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Guest Post Manager


The Guest Post Manager is the only plugin of its kind that will allow you to track and manage all of your sponsored content and guest posts inside of WordPress admin.

Features of Free Guest Post Plugin

Sponsored Content and Guest Posts

You MUST turn this “ON” if it is a sponsored Guest Post

Unlimited Clients

Easily add client details per post. Includes name and email.

Post Type

Options include “PAID” and “FREE” with PAID being the default. If you run a promotion to offer a free Guest Post, you are still able to track the campaign by marking it as FREE.

Set Unique Prices

You can set different prices per Guest Post.

Post Due Date

Option to enter the payment due date for individual Guest Posts.

Payment Status

Option to change the payment status to “PAID” or “UNPAID” at any time.

Sponsored Content

If you need to mark the post as “Sponsored”, you can enter custom text that will show above or below the content on the frontend.

All Posts Listing Page

On the All Posts listing page, you can view all current Guest Posts and current Guest Posts where payments are due.

Admin Section


Option to select from over 50+ currencies for your main currency.

PRO Plugin Features


Post Status after payment expires

Options include “PENDING”, “DRAFT” and “PUBLISH”. With the PRO version, you can decide what to do once the due date for payment has passed.

Example 1: You can Unpublish the article and send it to “Pending” mode.
Example 2: You can Unpublish the article and send it into “Draft” mode.
Example 3: You can keep the article published. This is useful for a client who always pays but might be outside of your set payment or publishing guidelines.


If a sponsored Guest Post remains unpaid after their due date, YOU can receive daily reminders of clients who haven’t paid. Once they have paid, you can login to your WordPress Admin and mark their post as paid. All reports will be updated accordingly.

Payment Overdue Notifications

There will be an email field in each post plugin setting where you can input your clients’ email. If they haven’t paid by the due date you enter, they will receive a payment reminder to let them know that their article has been unpublished due to non-payment (if your post status is set to “pending” or “draft”. This will remind them to pay immediately so that they can have their post republished. Once paid, go back and mark their post as “PAID” and republish their article.

User Restrictions

Restrict other user profiles from viewing this plugin module in the backend of WP. Some admins need privacy if they have writers or third party contributors they don’t want to seeing details and statistics about their sponsored content. This is already built into the pro version without need for particular settings.

Post Manager

This is a great feature if you’d like to have additional content mangers who are paid per post. They MUST be and admin in order to become a post manger.

Example: Your hire someone and will pay them 20% for every post they upload. They would select their name from the dropdown box.

*We are currently working on additional features in reporting and user roles for Post Manger.

Additional Clients

The Guest Post Manager just got even more powerful! Introducing the all-new client integration feature. Now, you can manage both guest posts and individual clients seamlessly within your WordPress admin. Track paid URLs, payment statuses, and client details for each post, making your guest post management a breeze. View comprehensive reports on post sales, revenue, and outstanding payments, giving you complete financial transparency. This streamlined system lets you stay on top of client interactions, payments, and post performance, all in one convenient place. Whether you’re managing one guest post or a hundred, this feature empowers you with enhanced control and clarity, taking your guest post management to the next level.

Guest Post Manager Page


Default post status after payment due

Auto-set the post status after payment due date. After the payment due date, you can choose to set the post to

1: Pending – article will be unpublished

2: Draft – article will be unpublished

3: Published – article will remain published

Report Generation

= Daily Emails =
Decide if you want to receive daily “payment due” emails so that you know who has yet to pay for their post past their due date. This will be sent to YOUR email address. Can adjust the report interval and time.

Do you want to send email to clients whose payment is past due

If the client hasn’t paid by the due date, then they will receive a past due notification. Furthermore, if you have set your post status to ‘pending’ or ‘draft’, then their article will be also be unpublished. Once they have paid, you can login to your WordPress Admin and mark their post as paid and republish. All reports will be updated accordingly.

Guest Post Manager Reports Page

The landing page of the reports section will show your latest Guest Posts from the latest one published.

Other features of the Reports Page

*Total Overall Sales Added, Revenue Received and Payments Due.
*Totally Monthly Sales, Revenue Received and Payments Due
*Search posts by Name or Email
*Filter by : Payment Status: Pending or Completed
*Filter by: Post Status: Publish, Pending or Draft
*Export to CSV: Can download per Post Manager


Username: demo
Password: demo




  • Create a new post
  • The plugin metabox will appear under page sidebar in classic editor. In block editor, the plugin metabox will be shown under the Documents Tab
  • Fill out the Guest Post Manager details on the right hand side bar. Ensure that you ENABLE this section and fill out all required fields. (Name, Post Type, Price, Client Email, Payment Due Date, Payment Status -unpaid by default- and Mark as Sponsored tag)
  • Publish the post
  • View ALL posts and view the Guest Posts & Guest Payments Due sections
  • Once the post has been paid for go back and mark it has “PAID” and update the post


Report any bugs to support@guestpostplugin.com

Click here to learn more


Installation instructions: To install, do the following:

  1. From the dashboard of your site, navigate to Plugins –> Add New.
  2. Select the \”Upload Plugin\” button.
  3. Click on the \”Choose File\” button to upload your file.
  4. When the Open dialog appears select the guest-post-manager.zip file from your desktop.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions and wait until the upload is complete.
  6. When finished, activate the plugin via the prompt. A confirmation message will be displayed.

or, you can upload the files directly to your server.

  1. Upload all of the files in guest-post-manager.zip to your /wp-content/plugins/guest-post-manager directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress.




Guest Post Manager はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。


“Guest Post Manager” をあなたの言語に翻訳しましょう。

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コードを閲覧するか、SVN リポジトリをチェックするか、開発ログRSS で購読してみてください。



  • Initial release.


  • Some minor fixes.


  • New features.
  • Added Currency settings


  • Fixed notices and warnings.
  • Added Author URI.


  • Fixed notices and warnings.
  • Tested upto WordPress Version 6.4.2