Cloudup 埋め込みブロックを使えば、Cloudup にあるコンテンツを投稿やページに埋め込むことができます。この操作には Cloudup アカウントが必要です。
埋め込んだ Cloudup コンテンツ:
Cloudup コンテンツを埋め込むステップ:
- にアクセスし、サービスを利用するためのアカウントを申請してください。サービスを利用するにはアカウントが必要です。
- Cloudup 作成後
- 投稿やページに Cloudup 埋め込みブロックを追加してください。
- ステップ2で取得した Cloudup のリンクを貼り付けてください。
- 「埋め込み」ボタンをクリック
もし埋め込み不可能なリンクを使用した場合、「このコンテンツを埋め込めませんでした。」というメッセージがブロックに表示されます。この場合、2つの選択肢があります。異なる URL を使用して再度試すか、リンクに変換することができます。
Block Toolbar
Besides the Mover and Drag & Drop Handle, the Block Toolbar for the Cloudup embed shows four buttons:
- Transform to
- Change alignment
- Edit URL, and
- More Options.
Transform to
You can transform a Cloudup embed to a Group. This would give you the ability to change the background and text color around the Cloudup embed.
Change Alignment – use reusable Block
- Align left – Make the Cloudup embed post-left-aligned.
- Align center – Make the Cloudup embed post alignment centered.
- Align right – Make the Cloudup embed post-align-right.
- Wide width – Increase the width of the Cloudup embed post beyond the content size.
- Full width – extend the Cloudup embed post to cover the full width of the screen.
“Wide width” and “Full width” alignment need to be enabled by the Theme of your site.
Edit URL
Via the edit URL icon, you can change the Cloudup embed URL in the embed block. To overwrite the existing URL and click on the “Embed” button.
More Options:
Hide Block Settings
The Hide Block Settings option hides (or shows) the Block Setting panel in the editor’s sidebar.
Copy can be used to copy a selected block and then you can paste it wherever you want in the editor.
Duplicate can be used to duplicate selected block.
Insert Before
Insert a new block before the selected block(s).
Insert After
Insert a new block after the selected block(s).
Move To
If you select Move To, you will get a blue line inside your content, you can then use the arrows to move that line up and down to where you want the selected content to be moved into, hitting return on your keyboard at that point moves the block to that position.
Edit as HTML
The Edit as HTML option allows you to modify the HTML code of the embed block.
Add to Reusable blocks
Using the Add to Reusable blocks option lets you add the selected block to a list of reusable blocks, so you can use them on other posts or pages as well.
Select the Group option if you want to create a group of blocks and treat them as a unit. You can for instance add a common background color or other blocks to the group.
Remove Block
With the Remove Block option, you can delete the selected block from your content.
Block settings
Media Settings
Via the Media Settings, you can control the behavior of your post embed when viewed from a smaller device, like on a phone screen.
The Toggle switch turns on or off the resize functionality for smaller devices. The default setting is “on” or blue.
“Off:” This embed may not preserve its aspect ratio when the browser is resized. In the off position, the toggle switch is gray.
“On:” This embed will preserve its aspect ratio when the browser is resized. The toggle switch turns blue in the “On” position.
The advanced tab lets you add a CSS class to your block, allowing you to write custom CSS and style the block as you see fit.
- Created 2020-08-24
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