このプラグインは WordPress の最新3回のメジャーリリースに対してテストされていません。もうメンテナンスやサポートがされていないかもしれず、最新バージョンの WordPress で使用した場合は互換性の問題が発生する可能性があります。

PDF Viewer Block for Gutenberg


A simple, responsive and 100% free Gutenberg Block to display PDF Viewers / Readers on your website.

You can easily configure the Reader’s width, height and alignment on the fly.

– Fully responsive
– Works fine on Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge and IE11
– If javascript is disabled, a download link is provided as a fallback

This plugin uses PDF.js library, provided by Mozilla under Apache license.


  • Adding “PDF Viewer” Gutenberg Block on my Post.
  • Selecting/Uploading a PDF document.
  • Basic front-end rendering.
  • Selecting alignement for my PDF Reader.
  • Applying custom width and height.
  • “PDF Viewer” variations showcase.
  • Front-end rendering for the selected variations.



  • PDF Viewer A block to embed a PDF Viewer.


  1. Install the plugin and activate.
  2. No settings page: just enjoy your new Gutenberg block! It’s available in Embeds > PDF Viewer.


Very easy to install and to use. No need to configure anything. And it works out of the box.
A great block for PDF display but the block is incompatible with the current Microsoft edge browser and returns a false phishing warning page instead of PDF content. Works great in current Chrome browser. Will update to 5 stars when Edge is again supported properly.
El mejor visor de pdf con todas las opciones incorporadas, responsive , un bloque muy sencillo de usar que no defrauda.
This plugin does EXACTLY what I was wanting to do in terms of displaying PDF documents on my site, and I was willing to switch from the “classic” editor to Gutenberg because of it. Keep up the good work!
2019年10月6日 1 reply
This plugin is currently the best way to embed PDFs into posts/ pages etc. It has a simple block which just works. The only thing I’d say is that it’d be nice if it also displayed the embedded PDFs in the edit view too (like this one does https://wordpress.org/plugins/embed-pdf-viewer/ but that one also has an issue, see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/uploading-from-within-block-doesnt-work/ ) (that issue now resolved so given that plugin 5 stars and downgraded this to 4 stars to reflect the fact Embed PDF viewer is not my favourite plugin for doing this) Actually, this plugin works a lot better on mobiles than Embed PDF viewer, and so this my favourite again so upped this back to 5 stars 🙂 I’d still like to see the PDF embed in edit view in this plugin too though.


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“PDF Viewer Block for Gutenberg” は5ロケールに翻訳されています。 翻訳者のみなさん、翻訳へのご協力ありがとうございます。

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  • Performances: Enqueue admin assets only when showing the block editor screen.


  • Fix XSS security vulnerability. Thanks @wpscan who responsively disclosed the issue.


  • Enqueue scripts and styles only when the block is displayed for better performance and Google Core Web Vitals compliance.


  • Declare support for WordPress 5.5 and Block Directory.


  • Plugin initial commit. Works fine 🙂