XML Cache


This plugin creates an XML sitemap with all posts, pages, categories, archives and tag pages, regardless of whether they are excluded from search engine indexing or not.

The advantage over a normal sitemap is that no pages are excluded from the sitemap. You can specify the XML cache sitemap in your cache plugin, such as LiteSpeed Cache, to fully warm up your website cache.


  • XML Cache Menu & Settings.
  • Enable or disable XML cache for a specific post or page.


The easiest way to install XML Cache is by visiting your Plugins > Add New menu. Search for “XML Cache” and install the first result you see there.

To install with the zip file downloaded from this page:

  1. Login to your WordPress dashboard
  2. Visit the Plugins > Add New menu
  3. Click the Upload Plugin button at the top
  4. In the upload form that appears, click the Choose file button and select the xml-cache.zip file you downloaded here
  5. Click the Install Now button
  6. Once the page reloads, click the blue Activate link
  7. Done.


What is the URL to the sitemap?

The sitemap can be accessed at /cache.xml. You can also simply click on the “Open Sitemap” button in the settings to open the sitemap and copy the URL from the browser address bar.

How can I exclude posts and pages from the sitemap?

Open the post or page you want to exclude. You will find the option to disable the XML cache on the right.




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  • Fixed “Undefined variable $numpage”.


  • XML cache now works if no permalinks are enabled.
  • Paginated categories, tag pages, blog page and frontpage are now also included in the XML sitemap.
  • Added blueprint for a live preview of the plugin.
  • Various optimizations.


  • Paginated posts and pages are now also included in the XML sitemap.


  • Initial release.