

PowerStrip is a WordPress plugin designed to help you manage your WordPress admin dashboard efficiently. It groups non-core WordPress menus into a single PowerStrip menu, reducing clutter and making it easier to navigate through essential admin options.

Key Features:

  • Groups non-core WordPress menus under a single PowerStrip menu.
  • Customizable settings to choose which menus to hide or show.
  • Allows toggling between displaying all original menus or only core WordPress menus.
  • User-friendly settings page for easy customization.


Installation from within WordPress

  1. Visit Plugins > Add New.
  2. Search for PowerStrip.
  3. Install and activate the PowerStrip plugin.

Manual installation

  1. Upload the entire powerstrip folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Visit Plugins.
  3. Activate the PowerStrip plugin.


What does the PowerStrip plugin do?

The PowerStrip plugin helps organize your WordPress admin dashboard by grouping non-core WordPress menus into a single PowerStrip menu. This reduces clutter and makes navigation more intuitive.

How do I customize which menus are grouped under PowerStrip?

You can customize the menus by visiting the PowerStrip settings page in your WordPress admin. Here, you can choose which menus to hide or show under the PowerStrip menu.

Can I revert to the original menu layout?

Yes, you can toggle the option to show only core WordPress menus or display all original menus from the PowerStrip settings page.

Does PowerStrip support custom menus added by other plugins?

Yes, PowerStrip can group custom menus added by other plugins under the PowerStrip menu. If you encounter any issues with specific plugins, you can manually select to exclude from the PowerStrip menu structure.




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  • Initial release of PowerStrip.
  • Feature – Grouped non-core WordPress menus under the PowerStrip menu.
  • Feature – Customizable settings to hide or show specific menus.
  • Feature – Option to toggle between showing only core menus or all original menus.
  • Feature – Ensured submenu visibility stays within the viewport for better accessibility.