プラグインタグ: regenerate
Perfect Images (Manage Image Sizes, Thumbnails, Replace, Retina)
(266個の評価)Optimize your images effortlessly. Replace, regenerate, resize, improve, transform, and achieve perfect images for your site.
AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild
(89個の評価)AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild allows you to rebuild all thumbnails at once without script timeouts on your server.
Image Regenerate & Select Crop
(57個の評価)Advanced management for images, register new sub-sizes, sub-sizes details, regenerate and cleanup files.
OTF Regenerate Thumbnails
(19個の評価)Automatically regenerates your thumbnails on the fly when thumbnail sizes change.
ONet Regenerate Thumbnails
(11個の評価)Fix missing thumbnails in no time with few easy clicks. The plugin does the hard work.
Thumbnail Cleaner
(27個の評価)Cleans up your WordPress installation by removing and regenerating thumbnails.
Real Thumbnail Generator: Efficient regeneration of thumbnails in all sizes
(14個の評価)Real Thumbnail Generator is a WordPress plugin for regenerating thumbnails. It is beginner-friendly, SEO-optimised and GDPR-compliant.
Media Meta & Force Regenerate
(5個の評価)Displays the metadata information in the Media Library. Regenerates the metadata and thumbnails even if they exist.
Generate Thumbnail
(1個の評価)Generate Thumbnail allows you to generate all thumbnails at once without script timeouts on your server.
Regenerate Thumbnails HTML
(3個の評価)Update the HTML of the images contained in the post from one image size to another. Useful when switching between sizes and themes.