プラグインタグ: Lazy Loading
a3 Lazy Load
(143個の評価)Use a3 Lazy Load for images, videos, iframes that are not lazy loaded by WordPress core. Instantly improve your sites load time and dramatically impro …
LazyLoad Plugin – Lazy Load Images, Videos, and Iframes
(139個の評価)The best free lazy load plugin for WordPress. Lazy load images, videos, and iframes to improve performance and Core Web Vitals scores.
BJ Lazy Load
(90個の評価)画像と iframe の遅延読み込みはウェブサイトの読み込みを早くして、通信帯域を節約します。外部の JavaScript ライブラリに頼らないため、JavaScript が機能しない環境でも正常に動作します。 …
Lazy Loader
(49個の評価)Lazy loading plugin that supports images, iFrames, video and audio elements and uses the lightweight lazysizes script. With manual modification of the …
Disable Lazy Load
(6個の評価)Simple plugin to disable lazy loading feature on the site or only on specific images.
Lazy Loading Feature Plugin
(6個の評価)WordPress feature plugin for testing and experimenting with automatically adding the "loading" HTML attribute. Not for production use.
(21個の評価)Long page loads aren't fun for anyone. Use WPSocialite to take control of heavy social sharing links and load them how you want!
Smart Image Loader
(2個の評価)Smart Image Loader is a fire-and-forget priority and lazy loader for image sources. Can be a huge performance boost especially for one pagers.
Infinite Scroll Random Post
(4個の評価)This plugin will implement AJAX loading (Infinite Scroll) for the article pages. The next article will be loaded when the user gets to the bottom of e …
Dominant Colors Lazy Loading
(2個の評価)This plugin allows you to lazy load your images while showing the dominant color of each image as a placeholder – like Pinterest or Google Images.
Lazy Optimization
(1個の評価)Lazy Optimization speeds up your website by lazy loading background images that are in the external CSS files.
Lazy Load Image Filter
(1個の評価)The Lazy Load Image Filter plugin makes every image in your WordPress site use lazy loading to drasticly increase performance! Why this plugin? This p …
Plugin Name: Lazy Loading images & speed page
(1個の評価)Increase the speed of your website by adding functional and style scripts
Minimum Configuration WordPress PWA
(0個の評価)Add Progressive Web Apps (PWA) enhancement to your WordPress with minimum configuration. Preache your assets, and add offline page.
NavThems Lazy Load
(0個の評価)This plugin helps to improve loading speed and page insight by implemeting lazy load.
Avoid the chromium lazy loading broken characters bug
(0個の評価)Avoid the chromium lazy loading broken characters bug.