サポート » プラグイン » Ktai Entry + cron取得でのエラーメッセージ

  • 解決済 teatype


    Ktai Entry 0.8.11を、WordPressMU 2.8.6にて使用中です。

    「Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.」エラー




    ・サーバーのcronにて、sh retrieve.shを15分間隔(“2, 17, 32, 47”)で定期的に実行。
      retrieve.shの中身は、wget –spider -i <各ブログごとのretrieve.phpのリストファイル>となっています。

    2010-03-15 21:52:56 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 21:53:13 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 21:53:24 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 21:54:35 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 21:54:53 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 21:55:56 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:01:48 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:04:09 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:06:29 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:07:12 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:07:43 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:07:58 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:08:36 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:08:50 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:09:43 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:11:24 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:11:58 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:12:46 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:14:50 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:15:07 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:17:11 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:17:19 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:18:10 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:18:15 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:18:20 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:18:24 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:19:18 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:19:18 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:23:43 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:24:06 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:24:09 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:24:32 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:24:59 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:25:27 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:29:43 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:34:23 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:35:09 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:35:21 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:35:40 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:37:13 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:39:13 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:39:46 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:40:39 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:40:59 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:41:28 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:41:32 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:44:59 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:45:40 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:50:24 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:51:52 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:54:19 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:55:06 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:56:21 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:56:47 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:57:17 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.
    2010-03-15 22:58:22 Bad Gateway: The POP3 config is not valid.

1件の返信を表示中 - 1 - 1件目 (全1件中)
  • トピック投稿者 teatype



     Ktai Entryで投稿を行なっていないブログも含んでいます。
     プラグイン設定でKtai Entryを全ブログで使用するように設定していました。
     そのため、Ktai Entryで投稿を行なっていないブログで、
     Bad Gatewayエラーが出力されていました。


1件の返信を表示中 - 1 - 1件目 (全1件中)
  • トピック「Ktai Entry + cron取得でのエラーメッセージ」には新たに返信することはできません。