このプラグインは WordPress の最新3回のメジャーリリースに対してテストされていません。もうメンテナンスやサポートがされていないかもしれず、最新バージョンの WordPress で使用した場合は互換性の問題が発生する可能性があります。

Remove Double Space


On display, duplicate whitespace (including unicode whitespace characters) in between sentences or elsewhere within posts will be replaced with a single space. Useful if multiple contributors use different styles for sentence spacing or as a catch-all for any unintended extra whitespace.

This enables consistency in a blog with multiple contributors where one writer uses double spaces between sentences and another uses single spaces.

No modifications are made to the post content itself, the replacement happens when the content is displayed to the user.


  1. Unzip remove-double-space.zip.
  2. Upload the remove-double-space directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. Navigate to the admin panel Settings > Remove Spaces to turn the replacement on/off (off by default).


Does this plugin clean up after itself if uninstalled?

Yes, if deleted via the admin interface, the plugin will remove its options from the database using the uninstall.php file. Deactivating the plugin won’t have any effect on the database options. If this file is not included with the plugin, the uninstall process will not run.




Remove Double Space はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。


“Remove Double Space” をあなたの言語に翻訳しましょう。

開発に興味がありますか ?

コードを閲覧するか、SVN リポジトリをチェックするか、開発ログRSS で購読してみてください。



  • Tested up to 3.2


  • Fully uses Settings API
  • Changed menu name and moved to Settings panel, added link to settings from plugins page
  • Encapsulated plugin in a class
  • Fixed donation link


  • Initial release, supports switching replacement off/on globally.