This plugin lets you quickly and easily setup sign-up sheets on your WordPress site. Use it for volunteer and time slot sign-ups, personnel and resource coordination, and much more.
The free version of Sign-Up Sheets includes the following features:
- Unlimited number of sign-up sheets and sign-up spot
- Administrator can add, edit and clear sign-up spots as needed – add/edit is NEW as of version 2.2.9
- Copy a sheet or a task to a new one
- Confirmation emails on sign-up
- Allow logged-in users to see all the tasks they’ve signed up for on one page using the
shortcode. - reCAPTCHA (optional) – NEW as of version 2.2
- Export sign-up information for a single sheet or all sheets to a CSV
- Supports WordPress GDPR privacy features for your sign-up sheets
- Developed with accessibility in mind based on WCAG Guidelines. If you run into any accessibility issues, please report them to help make the plugin more inclusive for all users.
- And much more… full list of Sign-up Sheets features
The Pro version of Sign-Up Sheets includes the following features:
- Ability to create Custom Task fields and Custom Sign-up form fields
- Automatically sends reminder emails before an event (optional)
- Allows customization of the confirmation and reminder emails per sheet
- Assign categories to sign-up sheets and display a list of current sheets for a specific category.
- Logged-in user can edit their own sign-ups
- Spot Locking – Locks and holds a spot for 3 minutes when a user accesses the sign-up form (optional)
- Compact and Semi-Compact display modes to condense tasks with a large number of spots into a single line (optional)
- Enable sign-up limits per task
- And much more… full list of Sign-up Sheets features
Sign-up Sheets is currently being used by organizations and businesses for non-profit and church volunteer opportunities, schools and PTO/PTA volunteering, club sign-ups, photographer and meeting room timeslot sign-ups, and more. It’s a great alternative to monthly paid services like SignUpGenius and allows you to control your own sign-ups right on your WordPress site.
- Sign-up Sheets Sign-up Sheets listing or individual sheet
- Download the plugin
- From your WordPress Admin panel, click the Plugins Menu
- Deactivate and delete any previous versions of Sign-up Sheets including the free version.
- Within the Plugins menu, click the “Add New” button
- Click the “Upload Plugin” button from the menu at the top
- Select the Sign-up Sheets zip file you downloaded and click the “Install Now” button
- After installation is complete, click “Activate Plugin”
Manual Install – FTP
1. Download the plugin and extract the files
2. Copy the sign-up-sheets
directory and all its files to your /wp-content/plugins/
3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
4. Create a new blank page and add the shortcode [sign_up_sheet]
How do I create a Sign-up Sheet page on my site?
You can do this by creating any page or post and adding the shortcode
to the content. Then, go to the “Sign-up Sheets” section of your WP admin and create a new sheet. -
Is Sign-up Sheets GDPR compliant?
Please read our GDPR and Sign-up Sheets article for how to configure your sign-ups to adhere to GDPR.
If I update to the Pro version, will I lose my information from the free version?
No, you will not lose any information and will retain all of your current sign-up sheets and sign-ups.
Can I change the “from” address on the confirmation email?
Yes, in
Settings > Sign-up Sheets
you can specify any email you want. It defaults to the email address set inSettings > General
. -
How can I suggest an idea for the plugin?
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated! Post your idea on the Sign-up Sheets Suggestions Forum or send an email through the website
What is the difference between “Custom Task Fields” and “Custom Sign-up Fields (pro version only)
Custom Task Fields: (on the Sign-up Sheet) are fields that appear when you create or edit a sheet in the admin on each task that you create. They are for display purposes only on the front-end of the Sign-up Sheet.
Custom Sign-up Fields: (on the Sign-up Form) are fields that users fill out on the front-end on the form they use to sign-up for an open spot -
How do I display sheets from only 1 specific category (Pro version only)
To filter by category, you can include the category id # in the shortcode to determine which category will display on that page. As an example, the following shortcode would show all sheets associated with category #5…
[sign_up_sheet category_id="5"]
When are email reminders sent? (Pro version only)
When you have the “reminder” setting turned on in
Settings > Sign-up Sheets
, a WordPress event will be triggered to check for reminders needing to be sent out. This happens when someone visits your site, but no more than once per hour. You can set how many days prior to the event you would like reminders to go out. -
How do I change the sheet list heading?
The list title defaults to ‘Current Sign-up Sheets’. To customize this, you can add the option
to your shortcode (example:[sign_up_sheet list_title=""]
). If you are using the Pro version and filtering by a specific category, you can also have this default to the name of the category by adding the optionlist_title_is_category
(example:[sign_up_sheet category_id=4 list_title_is_category=true]
). -
What dynamic variables can I use in my confirmation email? (Pro version only)
{signup_email} -
How can I report security bugs?
You can report security bugs through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program. The Patchstack team help validate, triage and handle any security vulnerabilities. Report a security vulnerability.
変更履歴 | 2025-02-02
- Fixed issue where base version wouldn’t load on its own.
2.3.0 | 2025-02-02
- Added ability to mark email field as optional.
- Updated translation textdomain to better match WordPress standard of ‘sign-up-sheets’. [⚠️Breaking Change]
- Updated .sr-only class to use .screen-reader-text to be more consistent with WP core.
- Fixed missing escaping around translations on tasks table.
- Fixed sheets with the hidden email set so that the column doesn’t show up in the admin and status email task tables.
- Fixed password-protected sheets to prevent displaying sheet content prior to password being entered.
- Fixed WP 6.7 notice being thrown of “Function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly.”
- Fixed bug preventing editing of new tasks on mobile devices.
2.2.14 | 2024-10-07
- Added setting to clear cache on specific post IDs when a sign-up occurs.
- Added [sign_up_spot_count] shortcode.
- Fixed bug with Divi theme’s Smooth Scroll feature conflicting with the Auto-Scroll sign-up link hash feature.
- Fixed error on Manage Sign-ups edit form in admin due to sign-up-link auto-scrolling feature missing variable.
2.2.13 | 2024-07-19
- Added Sign-up link auto-scrolling with a hash so that when clicking the sign-up links/buttons the user is taking right to the form no matter how much content you put before the sign-up sheet. This can be disabled in the admin under Sign-up Sheets > Settings > Sign-up Form > Disable sign-up link auto-scroll to sheet
- Fixed issue where non-logged-in user could submit a sign-up and assign it to another user’s account.
- Fixed XSS issue in admin on Help page email test form and added some additional URL sanitization throughout the plugin.
- Fixed missing rel=”noreferrer” on target=”_blank” instances and removed some instances that were not needed to improve accessibility/usability.
- Fixed PHP deprecated error when non-string or empty string is passed to strpos
- Fixed PHP syntax error with unexpected ‘)’ for PHP versions prior to 7.3
2.2.12 | 2024-03-03
- Added support for reCAPTCHA v3
- Added support for the Breeze caching plugin
- Added classes “wp-block-button__link wp-element-button” on buttons
- Added workaround to support GoodLayers theme content not displaying on automatically-generated sheet pages
- Fixed copy sheet action to include nonce for security
- Fixed postboxes on Settings page to retain sorting and open/close status per user
- Fixed custom sign-up field bug where field that included “signup_” in the slug wouldn’t allow saving the value properly
- Fixed FDSUS_DISABLE_MIGRATE_2_0_to_2_1 to prevent more unnecessary migration logic from running | 2023-09-25
- Fixed bug that was throwing PHP Warning on some installs
- Fixed invisible reCAPTCHA which was incorrectly showing the simple CAPTCHA as well
2.2.11 | 2023-09-24
- Added [user_sign_ups] shortcode to allow displaying list of their own sign-ups for logged-in users.
- Added .fdsus-signup-cta class to the sign-up links on the sheet pages and sheet listing pages
- Fixed performance on sheet page due to inefficiencies in Compact Mode checks and TaskCollections
- Fixed broken “Export as CSV” link on “Manage Sign-ups” page
- Fixed reCAPTCHA invisible (v2) form submit error
- Fixed Gutenberg block toggle for list_title_is_category where it wasn’t saving the toggle value
- Fixed deprecation notices for PHP 8
2.2.10 | 2023-07-26
- Added support for the WP Fastest Cache plugin
- Added sign-up User ID column to export files
- Fixed broken “Export Sheet as CSV” link bug introduced in version 2.2.9
2.2.9 | 2023-07-20
- Added ability to edit existing and add new sign-ups in admin on Manage Sign-ups page
- Fixed CSRF security validation with admin settings page
- Removed unused database call on Help page
2.2.8 | 2023-04-19
- Added sign-up dates and assigned users on Manage Sign-ups page in admin
- Fixed bug with new sorting feature from 2.2.7 causing a fatal error when running on PHP 7.4 and earlier
2.2.7 | 2023-04-16
- Added new sheet listing order options of descending order for date or sheet ID
- Added support for the Loco Translate plugin
- Added translation support to the admin Help page
- Added FDSUS_DISABLE_MIGRATE_2_0_to_2_1 constant to allow disabling the migration process if needed
- Updated styles to allow horizontal scrolling for sheet’s task listing table content extends past smaller screens such as on mobile
- Updated spot number text to be translatable (Ex: “#1:”)
- Updated Help page “System Information” and moved it to the main WordPress Site Health Info page
- Fixed bug where removed sign-ups don’t flush 3rd party cache plugins
- Fixed confirmation email issue with missing removal link and other sign-up user info variables when W3 Total Cache Database Cache is enabled
2.2.6 | 2022-11-19
- Fixed translations in admin related to custom post type names and “At a Glance” on dashboard
- Added additional validation on sign-up if sheet or task are no longer active
- Removed unused “session” cookie logic
- Fixed conflict with reCAPTCHA v2 Checkbox from validating if disabled in SUS, but another reCAPTCHA exists outside the SUS plugin.
- Updated sign-up form check to prevent double submissions to clear after 3 seconds to allow re-submission
2.2.5 | 2022-09-23
- Fixed issue preventing excerpts from displaying
2.2.4 | 2022-09-11
- Added option to disable the logged-in user auto-populate of name and email on the sign-up form
- Fixed conflict on the_title filter to prevent errors if other plugins/themes do not include the required ID argument
- Fixed notices from appearing when submitting sign-up form when get_the_excerpt is used prior
- Fixed missing right arrow in Safari after “View & sign-up” on sheet listing
- Fixed sign-up form from failing if only mail sending errors out after sign-up is successful
2.2.3 | 2022-04-09
- Added privacy improvements to integrate sign-ups with the WP Export and Erase Personal Data functionality
- Added ability to remove email address from sign-up form
- Updated setting page save to prevent conflicts
- Fixed bug where user roles that don’t have access to read sign-up sheets and manage_options are prevented from viewing admin pages (such a subscribers viewing their admin dashboard)
2.2.2 | 2022-03-19
- Added support for LightSpeed Cache
- Added admin dashboard “At a Glance” item for Sign-up Sheets
- Updated translations to include escape for improved security
- Updated color of sort icon when editing tasks on Edit Sheet page to improve accessibility
- Removed unused “H” icon on edit sheet task list in admin
2.2.1 | 2022-02-26
- Added Sign-up Sheets Gutenberg Block
- Updated “View & sign-up” links on sheet page to improve accessibility for screen readers
- Fixed compatibility issue with block themes like Twenty Twenty-Two
- Fixed issue with reCAPTCHA in case-sensitive file systems
- Fixed JS console error when not on sign-up form
- Removed unused JS
- Fixed SUS Manager Role on activation | 2022-02-01
- Fixed error when opening theme customizer and various other admin tasks
- Fixed missing table borders on some themes
2.2 | 2022-01-30
- Updated data structure to use WordPress custom post types to allow for features previously only available in the Pro version
- Added option for reCAPTCHA SPAM prevention and ability to switch between reCAPTCHA v2 “checkbox” or “invisible” (previously only on Pro)
- Added automatically generated sheet URLs with customizable SEO-friendly URL… example.com/sheet/your-sheet (previously only on Pro)
- Added ability to copy a task when editing a sheet (previously only on Pro)
- Added ability to sort frontend sheet listing by date or sheet id (previously only on Pro)
- Added ability to display all sign-up data on the frontend (previously only on Pro)
- Added ability to set “Phone” and “Address” field as optional or remove altogether (previously only on Pro)
- Added ability to set publish scheduling of sheets (previously only on Pro)
- Added WYSIWYG editor on sheet description editor (previously only on Pro)
- Added ability to export specific sheets (previously only on Pro)
- Added option for email validation on sign-up form (previously only on Pro)
- Added verification before submitting sign-up for same task using same email address (previously only on Pro)
- Added ability to allow multiple shortcodes on the same page (previously only on Pro)
- Added admin search on sheets grid (previously only on Pro)
- Added accessibility improvements to task table
- Added required attribute to applicable fields in sign-up form
- Added View and Edit Sheet links on Manage Sign-ups pages for easier access between screens
- Added minification on frontend JS file for improved performance
- Added ability to modify States dropdown via the “fdsus_states” filter
- Updated required field error messaging to list field names that are missing to make it more clear
- Updated to require a minimum of WordPress 5.5+
- Fixed sanitization security issue
- Updated more text to allow for translations
- Fixed slashes being added before quotes on add/edit sheet form when an error message is thrown
- Fixed missing closing table tag on View Sign-ups page causing misaligned data in some cases
- Fixed error handling of get_sheet and get_task to clean up debug log
- Moved POT file from /i18n/ to more standardized /languages/ directory
- Added support for adding translations
- Updated JS in admin when adding/removing tasks to work with latest version of jQuery (required to support WP 5.5)
- Fixed sheet date from displaying 1970 date when editing the sheet after it throws an error
- Fixed PHP notices
- Fixed date issue when editing sheets for d/m/Y format
- Fixed PHP notices on sheet save
- Updated Sign-up icon
- Updated linking to Fetch Designs
- Fixed fatal error when activating plugin in WP 4.5
- Fixed bug where trashed sheets were showing up on Export All
- Fixed fatal error if activating Pro before deactivating the free version
- Fixed bug where trashed sheets with no date specified would display on frontend
- Fixed bug where trashed individual sheet pages were available on the frontend
- Removed debug statement that was causing issues in certain browsers
- Fixed security bug on export
- Fixed sheet edit screen to prevent the quantity of available tasks from being decreased below the number of current signups
- Corrected export CSV headers
- Security fix for sign-up form
- Fixed task sorting
- Added additional error detail on adding a signup
- Fixed export CSV bug when WordPress is installed in a subfolder
- Added option for detailed debug messages
- Fixed compatibility bug with WordPress v3.5 prepare statement
- Cleaned markup for standards compliance and missing closing tags
- Fixed bug with
shortcode sometimes messing up headers in certain themes
- Fixed bug with sites using query strings on sign-up sheet page
- Initial public version