よろしくお願いします。”[INFO] BackWPup 3.2.2; A project of Inpsyde GmbH
[INFO] BackWPup job: InaZoバックアップ
[INFO] Logfile is: backwpup_log_cac86d_2015-12-19_03-00-02.html
[INFO] Backup file is:
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:02] 1. Try to backup database …
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:02] Connected to database testsv008_wp1 on
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:03] Added database dump “testsv008_wp1.sql”
with 18.30 MB to backup file list
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:03] Database backup done!
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:03] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to
back up …
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:04] Added “wp-config.php” to backup file list
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:04] 658 folders to backup.
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:04] 1. Trying to create a WordPress export to
XML file …
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:08] Check WP Export file …
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:08] WP Export file is a valid WXR file.
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:08] Added XML export “.wordpress.
2015-12-19.xml” with 3.34 MB to backup file list.
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:18] 1. Trying to generate a file with
installed plugin names …
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:19] Added plugin list file “納得ブロ
グ.pluginlist.2015-12-19.txt” with 3.01 kB to backup file list.
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:19] 1. Trying to generate a manifest file …
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:19] Added manifest.json file with 6.08 kB to
backup file list.
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:19] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:19] Compressing files as TarGz. Please be
patient, this may take a moment.
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:43] Backup archive created.
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:43] Archive size is 127.70 MB.
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:43] 7827 Files with 180.49 MB in Archive.
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:43] 1. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:44] Authenticated with Dropbox of user:
inagaki yuzo
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:44] Uploading to Dropbox …
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:58] ERROR: Dropbox API: (500) Internal Server
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:59] 2. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:59] Authenticated with Dropbox of user:
inagaki yuzo
[19-Dec-2015 03:00:59] Uploading to Dropbox …
[19-Dec-2015 03:09:45] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity
for more than 5 minutes.
[19-Dec-2015 03:09:45] 3. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …
[19-Dec-2015 03:09:46] Authenticated with Dropbox of user:
inagaki yuzo
[19-Dec-2015 03:09:46] Uploading to Dropbox …
[19-Dec-2015 03:09:47] One file deleted from Dropbox
[19-Dec-2015 03:09:47] 1. Trying to check database …
[19-Dec-2015 03:09:47] Database check done!
[19-Dec-2015 03:09:47] One old log deleted
[19-Dec-2015 03:09:47] ERROR: Job has ended with errors in 585
seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution.”
- トピック「サーバー上のデーターベースに不具合発生!対策方法は!」には新たに返信することはできません。