このプラグインは WordPress の最新3回のメジャーリリースに対してテストされていません。もうメンテナンスやサポートがされていないかもしれず、最新バージョンの WordPress で使用した場合は互換性の問題が発生する可能性があります。

WPR General Posts


With the general posts widget, you can place a list of posts into your widget areas based on any query parameters available in WP_QUERY. You can generate the latest posts, popular posts (given you have some method of tracking post hits), post types, filter by category or other taxonomy, filter by post meta, etc… If it’s available in WP_QUERY it’s available to you in the widget. If there are customizations that the interface does not allow for, there are a number of hooks that allow you to edit and control pretty much any part of the widget from adjusting the query to adjusting the output.

Please Note

There is no styling associated with this plugin. If you wish to style the output, assign a class and/or an ID to the widget and style appropriately in your style.css file.

Available Hooks

  • add_filter( 'widget_title', 'my_Func'); function my_Func($title){return $title;}
  • add_filter('wpr_adjust_genposts_query','my_Func', 10, 3); function my_Func( $queryargs, $widgetargs, $instance){return $queryargs}
    $widgetargs contains things like before_widget and after_widget. $instance contains the widget params you added in the UI.
  • add_filter('wpr_genposts_titlefilter', 'my_Func', 10, 6); function my_Func($fintitle, $before_title, $title, $after_title, $instance){return $fintitle}
  • add_filter(‘wpr_genposts_listloop’, ‘my_Func’, 10, 5); function my_Func($thisprint, $found_posts, $post, $count, $instance){return $thisprint;}
    This filter is within the loop that prints the <li>'s. $thisprint is the final string containing all the html including the <li> opening and closing tags. This filter will likely be the one used the most. By default, this outputs the featured image (if one exists) and the title. That’s all. In order to edit the output of the loop, you would want to edit your my_Func function to something else, utilizing the $post variable which contains all the post information (title, excerpt, content, permalink, ect…). This is up to you to customize however you wish. I’m sure the support area will fill up with questions in regards to outputting the lists in a certain fashion. Most people will not read or understand this that I wrote here and many examples will likely sprout up in the support section, so stay tuned and read through those (unless you are the very first to ask for support) before posting a support question. This plugin is free and support should not be expected. I will have a general support license available at a later time, for all WPR plugins, but for now, don’t expect, but be grateful if I do answer. I’m usually good about it though.
  • add_filter('wpr_genposts_addtoend', 'my_Func', 10, 2); function my_Func($readingon, $instance){return $readingon;}
    This filter allows you to customize the read more link that is shown after all the posts are displayed. The final text/html is the $readingon variable and the $instance provides you with all the widget instance params you supplied in the widget interface.
  • add_filter('wpr_genposts_list_print', 'my_Func', 10, 6); function my_Func($finalprint, $openprint, $toprint, $closeprint, $instance, $wpQuery){return $finalprint;}
    This supplies the final list with the container divs and everything else. $openprint contains the opening div with the id and class supplied by the widget interface. It also includes the openieng <ul> tag. $closeprint contains all the closure tags for the $openprint as well as the readmore link/text. $toprint contains everything in between (the result of the query contained in <li> tags). $wpQuery contains the WP_Query instance, which can be used for pagination or anything else where the data provided could be useful. To add pagination, something like this would work:
    function homeAddPages($finalprint, $openprint, $toprint, $closeprint, $instance, $postsQ){
    $big = 999999999;
    $cpage = get_query_var('paged')?get_query_var('paged'):0;
    if(!isset($cpage) || $cpage == "" || $cpage === 0){
    $cpage = get_query_var('page')?get_query_var('page'):1;
    $addclose = paginate_links( array(
    'base' => str_replace( $big, '%#%', esc_url( get_pagenum_link( $big ) ) ),
    'format' => '?paged=%#%',
    'current' => max( 1, $cpage),
    'total' => $postsQ->max_num_pages
    ) );
    return $openprint . $toprint . $closeprint . '<div class="hpaginator">' . $addclose . '</div>';
    add_filter('wpr_genposts_list_print', 'homeAddPages', 10, 6);
  • add_filter('wpr_adjust_genposts_beforewidget', 'my_Func', 10, 3); function my_Func($before_widget, $post_widgeid, $post_widgeclass){return $before_widget;}
    This allows you to modify the before widget string which contains the wrapper div with id and class. You have access to the ID and Class you defined within the widget in order to tell instances apart from each other.
    unction wpr_changeBeforeWidget($before_widget, $post_widgeid, $post_widgeclass){
    if($post_widgeid == 'theothers'){
    return str_replace('class="', 'class="theothersblock ', $before_widget);
    if($post_widgeid == 'thefeatured'){
    return str_replace('class="', 'class="thefeaturedblock ', $before_widget);
    return $before_widget;
    add_filter('wpr_adjust_genposts_beforewidget', 'wpr_changeBeforeWidget', 10, 3);
  • add_filter('wpr_adjust_genposts_afterwidget', 'my_Func', 10, 3); function my_Func($after_widget, $post_widgeid, $post_widgeclass){return $after_widget;}
    This is identical to the wpr_adjust_genposts_beforewidget hook except this one allows you to modify the after widget string. These last two allow you direct control over each individual widget container. These before and after strings are set in the register_sidebar function when creating the sidebars, but they are generic for all widgets in that sidebar and WP does not offer any hooks to modify this directly. There is a workaround to add the action for register_sidebar, get the sidebar object and then adjust the $wp_registered_sidebars global, but in order to do this, you would have to know the order id number of the specific widget. Doing it that way can be problematic.

Instance Variables

  • $title = apply_filters( 'widget_title', $instance['title'] );
  • $post_amount = $instance['show']; This is the posts per page (total posts to show)
  • $post_orderby = $instance['orderby'];
  • $post_order = $instance['order'];
  • $post_catin = $instance['catin']; Category In
  • $post_catout = $instance['catout']; Category Exclude
  • $pagecount = $instance['pagecount']; Numer of Posts to show (not used, this is so you can define total posts to query and number to show per tabbed interface which is not implemented in the plugin, but available for hooking)
  • $post_taxis = $instance['taxis']; Taxonamy slug
  • $post_taxterm = $instance['taxterm']; Taxonomy term ids, comma separated list
  • $post_typed = $instance['ptipe'];
  • $post_metakey = $instance['metakey'];
  • $post_metavalue = $instance['metavalue'];
  • $post_comparison = $instance['metacompare']; Meta comparison operator
  • $post_widgeid = $instance['widgetidentifier']; Widget Container ID
  • $post_widgeclass = $instance['widgetclassifier']; Widget Container Class
  • $post_readmoretitle = $instance['readmoretitle'];
  • $post_readmorelink = $instance['readmorelink'];

Plugin site: WorldpressRevolution



  1. Upload wpr-general-posts folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload wpr-general-posts folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress




WPR General Posts はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。


“WPR General Posts” をあなたの言語に翻訳しましょう。

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コードを閲覧するか、SVN リポジトリをチェックするか、開発ログRSS で購読してみてください。



  • Initial release.