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SEO Image Toolbox


SEO Image Tags puts an end to ever have to worry about getting HTML validation errors for images and improves your SEO score by completely optimizing image data. Alt tags are dynamically generated and saved to the database automatically any time an image is uploaded, no configuration or headache.

You can run the database updater to create, update, or delete image tag data for all images in the media library. All with a lightweight and efficient clientside script to EVERY image is properly tagged.


Either upload a .zip file, or install through the WordPress.org repository.


Installation Instructions

Either upload a .zip file, or install through the WordPress.org repository.


This is a great plugin, clean admin interface, no ads, does what its suppose to do and i have not had any conflicts as yet… only 1 final request to make it a 5 out of 5, most image files names have a ‘-‘ between each word to make them more compatible in filesystems, however the alt tags created carry across the hyphen, the plugin should be able to strip this out and make it a clean alt tag. If authors do this i will be happy to donate to this plugin 🙂


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