このプラグインは WordPress の最新3回のメジャーリリースに対してテストされていません。もうメンテナンスやサポートがされていないかもしれず、最新バージョンの WordPress で使用した場合は互換性の問題が発生する可能性があります。

WooCommerce Cancel Abandoned Order


WooCommerce Cancel Abandoned Order allows you to add a small option that will take care of dealing with “abandoned” commands.

If you have check or transfer type orders for example, you will be able to set a maximum number of days or by hours to receive the payment.

WooCommerce Cancel Abandoned Order, will take care of checking this and change the status of the order to “Cancel” if you have not received payment on time.

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  • PHP minimal: 7.0
  • WordPress minimal: 4.0
  • WooCommerce minimal : 2.2



  • woo_cao_cancel_order ($order_id) : After cancel order.


  • woo_cao_gateways : Adds a payment gateway for the control.
  • woo_cao_before_cancel_order : Before canceling the order, send the order_id and the WC_Order if you do not want to cancel this order. Expect an exact return of true.
  • woo_cao_message_cancel_order : Allows you to modify the note when canceling the order. Handy if you use the ‘woo_cao_before_cancel_order’ filter.
  • woo_cao_date_order ($old_date, $gateway, $mode) : Change the calculation date for pending orders.
  • woo_cao_default_hours : Default value of the number of hours for order processing.
  • woo_cao_default_days : Default value of the number of days for order processing.
  • woo_cao_statustocancel ($status) : Allows you to add or change which WooCommerce order status the plugin should cancel.



This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/woo-cancel-abandoned-order directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. By default you can control the orders on the payment gateways: Check and BACS. Go to the options of the payment pages on WooCommerce.

To add another payment gateway, simply use the woo_cao_gateways filters, more information on the Wiki


Does this plugin use Action Scheduler

Yes we have started the migration to Action Scheduler (recurring action) since version 1.9.0

What does the plugin do?

Depending on the options defined in the payment gateway options page, the system will cancel orders whose payments have not been received.


You can cancel orders in hours or days.
For example, if I put the mode “Hourly”, I can cancel orders pending after 2 hours.
Another example, in mode “Daily”, I can cancel orders that I have not received payment within 7 days.

The execution of the cleaning is done like this:
Mode “Hourly”: every hour to 00 minutes
Mode “Daily”: every day at 0:00

Since version 1.9.0, the action is no longer executed at XXh00. Refer to the “Scheduled Actions” tab of the “Status” page of WooCommerce.

I would like to cancel orders pending payment

Follow the tutorial here to change the status of orders to cancel. By default the “on-hold” commands are canceled.

I want to make suggestions

We’re glad you want to help us improve WooCommerce Cancel Abandoned Order!
The GIT repository is available here https://github.com/rvola/woo-cancel-abandoned-order


2023年1月30日 1 reply
This is a must have for shops with digital products. If the payment doesn’t go through, no need to make it complicated. Cancel it and let the customer try again. Great to have this. Thank you
Thanks, the filters to add custom parameters is fine. Just need a option for any canceled order (without type of payment)
2021年8月1日 2 replies
First review because I really like this plugin. It is straightforward and works like a charm. Glad that the creator included guides on Github Wiki. Minimal editing is required. It’s a pity that some comments have driven the creator to stop support. I do still hope that this remains updated and compatible. 🙂 If the creator does read this, I have two questions that I wish to understand. 1) If I were to put 24hrs daily to cancel, from when does it start activating the countdown? 2) Is it possible to change the status to ‘Failed’ instead of ‘Cancelled’? In any case, just want to say GREAT JOB ON THIS PLUGIN!
2021年5月9日 1 reply
This is what I mean by an elegant solution, Great job !
2021年4月9日 2 replies
It maybe works, but as it does not have an interface nor guide how to use it for us idiots, I can not use it.


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