プラグインタグ: avatar
BuddyPress Default Cover Photo
(12個の評価)The plugin adds DEFAULT Profile and Group cover settings in WP Admin – Settings – BuddyPress – Settings.
WP Avatar
(3個の評価)Allows you to use any photos uploaded into your Media Library as an avatar instead of using Gravatar.
Harrys Gravatar Cache
(4個の評価)Accelerates the site speed by simply and effective caching Gravatar (Globally Recognized Avatars).
WP Social Avatar
(6個の評価)This plugin gives the users the option to use their social profile picture as the WordPress Avatar
Easy Gravatars
(1個の評価)Add Gravatars to your comments without modifying any template files. Just activate, and you're done!
Redirect Gravatar requests
(1個の評価)All requests to load an avatar from gravatar.com are redirected to a local image, preventing Gravatar from potentially gathering data about your site …
AP Gravatars
(0個の評価)A simple plugin that adds the gravatar photo associated with the user's email to their profile page… MultiSite compatable!
Gravatar Favicon
(1個の評価)This plugin allows you to generate a gravatar favicon for your blog and admin logo included Apple touch icon.
Optimum Gravatar Cache
(3個の評価)It stores optimized copies of gravatars locally, reducing the total number of requests. This will speed up site loading and consequently improve the u …
Author Image(s)
(0個の評価)Display image (if present) and/or name for the author of a post, or for all authors on the blog.
Cat Generator Avatars
(7個の評価)This plugin integrates the Cat Generator Avatars avatar into WordPress, BuddyPress and Ultimate Member.
DT Author Box
(1個の評価)Easily add an author box bio signature with custom profile image and social profile buttons to the end of each author's posts
Display Avatars
(2個の評価)Displays the avatar for a post's author, without having to hack it into the theme.
Default Gravatar Sans
(2個の評価)Disables Gravatar.com avatar, and allows one local default avatar image for users without avatar in his profile.