom links available for the active member only. This block is only visible if other Add Ons or custom code have added links.
- PMPro Page: Account Memberships Dynamic page section to display the member's active membership information with links to view all membership options, update billing information, and change or cancel membership.
- PMPro Page: Account (Full) Dynamic page section to display the selected sections of the Membership Account page including Memberships, Profile, Orders, and Member Links. These sections can also be added via separate blocks.
- PMPro Page: Account Orders Dynamic page section that displays a list of the last 5 membership orders for the active member.
- Content Visibility Block Nest blocks within this wrapper to show or hide content by membership level, login status, or for non-members.
- Membership Levels and Pricing Table Dynamic page section that displays a list of membership levels and pricing, linked to membership checkout. To reorder the display, navigate to Memberships > Settings > Levels.
- Membership Checkout Button Inserts a button that links directly to membership checkout for the selected level.
- PMPro Page: Cancel Dynamic page section where members can cancel their membership and active subscription if applicable.
- PMPro Page: Confirmation Dynamic page section that displays a confirmation message and purchase information for the active member immediately after membership registration and checkout.
- Level Name The name of this membership level.
- Level Price The price text for this membership level.
- Level Expiration The expiration text for this membership level.
- Level Description The description for this membership level.
3 replies
Plugin is getting better
1 reply
Open-Source, strongly designed, regularly updated plugin.
1 reply
It works great and from my research no free membership plugin even comes close.
My only reservation is that the Pro version is super-expensive. I would gladly pay a modest price for a additional few options that I want, but the bundle is out of my budget.
3 replies
Perhaps one of the most frustrating pieces of software I’ve dealt with. They continually change / “upgrade” the plug-in without consideration for existing users who may not be as technical as their developers. A case in point is a relatively recent change to the Edit User pages. What was once a simple edit/update membership details, e.g. membership level, now requires navigation through multiple windows with no clear indication of what to do
1 reply
This plugin is not compatible with buddypress or the theme compatible with buddypress!
After installing this plugin and setting it up after a free account = 0 dollars, the website became unavailable other than a page with info about paid membership or free membership.
No matter what I clicked on the menu on the website, it was locked to this page! Just had to uninstall the plugin to get access to my websites again. Now i looking for other solutions that could possibly be compatible!
Paid Memberships Pro is an outstanding plugin with some of the best support I’ve experienced. I’ve used several membership plugins and without doubt the value of PMPro is the best. The code base is regularly updated, there are numerous available add-ons and custom code recipes to find and use for various purposes, and the customer support is truly exceptional. The people behind PMPro are engaged with their community and make themselves available regularly for feedback and are receptive to customer ideas for ways to enhance the functionality of the plugin. I was hesitant to pay for this plugin at first given my experience with some other paid plugins, but I’m finding the cost is a very good value and that I’m saving time and money over having to find my own ways to accomplish my goals.
Paid Memberships Pro – コンテンツ制限、ユーザー登録、および 有料サブスクリプション はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。