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WSKR Posts


WSKR is a revenue generation tool like no other.

The WSKR Posts plugin for WordPress enables you to generate revenue from individual posts. Working in tandem with your WSKR Business account, you can tag individual posts for use with the WSKR Posts plugin turning them into a pay-per-article revenue model. No longer limited to needing subscriptions or adverts on your pages to generate revenue, you can now convert non-paying website visitors into paying customers.

WSKR is 100% free for businesses as we don’t charge commission, transaction or credit card fees on our Business accounts, so you can sign up and see if WSKR works for you, without fear of spending money on a plugin that doesn’t quite suit your needs.

You can register for your free WSKR Business account and connect it to your plugin in the settings page.

If you’re looking for additional information or support, visit our contact page.


  • The WSKR Account Authorisation screen.
  • The WSKR Settings screen.
  • The WSKR Login screen for users to log into their WSKR Personal account. This enables them to access WSKR secured content on your website.
  • The WSKR Confirmation screen.
  • Don’t forget to enter your Revolut account details in your Business account.


  1. Upload ‘wskr-posts’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to “WSKR” on the main menu.
  4. Authorise the WSKR Posts plugin to work with your WSKR Business account by entering your WSKR Business account username and password, then clicking “Authorise WSKR Account”. This will populate the “WSKR Business ID” field and authorise your account to work with the WSKR API.
  5. On the Settings tab, set the default WSKR Token price.
  6. Change or add Tags and/or Categories that will be protected by WSKR.
  7. Add multiple Tags and/or Categories by separating each one by a comma. Make sure each Tag / Category is spelt correctly and matches one you’ve set up for Posts.
  8. Click “Save” to save your changes.


Why was WSKR created?

To provide an additional revenue stream to content creators and those that host content, through a pay-per-click or pay-per-article revenue model. And to improve the browsing experience for end-users by providing a revenue generating mechanism that does not require adverts or subscriptions.

How do I sign up for WSKR?

You can sign up for a Business account here. WSKR Business accounts are 100% free.

Why do I need a Revolut account to get paid?

Since WSKR is intended to be free to use for businesses, we had to find a way to transfer funds to businesses without incurring any costs. Revolut provides this functionality by allowing Revolut-to-Revolut account transfers, free of charge.

How does WSKR generate its own revenue?

WSKR is unique among online platforms. We do not charge businesses any transaction, setup, or credit card fees. Instead, the cost of running WSKR is paid by the end-user. We accomplish this through the use of WSKR Tokens, which end-users buy and then use to pay for content.

Do people need a WSKR account to view my WSKR content?

Yes, they need a WSKR Personal account which they can sign up for here.




WSKR Posts はオープンソースソフトウェアです。以下の人々がこのプラグインに貢献しています。


“WSKR Posts” をあなたの言語に翻訳しましょう。

開発に興味がありますか ?

コードを閲覧するか、SVN リポジトリをチェックするか、開発ログRSS で購読してみてください。



  • Updated details when creating new WSKR Member on WordPress site.
  • Changes to API workflow when registering new user on WSKR site. Immediate payment no longer neccessary.Required changes to returnURL code in plugin.


  • Bug fix for decoding JSON for API Pay endpoint.


  • Bug fix for default WSKR category.


  • Separation of account authorisation and settings in the WSKR admin section.
  • Ability to add multiple tags to secure a post.
  • Ability to add multiple categories to secure a post.


  • Production release.