Everything you need to start selling internationally is in this plugin. Easily set up and manage products in multiple currencies, no matter the size of your store or the team running it. Or, upgrade by purchasing WPML and translate your entire store to reach new customers all over the world.
See how it works in this short video:
Free Multi-Currency Features
This is the only free plugin that includes all of the following multi-currency features:
- Set up multiple currencies to display based on a customer’s location
- Add currency switchers to your site
- Format your currencies
- Set your own exchange rates or connect with an automatic exchange rate service
- Set custom prices and shipping rates in your secondary currencies
Add WPML to Make Your Store Multilingual
Translate your entire store and unlock even more multicurrency features by pairing WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency with WPML – the most popular translation plugin for WordPress sites:
- 全ての WooCommerce 商品を翻訳(基本、バリエーション、グループ化、外部)
- Translate all store URLs and endpoints
- Translate product reviews
- Translate product categories and attributes
- Translate content automatically using DeepL, Google Translate, and Microsoft
- 決済プロセスを通して同じ言語を保持
- クライアントや管理者に彼らの言語でメールを送信
- Track inventory without breaking products into languages
- Display currencies based on site language
- Use different payment methods for each currency
- Add functionality using WooCommerce REST API
To get all multilingual features, you will need a WPML Multilingual CMS or Multilingual Agency account type.
Read more about translating your WooCommerce store with WPML and WooCommerce Multilingual.
WooCommerce 拡張機能との互換性
ほとんどすべての WooCommerce ストアは同じ拡張機能を使用します。WooCommerce Multilingual は、以下の人気拡張機能と完全な互換性を有します。
- WooCommerce Subscriptions
- WooCommerce Product Add-ons
- WooCommerce Product Bundles
- WooCommerce Bookings
- WooCommerce Composite Products
- WooCommerce Tab Manager
- WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping
Looking for other extensions that are tested and compatible with WPML? See the complete list of WordPress plugins that are compatible with WPML.
- WordPress 4.7 以降
- PHP version 7.2 or later
- MySQL 5.6 バージョン以降
- WooCommerce 3.3.0 以降
Install and activate “WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency” on your WordPress site. Then, go to WooCommerce → WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency and enable the multi-currency mode to add more currencies to your store. Read more about setting up multiple currencies for your online store.
If you also use the WPML plugin for multilingual functionality, follow the setup wizard to translate the store pages, configure what attributes should be translated, enable the multi-currency mode and more. Read more about translating your online store.
他の E コマースプラグインと併用できますか ?
いいえ、このプラグインは WooCommerce 専用です。
Make sure that your theme is not hard-coding any URL. Always use API calls to receive URLs to pages and you’ll be fine.
How do I edit the translations of the cart or checkout page?
Some themes and plugins provide their own translations via localization files. WordPress loads these translations automatically.
To change any of these translations, you need to scan the theme or plugin providing these files. Go to WPML → Theme and Plugins Localization, select the theme or plugin providing the checkout page, and scan it.
After scanning, you should have the strings available in WPML → String Translation.
Read more about translating cart and checkout pages.
他言語のストアに他の URL を持てますか ?
はい、商品パーマリンクベース、商品カテゴリベース、商品タグベース、商品属性ベースをストア URL セクションで翻訳できます。
この場合、商品カテゴリーベースを翻訳する必要があります。ストア URL セクションでこれを実施できます。
Yes. By default, each currency will be available for all languages, but you can customize this and disable certain currencies on certain languages. You also have the option to display different currencies based on your customers’ locations instead.
このプラグインは他の WooCommerce 拡張機能と互換性がありますか ?
WooCommerce Multilingual は大部分の WooCommerce 拡張機能と互換性を有します。当社は互換性を確認、維持し続けるために、拡張機能の作成者と密接に協業しています。
WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency with WPML はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。