It creates link buttons to the target blog article page for sharing 17 major services and those links are created by javascript, so it’s not a burden to the server and page loding. And if you need, it will append an Open Graph Protocol information to the your article automatically.
- Upload the folder includes program files to your WordPress plugin folder.
- Activate the plugin through the plugins menu in WordPress.
- Select “TNK SNS links” from the plugins menu and change the setting.
*Output target
Specify the place which outputs buttons’ HTML. “On tnksns() function called” outputs buttons to the place of tnksns PHP function.
Share this article :
Select target services. You need the developer key for Mixi.
*Open Graph
Append Open Graph protocol into head tag. The image url of “default thumbnail” will be applied to it if a thumbnail does not exist in an article.
*I have a question(or a request).
If you have any questions or requests. Please send a mail. It’s free.
*How much the amount of a donation?
From 1$. There is no maximum :-).
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開発に興味がありますか ?
- First release