Protect your WordPress blog form content hunter people or script, This small plugin will protect your blog post from copy past blogger who steal others contents.
With this light wight plugin you can protect your content and be happy with your own unique contents.
Rapid IT Care is providing this FREE for all websites with under GPL 2.0 License. All users of the plugin are enjoying Feathers of WP Copy Protect , and we are very happy to serve the wordpress users.
- Disable Copy Past option from the right click menu
- Disable the text selecting feathers for the webpages
- Supports All kinds of WordPress blogs, websites and directories
- It do not require any user configuration
- Just like plug & play, install and enjoy
Load Weight
- This is very Light Weight
- Do not slow down your WordPress blog or website
- Comment to our website or here to any problems
- We will solve any bug report ASAP
- If you have any idea to improve it please let us know
Click here for report any problem
Click here to suggest any improvement
More Information:
Requires PHP 5.2 or newer with JQuery support, and WordPress 3.1 or newer.
- Upload the plugin folder (wp-copy-protect) you just downloaded from here to
the “/wp-content/plugins/” folder of your WordPress site directory. - Sign in to your administrative panel and activate the plugin.
- No configure needed for the plugin ‘WP Copy Protect’ automatically protect your blog After install and activated.
To stop Copy protecting just de-active the plugin.
- 1. How much does it cost?
Ans: WP Copy Protect is FREE for all wordpress users. just Give a review to support our free contributions
- 2. How do I protect my blog from coping my content ?
Ans: Just Install the plugin and active it, The plugin will protect your blog you need nothing to configure.
- 3. How can I enable the coping my contents ?
Ans: Just deactivate from the plugins option.
- 4. How to get more benefit from the plugin ?
Ans: Just comment and review here and contact to the authors website.
Version 1.6
- WordPress 5.1.1 Support added.
- Tested for WordPress 5.1.1
Version 1.5
- WordPress 4.0 Support added.
- Tested for WordPress 4.0
Version 1.4
- Documentation updated for usability.
- Tested for WordPress 3.9.1
Version 1.3
- The first Version
- Tested for WordPress 3.1 and above