Simplicy Random Post The options:
Item number posted
The month of publication eg December = 12 (Set to 0 to disable this option)
The year of publication such as 2011 (Set to 0 to disable this option)
Category selection (left on ALL to show all categories)
Max number of users has preloaded
Displaying a thumbnail or not
Size of the thumbnail
View a excerpt or not
Length of the excerpt
Auto refresh or not
Setting the refresh interval in seconds
Languages: French / English
Extract the zip file and just drop the contents into the folder wp-content/plugins / directory of your WordPress installation and activate the plugin from the Plugins page.
“Simplicy Random Post” をあなたの言語に翻訳しましょう。
開発に興味がありますか ?
Version 1.0 (22/12/2011)
Version 1.5 (01/03/2012)
fixing bugs
Version 1.6 (08/10/2012)
Changing the image function
Version 1.7 (23/10/2012)
adding options