This plugin will help you to get threads/categories from your Simple Forum Installation with API call and display those to any widget area of your wordpress site.
Simple Forum can be view at http://tecdiary.com/products/simple-forum
Options for the widgets are:
- Title (give your widget a title)
- API URL (get from your forum profile page)
- Use widget styles (if you like to use built-in widget styles)
- div class (css class for the main widget div)
- ul class (css class for the ul tag)
- li class (css class for the li tag)
- a class (css class for the a tag)
- span class (css class for the replies span tag)
This plugin only adds 2 widget so that you can get the simple forum threads/categories with api to display on your wordpress site.
Widget Elements
- Title (give your widget a title)
- API URL (get from your forum profile page)
- Use widget styles (if you like to use built-in widget styles)
- div class (css class for the main widget div)
- ul class (css class for the ul tag)
- li class (css class for the li tag)
- a class (css class for the a tag)
- span class (css class for the replies span tag)
Please login to your wordpress and then go to add new under plugins and search for “simple forum widgets” to install.
Manual Installation
1. Upload the plugin directory to the /wp-content/plugins/
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
After Installation
1. Go to Appearance -> Widgets (You will have 2 new widgets 1. Forum Threads 2. forum Categories).
2. Drop any of them to the widget area of your choice, fill the details and save.
“Simple Forum Widgets” をあなたの言語に翻訳しましょう。
開発に興味がありますか ?
- Updated main and readme.txt
- Added option for translation (internationalized)
- Added login feature (compatible with Simple Forum v0.6)