プラグインタグ: OAuth 2.0
OAuth シングルサインオン – SSO (OAuth クライアント)
(264個の評価)WordPress SSO (Single Sign On) with Azure, Azure B2C, Cognito, Okta, Classlink, Discord, Clever, Keycloak, OAuth & OpenID Providers [24/7 SUPPORT].
Tim's Nextcloud SSO OAuth2
(8個の評価)Enables you to login to your WordPress site with your Nextcloud account with OAuth2
Login with Cognito
(0個の評価)WordPress Login with Cognito plugin allows Login ( Single Sign-On ) to WordPress using AWS Cognito account credentials. You can Login to your WordPres …
FIDO-certified Passwordless biometric login
(1個の評価)FIDO-certified strong authentication in 5 clicks. Go passwordless and eliminate account takeovers and fraud.