このプラグインの公開は2020年4月15日に停止されており、ダウンロードできません。 この公開停止は永久的なものです。 理由: 未使用。
Working well on all my websites. Feels safe, and it is easy to handle.
Works great.
Works great!
much more secure to have that extra sign-in code. Very simple to set up too!
Seems to work fine, but…
I have a WP site that I almost *never* need to login to (maybe a few times a year) and I was still seeing a lot of bot attempts, so I stopped using this and simply added ‘exit;’ after the opening PHP tag in the wp-login.php page.
This basically kills the login page dead and prevents ANY login, even legitimate ones. Yes, it’s crude, but it stops 100% of ALL login attempts cold.
If I need to login, I ftp in, remark out the ‘exit’ command and login. Yes, it’s a little bit more cumbersome but for a site that is almost never logged in to it works perfectly.
I added this plugin yesterday and the next time I tried to access my dashboard it redirected me to a blank login page. Blank as in plain white.
It took some searching to find out bad plugin code can do this. When I deleted the files for stealth login off my server, everything went back to normal.
Please fix, ASAP!
“Stealth Login Page” をあなたの言語に翻訳しましょう。