このプラグインは WordPress の最新3回のメジャーリリースに対してテストされていません。もうメンテナンスやサポートがされていないかもしれず、最新バージョンの WordPress で使用した場合は互換性の問題が発生する可能性があります。

WP Category Permalink


This plugin allows you to select a main category (or taxonomy) for your posts for nicer permalinks and SEO.


A custom structure such as /%category%/%postname%/ should be usually chosen for your permalinks. By default, this %category% is selected automatically (using the lowest ID) in the case your post is assigned to more than one category. This plugin will let you pick the category of your choice from the ‘Post Edit’ page. The chosen category is shown in bold on the ‘Posts List’ page and the ‘Post Edit’ page.


Below the title, you will see the permalink currently set-up for this entry. If a heart is present, it means that the category (or taxonomy) has been picked up.


They have their own way of working and can’t be supported automatically by default because they are created by specific themes or plugins. If you encounter issues with breadcrumbs, please say so in the Support Threads and let’s see how we can make it work.


It works with any theme or plugin that creates post types and taxonomies but it looks like it doesn’t work with the plugin called “Types”. You can use “Custom Post Type UI” instead.

Please contribute

It works for standard setups, but the plugin might be modified depending on the case. Don’t hesitate to participate in making this plugin better. The official git for this project is here: https://github.com/jordymeow/wp-category-permalink. Thanks to those contributors:

  • David Remer (https://github.com/websupporter)

Languages: English.


  • Pick the category you’d like to have for the permalink.
  • Check your permalinks in the posts list. If a heart is present, it means a category (or taxonomy) has been chosen.


  1. Upload wp-category-permalink.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. WordPress の「プラグイン」メニューからプラグインを有効化してください


How to get the chosen category using PHP?

詳しくは次のスレッドを参照: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/get-primary-category/#post-9055471


Hi, I have been using this plugin for some years. It does not seem to be working with the current version of wordpress. Had a host of errors from Google ads and realised all the loved permalinks were no longer functioning an creating a redirect error. It works fine when Classic Editor Plugin is activated. Does not work when classic editor plugin is deactivated and guttenberg is activated. Hope is gets fixed soon. Thanks
This does everything I used the old WP Custom Gallery links plugin for, with the added bonus that it works with Gutenberg! The creator is also super helpful, I had an issue with using the plugin due to an old version of php on my server, and he was able to debug and fix the problem straight away.Very impressed, both with the plugin and also customer service.
If you have posts that belong more than one category, you’ll love this plugin.
2017年3月5日 1 reply
I searched high and low for ages looking for a plugin that does exactly what this one does. I was overjoyed when I found it AND when I saw how easy it is to use. There are plugins that let you do away with having the category name in the permalink altogether, but WordPress does not recommend it because of its structure and I think it’s good to have categories in the links of products. Most of the products on my website are in more than one category. Now, just by clicking on an image of a heart next to the category list, I can tell WordPress which category (or subcategory) I want in my product permalink. Thank you Jordy for this incredible plugin. It should be in the top ten of “must haves” for WP.


WP Category Permalink はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。


“WP Category Permalink” をあなたの言語に翻訳しましょう。

開発に興味がありますか ?

コードを閲覧するか、SVN リポジトリをチェックするか、開発ログRSS で購読してみてください。



  • Compatibility with PHP 7.2 by removing create_function calls. Thanks to David (https://github.com/jordymeow/wp-category-permalink/pull/3#issuecomment-443597831).


  • Everything is released for free.


  • Fix: WP 4.9.


  • Fix: Name instead of Query Var.


  • Fix: Avoid double trailing slashes.


  • Fix: Trailing slashes.


  • Fix: Display issues (heart icon was flying all over the place).
  • Fix: Permalinks are handled in a much better way. More support for other plugins for custom permalinks.


  • Fix: Handle events on the label instead of the li. Inject the link into the label too.
  • Update: Additional error handling.


  • Update: Enhance the way the post meta is handled.
  • Fix: Now newly created categories can be selected.
  • Fix: Pro version validation.


  • Fix: The permalink below the title was showing a warning even though the category has been picked with a previous version of the plugin.
  • Fix: The categories were not bold nor red on the Posts list. With Pro, that also works with WooCommerce well 🙂
  • Fix: Issue from the past. If you can’t seem to save your columns, you might need to run the query “DELETE FROM wp_usermeta WHERE meta_key LIKE ‘%wp_manageedit%’” on your DB, just once, to repair the View Screen options.


  • Fix: Issue with multisite (with the includes).
  • Add: Permalink shown below the title of the posts list (can be disabled in the option). Heart means a category has been picked, otherwise a little red warning is shown.
  • Update: A lot of coding & UI improvements.


  • Fix: Infinite hidden columns to user meta (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/infinite-user-meta).


  • Fix: Update issue for non-WooCommerce user.
  • Change: Let’s make it 2.0 since it’s a major change.


  • Stable release.


  • Add: default category will be shown in red if no category was picked.