Manages a simple list of favourites for each user of their preferred products and displays it with a shortcode
Required Plugins
[Woocommerce] is required to use this plugin, downloadable here (
The plugin will add an ‘Add to Favourites’ button to your product pages for logged-in users. Use the shortcode [simple_print_favourites] to display the favourites for the current user on any page – with the option to remove each item.
Upload the ‘simple-woocommerce-favourites’ to the plugins directory (‘wp-content/plugins’) of your website
Activate the plugin by clicking the ‘Plugins’ link in your wordpress admin area, and clicking ‘Activate’ next to this plugin’s name
Feedback and Support
If you have any questions, feedback or require support you can email:
Plugin works but it really needs more customisation option..
Currently the “Add To Favorites” is sitting at the very bottom of the page where no one will see it, making it useless really.
Not being able to move the button and the output message lets this down bigtime.. also the button colour was too dark, again, making it hard to see… this however I could fix via css… shame the position cant be fixed that easily 🙁
Ive been to the plugin support forum and the code advised just cause my entire website to crash… even after replacing all the quotes as instructed.
It would have also been nice to replace the ‘add to favs’ button with ‘remove from favs’ once it appears in the users account.
Its very simple, very effective and a must have plugin. It does add a ‘add to favorite’ button to your product page. And a ‘Favorites’ Page. No other bullshit.
Also the support is awesome. I mailed my questions twice and i got replies very quickly both times. Great work.
This is a very nice favorite plugin! Works perfectly. I have a very basic knowledge of .php (almost none) but it was very easy to change some things around so all the texts and buttons would be in the language of my site! It took me about 10 min. (yes i am that bad with php :p )
This is literally the only favourite that i can find that works how it should, the only closest thing after this is a wish list (which removes products after ordering them).
Having initially installing the plugin and realised that the button goes to the bottom of the page and my customer wanted to see it at the top. Contacted Jonathan Boss who came back in exceptionally fast and assisted me.
Can’t wait to see the development of the plugin, would be good to see features such as being able to select multiple favourites and put them straight in the basket.
If you want to move the button from the bottom to the top then simply add this code to the bottom of the function.php file in your theme:
remove_action(‘woocommerce_after_single_product’, ’simple_add_favourites_button’, 10);
add_action(‘woocommerce_before_single_product’, ’simple_add_favourites_button’, 10);
Correct spelling discrepancies, tested with WP 6.3.1
Correct method name ‘print’ incompatible with earlier versions of PHP
Added feature to allow products to be automatically added to a user’s favourites when purchased
Plugin Settings page added
The plugin now supports automatically adding a ‘favourites’ tab to WooCommerce account
Replace includes
Remove outdated files
Significant improvements have been made to plugin structure to prepare for new features
Simple Woocommerce Favourites is now tested with WordPress 5!
Both spellings of ‘favourites’ will now work for shortcode
Shop link on favourites page corrected to use site’s shop option
[simple_print_favourites] now returns content instead of echoing
Fixed bug where trashed products would still cause favourites to return – and appear blank
Tested with WordPress version 4.9
Added Shortcode: [simple_favourites_button] to display button as needed