プラグインタグ: favicon
Favicon by RealFaviconGenerator
(783個の評価)PC / Mac、iPhone / iPad、Android搭載端末、Windows 8タブレットなど、すべてのプラットフォーム向けにfaviconを作成してインストールします。
All In One Favicon
(82個の評価)あなたのサイトと WordPress の管理ページに Favicon を簡単に追加できます。アップロード機能を使用して完了します。3つのファビコンのすべてのタイプ (ico、png、gif) をサポートします。
WP Favicon Remover
(2個の評価)This plugin adds the functionality to remove the WordPress default favicon since WordPress 5.4.
Heroic Favicon Generator
(17個の評価)Heroic Favicon Generator is your one-click favicon generator for WordPress.
Custom Favicon
(17個の評価)This plugin allows you to add upload custom favicon & Apple touch icon for your website and WordPress Dashboard using built-in media uploader.
Favicon XT-Manager
(4個の評価)Upload and install a Favicon image to your WordPress website. When using this simple WordPress plugin you can easily upload and use your own Favicon i …
Multicons [ Multiple Favicons ]
(4個の評価)Now includes favicons for Android devices. Completely re-written in version 4.2 Multicons is a multi-favicon code generator which automatically insert …
PWD WP Favicon
(5個の評価)This plugin allows you to upload a custom favicon & Apple touch icon for your website and your WordPress Dashboard using API customizer.
Quick Favicon
(25個の評価)Quick Favicon makes it easy to set up icons for your WordPress site. Favicons! iOS Icons! Android Icons! Windows 8.x Tiles! And more!
Favicon Extender
(1個の評価)Extend the native WordPress Site Icon functionality to use different icons for Android, iOS and Windows.
cbnet Favicon
(2個の評価)Add a Favicon to your site. No bells or whistles; simply upload a (ICO, PNG, or GIF) file.
Favicon Generator (CLOSED)
(1個の評価)This plugin's functionality has been included in WordPress core for many years. It is no longer necessary to use this plugin.
Theme Blvd Favicon
(1個の評価)Add a favicon and bookmark icons for apple touch devices to your Theme Blvd theme. An alternative to default favicon support in WordPress 4.3+.
F4 Simple White Label
(1個の評価)Allows you to to change the login image, admin bar logo and admin footer text.