header.php の、その箇所の記述がないなら、そもそものフロントページでも表示されていないはずですよ。
ドメイン設定してせっかく作ったサイトなので、他に転用します。やはり、下記のコードが見つからず、is_front_page() && の部分が消去できません。フロントページにヘッダーは表示されています。
<?php if (is_front_page() && (biz_vektor_slideExist() || get_header_image())
<?php echo get_biz_vektor_header_image_home();?>
if (is_front_page() && ( biz_vektor_slideExist() || get_header_image()) ) {
if ( ( biz_vektor_slideExist() || get_header_image()) ) {
のように書き換えればオッケーです。is_front_page() &&
この記述がフロントページだけにヘッダー画像を表示することを限定させている記述ですから、この箇所を削除するだけです。わたしが公式ディレクトリからインストールした BizVektor テーマでは header.php に有りました、以前の ヘッダー画像を全ページに表示したい で解決している方法が同じです。
公式ディレクトリのテーマをアレンジしたテーマでしょうか、似た名前の BizVektor が有るらしいですね。記述されているページが違うだけで同じ内容のようです。@맹조
テーマのホームページからは作者名まではわかりませんでした。 http://bizvektor.com/en/
同じ名称、似た名称のテーマは多いので、BizVektor と説明されても判別しにくいです。どこのファイルのことをおっしゃっているか、ようやくわかりましたが、探せど探せど、指定のコードが見つかりません。やはり見落としでしょうか・・・・・がんばって探してみます。
/* テーマオプションのメニューとページを設定
/* テーマオプションの編集権限設定
/* テーマオプションの編集画面の読み込み
/* Create title
/* layout
/* Add layout class to body tag
/* Add to the body tag class to turn off the side bar
/* Theme style
/* Favicon
/* Menu divide
/* Header logo
/* Header contact info (TEL & Time)
/* Home page _ blogList(RSS)
/* mainfoot _ contact
/* Create keywords
/* GoogleAnalytics
/* footer
/* slide show
/* Print theme_options js
/* Side menu hidden
/* Contact Btn
/* Updata
/* テーマオプションのメニューとページを設定
function biz_vektor_theme_options_add_page() {
$theme_page = add_theme_page(
__(‘Theme Options’, ‘biz-vektor’), // Name of page
__(‘Theme Options’, ‘biz-vektor’), // Label in menu
‘edit_theme_options’, // Capability required
‘theme_options’, // Menu slug, used to uniquely identify the page
‘biz_vektor_theme_options_render_page’ // Function that renders the options page
);if ( ! $theme_page )
/* help
$help = ‘<p></p>’ .
add_contextual_help( $theme_page, $help );
add_action( ‘admin_menu’, ‘biz_vektor_theme_options_add_page’ );/*——————————————-*/
/* テーマオプションの編集権限設定
function biz_vektor_option_page_capability( $capability ) {
return ‘edit_theme_options’;
add_filter( ‘option_page_capability_biz_vektor_options’, ‘biz_vektor_option_page_capability’ );/*——————————————-*/
/* テーマオプションの編集画面の読み込み
/* Create title
function getHeadTitle() {
$options = biz_vektor_get_theme_options();
global $wp_query;
$post = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if (is_home() || is_page(‘home’) || is_front_page()) {
if ($options[‘topTitle’]) {
$headTitle = $options[‘topTitle’];
} else {
$headTitle = get_bloginfo(‘name’);
// Author
} else if (is_author()) {
$userObj = get_queried_object();
$headTitle = esc_html($userObj->display_name).” | “.get_bloginfo(‘name’);
// Page
} else if (is_page()) {
// Sub Pages
if ( $post->post_parent ) {
foreach($post->ancestors as $post_anc_id){
$post_id = $post_anc_id;
} else {
$post_id = $post->ID;
$headTitle = get_the_title().” | “.get_the_title($post_id).” | “.get_bloginfo(‘name’);
// Not Sub Pages
} else {
$headTitle = get_the_title().” | “.get_bloginfo(‘name’);
// Info
} else if (get_post_type() === ‘info’) {
// Single
if (is_single()) {
$taxo_catelist = get_the_term_list_nolink( $post->ID, ‘info-cat’, ”, ‘,’, ” );
if (!empty($taxo_catelist)) :
$headTitle = get_the_title().” | “.$taxo_catelist.” | “.get_bloginfo(‘name’);
else :
$headTitle = get_the_title().” | “.get_bloginfo(‘name’);
// Info category
} else if (is_tax()){
$headTitle = single_cat_title(”,false).” | “.get_bloginfo(‘name’);
// Info crchive
} else if (is_archive()) {
if ( is_year()) {
$headTitle = sprintf( __( ‘Yearly Archives: %s’, ‘biz-vektor’ ), get_the_date( _x( ‘Y’, ‘yearly archives date format’, ‘biz-vektor’ ) ) );
} if ( is_month()) {
$headTitle = sprintf( __( ‘Monthly Archives: %s’, ‘biz-vektor’ ), get_the_date( _x( ‘F Y’, ‘monthly archives date format’, ‘biz-vektor’ ) ) );
} else {
$headTitle = esc_html(bizVektorOptions(‘infoLabelName’));
$headTitle .= ” | “.get_bloginfo(‘name’);
// Single
} else if (is_single()) {
$category = get_the_category();
if (!empty($category)) :
$headTitle = get_the_title().” | “.$category[0]->cat_name.” | “.get_bloginfo(‘name’);
else :
$headTitle = get_the_title().” | “.get_bloginfo(‘name’);
// Category
} else if (is_category()) {
$headTitle = single_cat_title(”,false).” | “.get_bloginfo(‘name’);
// Tag
} else if (is_tag()) {
$headTitle = single_tag_title(”,false).” | “.get_bloginfo(‘name’);
// Archive
} else if (is_archive()) {
if (is_month()){
$headTitle = sprintf( __( ‘Monthly Archives: %s’, ‘biz-vektor’ ), get_the_date( _x( ‘F Y’, ‘monthly archives date format’, ‘biz-vektor’ ) ) );
} else if (is_year()){
$headTitle = sprintf( __( ‘Yearly Archives: %s’, ‘biz-vektor’ ), get_the_date( _x( ‘Y’, ‘yearly archives date format’, ‘biz-vektor’ ) ) );
} else if (is_tax()){
$headTitle = single_term_title(”,false);
} else if (!is_day() || !is_tax()){
global $wp_query;
$postTypeName = esc_html($wp_query->queried_object->labels->name);
$headTitle = $postTypeName;
$headTitle .= ” | “.get_bloginfo(‘name’);
// Search
} else if (is_search()) {
$headTitle = sprintf(__(‘Search Results for : %s’, ‘biz-vektor’),get_search_query()).” | “.get_bloginfo(‘name’);
} else {
$headTitle = get_bloginfo(‘name’);
global $paged;
if ( $paged != ‘0’ ){
$headTitle = ‘[‘.sprintf(__(‘Page of %s’, ‘biz-vektor’ ),$paged).’] ‘.$headTitle;
$headTitle = apply_filters( ‘titleCustom’, $headTitle );
return esc_html($headTitle);
add_filter( ‘wp_title’, ‘getHeadTitle’, 10, 2 );/*——————————————-*/
/* layout
function biz_vektor_layouts() {
$layout_options = array(
‘sidebar-content’ => array(
‘value’ => ‘sidebar-content’,
‘label’ => __(‘Left sidebar’, ‘biz-vektor’),
‘thumbnail’ => get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/inc/images/sidebar-content.png’,
‘content-sidebar’ => array(
‘value’ => ‘content-sidebar’,
‘label’ => __(‘Right sidebar’, ‘biz-vektor’),
‘thumbnail’ => get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/inc/images/content-sidebar.png’,
return apply_filters( ‘biz_vektor_layouts’, $layout_options );
/* Add layout class to body tag
/*——————————————-*/function biz_vektor_layout_classes( $existing_classes ) {
$options = biz_vektor_get_theme_options();
if (isset($options[‘theme_layout’])) {
$current_layout = $options[‘theme_layout’];// if $options[‘theme_layout’] include ‘content-sidebar’ or ‘sidebar-content’
if ( in_array( $current_layout, array( ‘content-sidebar’, ‘sidebar-content’ ) ) )
// Set the classname ‘two-column’ to $classes
$classes = array( ‘two-column’ );if ( ‘content-sidebar’ == $current_layout )
$classes[] = ‘right-sidebar’;
elseif ( ‘sidebar-content’ == $current_layout )
$classes[] = ‘left-sidebar’;
$classes[] = $current_layout;
} else {
$current_layout = array();
$classes = array();
}$classes = apply_filters( ‘biz_vektor_layout_classes’, $classes, $current_layout );
return array_merge( $existing_classes, $classes );
add_filter( ‘body_class’, ‘biz_vektor_layout_classes’ );/*——————————————-*/
/* Add to the body tag class to turn off the side bar
function biz_vektor_topSideBarDisplay( $existing_classes ) {
if (is_front_page()){
$options = biz_vektor_get_theme_options();
if ($options[‘topSideBarDisplay’] ){
$classes[] = ‘one-column’;
// remove layout class
$existing_classes = array_diff( $existing_classes , array(‘right-sidebar’,’left-sidebar’,’two-column’) );
// merge ‘one-column’
$existing_classes = array_merge( $existing_classes, $classes );
return $existing_classes;
add_filter( ‘biz_vektor_layout_classes’, ‘biz_vektor_topSideBarDisplay’ );/*——————————————-*/
/* Theme style
/*——————————————-*/// [1] Set theme style array
function biz_vektor_theme_styleSetting() {
global $biz_vektor_theme_styles;
$biz_vektor_theme_styles = array(
‘rebuild’ => array(
‘label’ => ‘Rebuild’,
‘cssPath’ => get_template_directory_uri().’/design_skins/003/css/003.css’,
‘cssPathOldIe’ => get_template_directory_uri().’/design_skins/003/css/003_oldie.css’,
‘calmly’ => array(
‘label’ => ‘Calmly’,
‘cssPath’ => get_template_directory_uri().’/design_skins/002/002.css’,
‘cssPathOldIe’ => get_template_directory_uri().’/design_skins/002/002_oldie.css’,
‘plain’ => array(
‘label’ => __(‘Plain’, ‘biz-vektor’),
‘cssPath’ => get_template_directory_uri().’/design_skins/plain/plain.css’,
‘cssPathOldIe’ => get_template_directory_uri().’/design_skins/plain/plain_oldie.css’,
‘default’ => array(
‘label’ => ‘Default’,
‘cssPath’ => get_template_directory_uri().’/design_skins/001/001.css’,
‘cssPathOldIe’ => get_template_directory_uri().’/design_skins/001/001_oldie.css’,
// [2] Receive ‘theme style array’ from the plug-in
$biz_vektor_theme_styles = apply_filters( ‘biz_vektor_themePlus’, $biz_vektor_theme_styles );
}// [4] Print theme style css
add_action(‘wp_enqueue_scripts’,’biz_vektor_theme_style’,100 );
function biz_vektor_theme_style() {
$options = biz_vektor_get_theme_options();
// Set bbiz_vektor_theme_styles
global $biz_vektor_theme_styles;
biz_vektor_theme_styleSetting();if ( isset($options[‘theme_style’]) ) {
$theme_style = $options[‘theme_style’];
if ( !isset($biz_vektor_theme_styles[$theme_style]) ) {
$theme_style = ‘rebuild’;
} else {
// set default style
$theme_style = ‘rebuild’;
}// wp_enqueue_style( ‘theme’, $themePath , false, ‘2013-10-19’);
$themePath = $biz_vektor_theme_styles[$theme_style][‘cssPath’];
$system_name = get_biz_vektor_name();wp_enqueue_style(‘Biz_Vektor_Design_style’, $themePath, array(‘Biz_Vektor_common_style’), false, ‘all’);
add_action(‘wp_head’,’biz_vektor_theme_style_oldie’,100 );
function biz_vektor_theme_style_oldie() {
global $biz_vektor_theme_styles;
biz_vektor_theme_styleSetting();if ( isset($options[‘theme_style’]) ) {
$theme_style = $options[‘theme_style’];
if ( !isset($biz_vektor_theme_styles[$theme_style]) ) {
$theme_style = ‘rebuild’;
} else {
// set default style
$theme_style = ‘rebuild’;
}$themePathOldIe = $biz_vektor_theme_styles[$theme_style][‘cssPathOldIe’];
if ($themePathOldIe){
print ‘<!–[if lte IE 8]>’.”\n”;
print ‘<link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” media=”all” href=”‘.$themePathOldIe.'” />’.”\n”;
print ‘<![endif]–>’.”\n”;
/* Favicon
function biz_vektor_favicon(){
$options = biz_vektor_get_theme_options();
if(isset($options[‘favicon’]) && $options[‘favicon’]){
echo ‘<link rel=”SHORTCUT ICON” HREF=”‘.$options[‘favicon’].'” />’;
add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘biz_vektor_favicon’);
add_action(‘admin_head’, ‘biz_vektor_favicon’);/*——————————————-*/
/* Menu divide
add_action(‘wp_head’,’biz_vektor_gMenuDivide’,170 );
function biz_vektor_gMenuDivide() {
$options = biz_vektor_get_theme_options();
// No select
if ($options[‘gMenuDivide’] == __(‘[ Select ]’, ‘biz-vektor’) || ! $options[‘gMenuDivide’] || ($options[‘gMenuDivide’] == ‘divide_natural’) ) {
// other
} else {
$menuWidth = array(
‘divide_4’ => array(238,237),
‘divide_5’ => array(193,189),
‘divide_6’ => array(159,158),
‘divide_7’ => array(139,135),
$menuWidthActive = $menuWidth[$options[‘gMenuDivide’]][0];
$menuWidthNonActive = $menuWidth[$options[‘gMenuDivide’]][1];
<style type=”text/css”>
/* menu divide
@media (min-width: 970px) {
#gMenu .menu > li { width:<?php echo $menuWidthNonActive ?>px; text-align:center; }
#gMenu .menu > li.current_menu_item,
#gMenu .menu > li.current-menu-ancestor,
#gMenu .menu > li.current_page_item,
#gMenu .menu > li.current_page_ancestor,
#gMenu .menu > li.current-page-ancestor { width:<?php echo $menuWidthActive ?>px; }
<!–[if lte IE 8]>
<style type=”text/css”>
#gMenu .menu li { width:<?php echo $menuWidthNonActive ?>px; text-align:center; }
#gMenu .menu li.current_page_item,
#gMenu .menu li.current_page_ancestor { width:<?php echo $menuWidthActive ?>px; }
/* Header logo
function biz_vektor_print_headLogo() {
$options = biz_vektor_get_theme_options();
if (isset($options[‘head_logo’]) && $options[‘head_logo’]){
print ‘<img src=”‘.$options[‘head_logo’].'” alt=”‘.get_bloginfo(‘name’).'” />’;
} else {
echo bloginfo(‘name’);
/* Header contact info (TEL & Time)
function biz_vektor_print_headContact() {
$options = biz_vektor_get_theme_options();
$contact_txt = $options[‘contact_txt’];
$contact_time = nl2br($options[‘contact_time’]);
$headContact = ”;
if ($options[‘tel_number’]) {
// tel_number
$headContact = ‘<div id=”headContact” class=”itemClose” onclick=”showHide(\’headContact\’);”><div id=”headContactInner”>’.”\n”;
if ($contact_txt) {
// contact_txt
$headContact .= ‘<div id=”headContactTxt”>’.$contact_txt.'</div>’.”\n”;
// mobile
if ( function_exists(‘wp_is_mobile’) && wp_is_mobile() ) {
$headContact .= ‘<div id=”headContactTel”>TEL ‘.$options[‘tel_number’].’</div>’.”\n”;
// not mobile
} else {
$headContact .= ‘<div id=”headContactTel”>TEL ‘.$options[‘tel_number’].'</div>’.”\n”;
if ($contact_time) {
// contact_time
$headContact .= ‘<div id=”headContactTime”>’.$contact_time.'</div>’.”\n”;
$headContact .= ‘</div></div>’;
// set filter to $headContact
$headContact = apply_filters( ‘headContactCustom’, $headContact );
echo $headContact;
/* Home page _ blogList(RSS)
function biz_vektor_blogList($option = array(‘url’=>null,’label’=>null)) {
if ($option[‘url’]){ $blogRss = $option[‘url’]; }
$options = biz_vektor_get_theme_options();
$blogRss = $options[‘blogRss’];
if ($blogRss) {
$titlelabel = ‘ブログエントリー’;
if($option[‘label’]){ $titlelabel = $option[‘label’]; }
elseif($blogRss[‘rssLabelName’]){ $titlelabel = esc_html($option[‘rssLabelName’]); }
<div id=”topBlog” class=”infoList”>
<h2><?php echo $titlelabel; ?></h2>
<div class=”rssBtn”>” id=”blogRss” target=”_blank”>RSS</div>
$xml = simplexml_load_file($blogRss);
$count = 0;
echo ‘<ul class=”entryList”>’;
if ($xml->channel->item){
// WordPress / ameblo
foreach($xml->channel->item as $entry){
// fot ameblo PR
$entryTitJudge = mb_substr( $entry->title, 0, 3 ); // trim 3 charactors
if (!($entryTitJudge == ‘PR:’)) { // Display to only not ‘PR:
$entrydate = date ( “Y.m.d”,strtotime ( $entry->pubDate ) );
echo ‘- <span class=”infoDate”>’.$entrydate.'</span>’;
echo ‘<span class=”infoTxt”>link.'” target=”_blank”>’.$entry->title.’</span> - <span class=”infoDate”>’.$entrydate.'</span>’;
echo ‘<span class=”infoTxt”>link.'” target=”_blank”>’.$entry->title.’</span> - <span class=”infoDate”>’.$entrydate.'</span>’;
echo ‘<span class=”infoTxt”>link->attributes()->href.'” target=”_blank”>’.$entry->title.’</span> - ‘;
if ($biz_vektor_options[‘slide’.$i.’link’]) {
$blank = “”;
if ($biz_vektor_options[‘slide’.$i.’blank’]) : $blank = ‘ target=”_blank”‘; endif;
$biz_vektor_slide_body .= ‘‘;
} else {
$biz_vektor_slide_body .= ‘<span class=”slideFrame”>’;
$biz_vektor_slide_body .= ‘<img src=”‘.$biz_vektor_options[‘slide’.$i.’image’].'” alt=”‘.$biz_vektor_options[‘slide’.$i.’alt’].'” />’;
if ($biz_vektor_options[‘slide’.$i.’link’]) {
$biz_vektor_slide_body .= ‘‘;
} else {
$biz_vektor_slide_body .= ‘</span>’;
$biz_vektor_slide_body .= ‘
if ($count > 4){break;}
} else if ($xml->item){
// RSS 1.0 (FC2)
foreach($xml->item as $entry){
$dc = $entry->children(‘http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/’);
$entrydate = date(‘Y.m.d’, strtotime($dc->date));
echo ‘‘;
if ($count > 4){break;}
} else {
// livedoor
foreach($xml->entry as $entry){
$entrydate = substr(( $entry->modified ),0,10);
$entrydate = str_replace(“-“, “.”, $entrydate);
echo ‘‘;
if ($count > 4){break;}
echo “”;
</div><!– [ /#topBlog ] –>
/* mainfoot _ contact
function biz_vektor_mainfootContact() {
$options = biz_vektor_get_theme_options();
$contact_txt = $options[‘contact_txt’];
$contact_time = nl2br($options[‘contact_time’]);
if ($contact_txt) {
print ‘<span class=”mainFootCatch”>’.$contact_txt.'</span>’.”\n”;
if ($options[‘tel_number’]) {
// mobile
if ( function_exists(‘wp_is_mobile’) && wp_is_mobile() ) {
echo ‘<span class=”mainFootTel”>TEL ‘.$options[‘tel_number’].’</span>’.”\n”;
// not mobile
} else {
echo ‘<span class=”mainFootTel”>TEL ‘.$options[‘tel_number’].'</span>’.”\n”;
if ($contact_time) {
print ‘<span class=”mainFootTime”>’.$contact_time.'</span>’.”\n”;
/* Create keywords
function biz_vektor_getHeadKeywords(){
$options = biz_vektor_get_theme_options();
$commonKeyWords = $options[‘commonKeyWords’];
// get custom field
$entryKeyWords = post_custom(‘metaKeyword’);
// display common keywords
echo $commonKeyWords;
// If common and individual keywords exist, print ‘,’.
if ($commonKeyWords && $entryKeyWords) {
echo ‘,’;
// print individual keywords
echo $entryKeyWords;
/* GoogleAnalytics
add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘biz_vektor_googleAnalytics’, 10000 );
function biz_vektor_googleAnalytics(){
global $biz_vektor_options;
$gaType = (isset($biz_vektor_options[‘gaType’])) ? $biz_vektor_options[‘gaType’] : ”;
if (isset($biz_vektor_options[‘gaID’]) && $biz_vektor_options[‘gaID’]) {
if ((!$gaType) || ($gaType == ‘gaType_normal’) || ($gaType == ‘gaType_both’)){ ?>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push([‘_setAccount’, ‘UA-<?php echo $biz_vektor_options[‘gaID’] ?>’]);
(function() {
var ga = document.createElement(‘script’); ga.type = ‘text/javascript’; ga.async = true;
ga.src = (‘https:’ == document.location.protocol ? ‘https://ssl’ : ‘http://www’) + ‘.google-analytics.com/ga.js’;
var s = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
<?php }
if (($gaType == ‘gaType_both’) || ($gaType == ‘gaType_universal’)){
$domainUrl = site_url();
$delete = array(“http://”, “https://”);
$domain = str_replace($delete, “”, $domainUrl); ?>
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
})(window,document,’script’,’//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js’,’ga’);ga(‘create’, ‘UA-<?php echo $biz_vektor_options[‘gaID’] ?>’, ‘<?php echo $domain ?>’);
ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’);
/* footer
/*——————————————-*/function biz_vektor_footerSiteName() {
$options = biz_vektor_get_theme_options();
if ($options[‘sub_sitename’]) {
$footSiteName = nl2br($options[‘sub_sitename’]);
} else {
$footSiteName = get_bloginfo( ‘name’ );
if ($options[‘foot_logo’]) {
print ‘<img src=”‘.$options[‘foot_logo’].'” alt=”‘.$footSiteName.'” />’;
} else {
echo $footSiteName;
function biz_vektor_print_footContact() {
$options = biz_vektor_get_theme_options();
$contact_address = wp_kses_post(nl2br($options[‘contact_address’]));
if ($contact_address) {
print $contact_address;
function biz_vektor_footerCopyRight() {
$options = biz_vektor_get_theme_options();
$subSiteName = ($options[‘sub_sitename’]);
print ‘<div id=”copy”>Copyright © ‘;
if ($subSiteName) {
print $subSiteName;
} else {
bloginfo( ‘name’ );
print ‘ All Rights Reserved.</div>’;// **** Don’t change id name!
$footerPowerd = ‘<div id=”powerd”>Powered by WordPress & BizVektor Theme by Vektor,Inc. technology.</div>’;
// **** Dont change filter name! Oh I already know ‘Powerd’ id miss spell !!!!!
$footerPowerd = apply_filters( ‘footerPowerdCustom’, $footerPowerd );
echo $footerPowerd;
/* slide show
function biz_vektor_slideExist () {
global $biz_vektor_options;
if (
($biz_vektor_options[‘slide1image’] && (!$biz_vektor_options[‘slide1display’])) ||
($biz_vektor_options[‘slide2image’] && (!$biz_vektor_options[‘slide2display’])) ||
($biz_vektor_options[‘slide3image’] && (!$biz_vektor_options[‘slide3display’])) ||
($biz_vektor_options[‘slide4image’] && (!$biz_vektor_options[‘slide4display’])) ||
($biz_vektor_options[‘slide5image’] && (!$biz_vektor_options[‘slide5display’]))
return true;
}function get_biz_vektor_slide_body(){
global $biz_vektor_options;
$biz_vektor_slide_body = ”;
for ( $i = 1; $i <= 5 ; $i++){
if ( $biz_vektor_options[‘slide’.$i.’image’] && !$biz_vektor_options[‘slide’.$i.’display’]) {
$biz_vektor_slide_body .= ‘‘.”\n”;
return $biz_vektor_slide_body;
function get_biz_vektor_header_image(){
$biz_vektor_slider_class = (biz_vektor_slideExist()) ? ‘ class=”flexslider”‘:”;
$biz_vektor_header_image = ‘<div id=”topMainBnr”>’.”\n”;
$biz_vektor_header_image .= ‘<div id=”topMainBnrFrame”‘.$biz_vektor_slider_class.’>’.”\n”;
if(biz_vektor_slideExist()) {
$biz_vektor_header_image .= ‘<ul class=”slides”>’.”\n”;
$biz_vektor_header_image .= get_biz_vektor_slide_body();
$biz_vektor_header_image .= ”.”\n”;
} else {
$biz_vektor_header_image .= ‘<div class=”slideFrame”><img src=”‘.esc_url( get_header_image() ).'” alt=”” /></div>’.”\n”;
$biz_vektor_header_image .= ‘</div>’.”\n”;
$biz_vektor_header_image .= ‘</div>’.”\n”;
$biz_vektor_header_image = apply_filters( ‘biz_vektor_header_image’, $biz_vektor_header_image );
return $biz_vektor_header_image;
function get_biz_vektor_header_image_home(){
if (is_front_page() && ( biz_vektor_slideExist() || get_header_image()) ) {
$biz_vektor_header_image_front = get_biz_vektor_header_image();
$biz_vektor_header_image_front = apply_filters( ‘biz_vektor_header_image_front’, $biz_vektor_header_image_front );
return $biz_vektor_header_image_front;
/* Print theme_options js
add_action(‘admin_print_scripts-appearance_page_theme_options’, ‘admin_theme_options_plugins’);
function admin_theme_options_plugins( $hook_suffix ) {
wp_register_script( ‘biz_vektor-theme-options’, get_template_directory_uri().’/inc/theme-options.js’, array(‘jquery’), ‘20120902’ );
wp_enqueue_script( ‘jquery’ );
wp_enqueue_script( ‘biz_vektor-theme-options’ );
/* Change fonts
add_action( ‘wp_head’,’biz_vektor_fontStyle’,170);
function biz_vektor_fontStyle(){
$options = biz_vektor_get_theme_options();
$font_face_serif = _x(‘serif’, ‘Font select’, ‘biz-vektor’);
$font_face_serif = apply_filters( ‘font_face_serif_custom’, $font_face_serif );
$font_face_sans_serif = _x(‘Meiryo,Osaka,sans-serif’, ‘Font select’, ‘biz-vektor’);
$font_face_sans_serif = apply_filters( ‘font_face_sans_serif_custom’, $font_face_sans_serif );
if ( isset($options[‘font_title’]) ) {
if ( $options[‘font_title’] == ‘serif’) {
$font_title_face = $font_face_serif ;
$font_title_weight = ‘bold’;
} else {
$font_title_face = $font_face_sans_serif;
$font_title_weight = ‘lighter’;
if ( isset($options[‘font_menu’]) ) {
if ( $options[‘font_menu’] == ‘serif’) {
$font_menu_face = $font_face_serif ;
} else {
$font_menu_face = $font_face_sans_serif;
if ( ( isset($font_title_face) && $font_title_face ) || ( isset($font_menu_face) && $font_menu_face) ) {
$font_style_head = ‘<style type=”text/css”>
/* font
if ( isset($font_title_face) && $font_title_face ){
$font_style_head .= ‘h1,h2,h3,h4,h4,h5,h6,#header #site-title,#pageTitBnr #pageTitInner #pageTit,#content .leadTxt,#sideTower .localHead {font-family: ‘.$font_title_face.’; }’.”\n”;
$font_style_head .= ‘#pageTitBnr #pageTitInner #pageTit { font-weight:’.$font_title_weight.’; }’.”\n”;
if ( isset($font_menu_face) && $font_menu_face ){
$font_style_head .= ‘#gMenu .menu li a strong {font-family: ‘.$font_menu_face.’; }’.”\n”;
if ( ( isset($font_title_face) && $font_title_face ) || ( isset($font_menu_face) && $font_menu_face) ) {
$font_style_head .= ‘</style>’.”\n”;
// Output font style
if ( isset($font_style_head) && $font_style_head ) echo $font_style_head;
/* Side menu hidden
add_action( ‘wp_head’,’biz_vektor_sideChildDisplay’);
function biz_vektor_sideChildDisplay(){
$options = biz_vektor_get_theme_options();
if ( isset($options[‘side_child_display’] ) && $options[‘side_child_display’] == ‘side_child_hidden’ ) { ?>
<style type=”text/css”>
/* sidebar child menu display
#sideTower ul.localNavi ul.children { display:none; }
#sideTower ul.localNavi li.current_page_ancestor ul.children,
#sideTower ul.localNavi li.current_page_item ul.children,
#sideTower ul.localNavi li.current-cat ul.children{ display:block; }
}/* admin_head JavaScript debug console hook_suffix
add_action(“admin_head”, ‘suffix2console’);
function suffix2console() {
global $hook_suffix;
if (is_user_logged_in()) {
$str = “<script type=\”text/javascript\”>console.log(‘%s’)</script>”;
printf($str, $hook_suffix);
/* Contact Btn
function get_biz_vektor_contactBtn(){
global $biz_vektor_options;
if ($biz_vektor_options[‘contact_link’]) :
$contactBtn = ‘- ‘;
$contactBtn .= ‘<li class=”sideBnr” id=”sideContact”>‘.”\n”;
$sideContactBtnImage = ‘<img src=”‘.get_template_directory_uri().’/images/’.__(‘bnr_contact.png’, ‘biz-vektor’).'” alt=”‘.__(‘Contact us by e-mail’, ‘biz-vektor’).'”>’;
$sideContactBtnImage = apply_filters( ‘bizvektor_side_contact_btn_image’, $sideContactBtnImage );
$contactBtn .= $sideContactBtnImage.”\n”;
$contactBtn .= ‘‘.”\n”;
$contactBtn .= ‘‘.”\n”;
$contactBtn = apply_filters( ‘biz_vektor_side_contactBtn’, $contactBtn );
return $contactBtn;
}function biz_vektor_contactBtn(){
echo get_biz_vektor_contactBtn();
}function get_biz_vektor_name() {
$name = ‘BizVektor’;
$name = apply_filters( ‘biz_vektor_name’, $name );
return $name;
/* Ad insert
/*——————————————-*/add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘biz_vektor_ad_contet_more’);
function biz_vektor_ad_contet_more($post_content) {
if (is_single() && get_post_type() == ‘post’) :
// moreタグとすぐ次の</p>まで取得
$moreTag = ‘/<span id=”more-[0-9]+”><\/span>.*[\/a-z]+>/’ ;
// 広告タグ
global $biz_vektor_options;
$adTags = apply_filters( ‘widget_text’, $biz_vektor_options[‘ad_content_moretag’] );preg_match($moreTag, $post_content, $matches);
$match = (isset($matches[0]))? $matches[0] : ”;
// $matchしている(moreタグが存在する)場合
if(strpos($match, ‘</p>’) !== false){
$post_content = preg_replace($moreTag, ‘</p>’.$adTags, $post_content);
} else {
$post_content = preg_replace($moreTag, ‘</p>’.$adTags.'<p>’, $post_content);
if ($biz_vektor_options[‘ad_content_after’])
$post_content = $post_content.'<div class=”sectionBox”>’.$biz_vektor_options[‘ad_content_after’].'</div>’;
endif; // post
return $post_content;
} - <span class=”infoDate”>’.$entrydate.'</span>’;
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