simple lightboxのキャプション改行
simple lightboxを使用しており、キャプション(画像タイトル)を改行させたいと思っています。
よくわからない状態です。テーマはdelicious photographyを使用しています。
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Simple Lightbox // by Archetyped - // Updated: 2011-01-27 // // Originally based on Lightbox Slideshow v1.1 // by Justin Barkhuff - // 2007/08/15 // // Largely based on Lightbox v2.02 // by Lokesh Dhakar - // 2006/03/31 // // Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License - // // The code inserts HTML at the bottom of the page for displaying content in a non-modal dialog // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Lightbox object */ //var SLB = null; (function($) { SLB = { activeImage : null, badObjects : ['select','object','embed'], container : null, enableSlideshow : null, groupName : null, imageArray : [], options : null, overlayDuration : null, overlayOpacity : null, playSlides : null, refTags : ['a'], relAttribute : null, resizeDuration : null, slideShowTimer : null, startImage : null, prefix : '', checkedUrls : {}, /** * Initialize lightbox instance * @param object options Instance options */ initialize: function(options) { this.options = $.extend(true, { animate : true, // resizing animations validateLinks : false, //Validate links before adding them to lightbox captionEnabled: true, //Display caption captionSrc : true, //Use image source URI if title not set autoPlay : true, // should slideshow start automatically borderSize : 10, // if you adjust the padding in the CSS, you will need to update this variable containerID : document, // lightbox container object enableSlideshow : true, // enable slideshow feature googleAnalytics : false, // track individual image views using Google Analytics imageDataLocation : 'south', // location of image caption information initImage : '', // ID of image link to automatically launch when upon script initialization loop : true, // whether to continuously loop slideshow images overlayDuration : .2, // time to fade in shadow overlay overlayOpacity : .8, // transparency of shadow overlay relAttribute : null, // specifies the rel attribute value that triggers lightbox resizeSpeed : 400, // controls the speed of the image resizing (milliseconds) showGroupName : false, // show group name of images in image details slideTime : 4, // time to display images during slideshow altsrc : 'src', strings : { // allows for localization closeLink : 'close', loadingMsg : 'loading', nextLink : 'next »', prevLink : '« prev', startSlideshow : 'start slideshow', stopSlideshow : 'stop slideshow', numDisplayPrefix : 'Image', numDisplaySeparator : 'of' }, placeholders : { slbContent: '<img id="slb_slbContent" />', slbLoading: '<span id="slb_slbLoading">loading</span>', slbClose: '<a class="slb_slbClose" href="#">close</a>', navPrev: '<a class="slb_navPrev slb_nav" href="#">« prev</a>', navNext: '<a class="slb_navNext slb_nav" href="#">» next</a>', navSlideControl: '<a class="slb_navSlideControl" href="#">Stop</a>', dataCaption: '<span class="slb_dataCaption"></span>', dataNumber: '<span class="slb_dataNumber"></span>' }, layout : null }, options); //Stop if no layout is defined if (!this.options.layout || this.options.layout.toString().length == 0) this.end(); //Validate options if ( 'prefix' in this.options ) this.prefix = this.options.prefix; //Activation Attribute if ( null == this.options.relAttribute ) this.options.relAttribute = [this.prefix]; else if ( !$.isArray(this.options.relAttribute) ) this.options.relAttribute = [this.options.relAttribute.toString()]; this.relAttribute = this.options.relAttribute; if ( this.options.animate ) { this.overlayDuration = Math.max(this.options.overlayDuration,0); this.resizeDuration = this.options.resizeSpeed; } else { this.overlayDuration = 0; this.resizeDuration = 0; } this.enableSlideshow = this.options.enableSlideshow; this.overlayOpacity = Math.max(Math.min(this.options.overlayOpacity,1),0); this.playSlides = this.options.autoPlay; this.container = $(this.options.containerID); this.updateImageList(); var t = this; var objBody = $(this.container).get(0) != document ? this.container : $('body'); var objOverlay = $('<div/>', { 'id': this.getID('overlay'), 'css': {'display': 'none'} }).appendTo(objBody) .click(function() {t.end()}); var objLightbox = $('<div/>', { 'id': this.getID('lightbox'), 'css': {'display': 'none'} }).appendTo(objBody) .click(function() {t.end()}); //Build layout from template var layout = this.getLayout(); //Append to container $(layout).appendTo(objLightbox); //Set UI this.setUI(); //Add events this.setEvents(); if (this.options.initImage != '') { this.start($(this.options.initImage)); } }, /** * Build layout from template * @uses options.layout * @return string Layout markup (HTML) */ getLayout: function() { var l = this.options.layout; //Expand placeholders var ph, phs, phr; for (ph in this.options.placeholders) { phs = '{' + ph + '}'; //Continue to next placeholder if current one is not in layout if (l.indexOf(phs) == -1) continue; phr = new RegExp(phs, "g"); l = l.replace(phr, this.options.placeholders[ph]); } //Return final layout return l; }, /** * Set localized values for UI elements */ setUI: function() { var s = this.options.strings; this.get('slbClose').html(s.closeLink); this.get('navNext').html(s.nextLink); this.get('navPrev').html(s.prevLink); this.get('navSlideControl').html(((this.playSlides) ? s.stopSlideshow : s.startSlideshow)); }, /** * Add events to various UI elements */ setEvents: function() { var t = this, delay = 500; this.get('container,details').click(function(ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); }); var clickP = function() { t.get('navPrev').unbind('click').click(false); setTimeout(function() {t.get('navPrev').click(clickP)}, delay); t.showPrev(); return false; }; this.get('navPrev').click(function(){ return clickP(); }); var clickN = function() { t.get('navNext').unbind('click').click(false); setTimeout(function() {t.get('navNext').click(clickN)}, delay); t.showNext(); return false; }; this.get('navNext').click(function() { return clickN(); }); this.get('navSlideControl').click(function() { t.toggleSlideShow(); return false; }); this.get('slbClose').click(function() { t.end(); return false; }); }, /** * Finds all compatible image links on page */ updateImageList: function() { var el, els, rel, ph = '{relattr}', t = this; var sel = [], selBase = '[href][rel*="' + ph + '"]:not([rel~="' + this.addPrefix('off') + '"])'; //Define event handler var handler = function() { //Check if element is valid for lightbox t.start(this); return false; }; //Build selector for (var i = 0; i < this.refTags.length; i++) { for (var x = 0; x < this.relAttribute.length; x++) { sel.push(this.refTags[i] + selBase.replace(ph, this.relAttribute[x])); } } sel = sel.join(','); //Add event handler to links $(sel, $(this.container)).live('click', handler); }, /** * Build caption for displayed caption * @param {Object} imageLink */ getCaption: function(imageLink) { imageLink = $(imageLink); var caption = ''; if (this.options.captionEnabled) { caption = imageLink.attr('title') || ''; if (caption == '') { var inner = $(imageLink).find('img').first(); if ($(inner).length) caption = $(inner).attr('title') || $(inner).attr('alt'); if (!caption) { if (imageLink.text().length) caption = imageLink.text(); else if (this.options.captionSrc) caption = imageLink.attr('href'); } if (!caption) caption = ''; } } return caption; }, /** * Display overlay and lightbox. If image is part of a set, add siblings to imageArray. * @param node imageLink Link element containing image URL */ start: function(imageLink) { imageLink = $(imageLink); this.hideBadObjects(); this.imageArray = []; this.groupName = this.getGroup(imageLink); var rel = $(imageLink).attr('rel') || ''; var imageTitle = ''; var t = this; var groupTemp = {}; this.fileExists(this.getSourceFile(imageLink), function() { //File exists // Stretch overlay to fill page and fade in t.get('overlay') .height($(document).height()) .fadeTo(t.overlayDuration, t.overlayOpacity); // Add image to array closure var addLink = function(el, idx) { groupTemp[idx] = el; return groupTemp.length; }; //Build final image array & launch lightbox var proceed = function() { t.startImage = 0; //Sort links by document order var order = [], el; for (var x in groupTemp) { order.push(x); } order.sort(function(a, b) { return (a - b); }); for (x = 0; x < order.length; x++) { el = groupTemp[order[x]]; //Check if link being evaluated is the same as the clicked link if ($(el).get(0) == $(imageLink).get(0)) { t.startImage = x; } var caption = imageLink.lastChild; t.imageArray.push(new{'link':t.getSourceFile($(el)), 'title':t.getCaption(el),'href':t.getAattribute(innerHTML)}); } // Calculate top offset for the lightbox and display var lightboxTop = $(document).scrollTop() + ($(window).height() / 15); t.get('lightbox').css('top', lightboxTop + 'px').show(); t.changeImage(t.startImage); } // If image is NOT part of a group.. if (null == t.groupName) { // Add single image to imageArray addLink(imageLink, 0); t.startImage = 0; proceed(); } else { // If image is part of a group var els = $(t.container).find($(imageLink).get(0).tagName.toLowerCase()); // Loop through links on page & find other images in group var grpLinks = []; var i, el; for (i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { el = $(els[i]); if (t.getSourceFile(el) && (t.getGroup(el) == t.groupName)) { //Add links in same group to temp array grpLinks.push(el); } } //Loop through group links, validate, and add to imageArray var processed = 0; for (i = 0; i < grpLinks.length; i++) { el = grpLinks[i]; t.fileExists(t.getSourceFile($(el)), function(args) { //File exists var el = args.els[args.idx]; var il = addLink(el, args.idx); processed++; if (processed == args.els.length) proceed(); }, function(args) { //File does not exist processed++; if (args.idx == args.els.length) proceed(); }, {'idx': i, 'els': grpLinks}); } } }, function() { //File does not exist t.end(); }); }, /** * Retrieve source URI in link * @param {Object} el * @return string Source file URI */ getSourceFile: function(el) { var src = $(el).attr('href'); var rel = $(el).attr('rel') || ''; var reSrc = new RegExp('\\b' + this.options.altsrc + '\\[(.+?)\\](?:\\b|$)'); if ( reSrc.test(rel) ) { src = reSrc.exec(rel)[1]; } return src; }, /** * Extract group name from * @param obj el Element to extract group name from * @return string Group name */ getGroup: function(el) { //Get full attribute value var g = null; var rel = $(el).attr('rel') || ''; if (rel != '') { var gTmp = '', gSt = '[', gEnd = ']', search = '', idx, prefix = ' '; //Iterate through attributes to find group for (var i = 0; i < this.relAttribute.length; i++) { search = this.relAttribute[i]; idx = rel.indexOf(search); //Prefix with space to find whole word if (prefix != search.charAt(0) && idx > 0) { search = prefix + search; idx = rel.indexOf(search); } //Stop processing if value is not found if (idx == -1) continue; gTmp = $.trim(rel.substring(idx).replace(search, '')); //Check if group defined if (gTmp.length && gSt == gTmp.charAt(0) && gTmp.indexOf(gEnd) != -1) { //Extract group name g = gTmp.substring(1, gTmp.indexOf(gEnd)); continue; } } } return g; }, /** * Preload requested image prior to displaying it in lightbox * @param int imageNum Index of image in imageArray property * @uses imageArray to retrieve index at specified image * @uses resizeImageContainer() to resize lightbox after image has loaded */ changeImage: function(imageNum) { this.activeImage = imageNum; this.disableKeyboardNav(); this.pauseSlideShow(); // hide elements during transition this.get('slbLoading').show(); this.get('slbContent').hide(); this.get('details').hide(); var imgPreloader = new Image(); var t = this; // once image is preloaded, resize image container $(imgPreloader).bind('load', function() { t.get('slbContent').attr('src', imgPreloader.src); t.resizeImageContainer(imgPreloader.width, imgPreloader.height); //Restart slideshow if active if ( t.isSlideShowActive() ) t.startSlideShow(); }); //Load image imgPreloader.src = this.imageArray[this.activeImage].link; }, /** * Resizes lightbox to fit image * @param int imgWidth Image width in pixels * @param int imgHeight Image height in pixels */ resizeImageContainer: function(imgWidth, imgHeight) { // get current height and width var el = this.get('container'); var borderSize = this.options.borderSize * 2; this.get('container').animate({width: imgWidth + borderSize, height: imgHeight + borderSize}, this.resizeDuration) this.showImage(); }, /** * Display image and begin preloading neighbors. */ showImage: function() { this.get('slbLoading').hide(); var t = this; this.get('slbContent').fadeIn(500, function() { t.updateDetails(); }); this.preloadNeighborImages(); }, /** * Display caption, image number, and bottom nav */ updateDetails: function() { if (this.options.captionEnabled) { this.get('dataCaption').text(this.imageArray[this.activeImage].title); this.get('dataCaption').show(); } else { this.get('dataCaption').hide(); } // if image is part of set display 'Image x of y' if (this.hasImages()) { var num_display = this.options.strings.numDisplayPrefix + ' ' + (this.activeImage + 1) + ' ' + this.options.strings.numDisplaySeparator + ' ' + this.imageArray.length; if (this.options.showGroupName && this.groupName != '') { num_display += ' ' + this.options.strings.numDisplaySeparator + ' ' + this.groupName; } this.get('dataNumber') .text(num_display) .show(); } this.get('details').width(this.get('slbContent').width() + (this.options.borderSize * 2)); this.updateNav(); var t = this; this.get('details').animate({height: 'show', opacity: 'show'}, 650); }, /** * Display appropriate previous and next hover navigation. */ updateNav: function() { if (this.hasImages()) { this.get('navPrev').show(); this.get('navNext').show(); if (this.enableSlideshow) { this.get('navSlideControl').show(); if (this.playSlides) { this.startSlideShow(); } else { this.stopSlideShow(); } } else { this.get('navSlideControl').hide(); } } else { // Hide navigation controls when only one image exists this.get('dataNumber').hide(); this.get('navPrev').hide(); this.get('navNext').hide(); this.get('navSlideControl').hide(); } this.enableKeyboardNav(); }, /** * Checks if slideshow is currently activated * @return bool TRUE if slideshow is active, FALSE otherwise * @uses playSlides to check slideshow activation status */ isSlideShowActive: function() { return this.playSlides; }, /** * Start the slideshow */ startSlideShow: function() { this.playSlides = true; var t = this; clearInterval(this.slideShowTimer); this.slideShowTimer = setInterval(function() { t.showNext(); t.pauseSlideShow(); }, this.options.slideTime * 1000); this.get('navSlideControl').text(this.options.strings.stopSlideshow); }, /** * Stop the slideshow */ stopSlideShow: function() { this.playSlides = false; if (this.slideShowTimer) { clearInterval(this.slideShowTimer); } this.get('navSlideControl').text(this.options.strings.startSlideshow); }, /** * Toggles the slideshow status */ toggleSlideShow: function() { if (this.playSlides) { this.stopSlideShow(); }else{ this.startSlideShow(); } }, /** * Pauses the slideshow * Stops the slideshow but does not change the slideshow's activation status */ pauseSlideShow: function() { if (this.slideShowTimer) { clearInterval(this.slideShowTimer); } }, /** * Check if there is at least one image to display in the lightbox * @return bool TRUE if at least one image is found * @uses imageArray to check for images */ hasImage: function() { return ( this.imageArray.length > 0 ); }, /** * Check if there are multiple images to display in the lightbox * @return bool TRUE if there are multiple images * @uses imageArray to determine the number of images */ hasImages: function() { return ( this.imageArray.length > 1 ); }, /** * Check if the current image is the first image in the list * @return bool TRUE if image is first * @uses activeImage to check index of current image */ isFirstImage: function() { return ( this.activeImage == 0 ); }, /** * Check if the current image is the last image in the list * @return bool TRUE if image is last * @uses activeImage to check index of current image * @uses imageArray to compare current image to total number of images */ isLastImage: function() { return ( this.activeImage == this.imageArray.length - 1 ); }, /** * Show the next image in the list */ showNext : function() { if (this.hasImages()) { if ( !this.options.loop && this.isLastImage() ) { return this.end(); } if ( this.isLastImage() ) { this.showFirst(); } else { this.changeImage(this.activeImage + 1); } } }, /** * Show the previous image in the list */ showPrev : function() { if (this.hasImages()) { if ( !this.options.loop && this.isFirstImage() ) return this.end(); if (this.activeImage == 0) { this.showLast(); } else { this.changeImage(this.activeImage - 1); } } }, /** * Show the first image in the list */ showFirst : function() { if (this.hasImages()) { this.changeImage(0); } }, /** * Show the last image in the list */ showLast : function() { if (this.hasImages()) { this.changeImage(this.imageArray.length - 1); } }, /** * Enable image navigation via the keyboard */ enableKeyboardNav: function() { var t = this; $(document).keydown(function(e) { t.keyboardAction(e); }); }, /** * Disable image navigation via the keyboard */ disableKeyboardNav: function() { $(document).unbind('keydown'); }, /** * Handler for keyboard events * @param event e Keyboard event data */ keyboardAction: function(e) { if (e == null) { // ie keycode = event.keyCode; } else { // mozilla keycode = e.which; } key = String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase(); if (keycode == 27 || key == 'x' || key == 'o' || key == 'c') { // close lightbox this.end(); } else if (key == 'p' || key == '%') { // display previous image this.showPrev(); } else if (key == 'n' || key =='\'') { // display next image this.showNext(); } else if (key == 'f') { // display first image this.showFirst(); } else if (key == 'l') { // display last image this.showLast(); } else if (key == 's') { // toggle slideshow if (this.hasImage() && this.options.enableSlideshow) { this.toggleSlideShow(); } } }, /** * Preloads images before/after current image */ preloadNeighborImages: function() { var nextImageID = this.imageArray.length - 1 == this.activeImage ? 0 : this.activeImage + 1; nextImage = new Image(); nextImage.src = this.imageArray[nextImageID].link; var prevImageID = this.activeImage == 0 ? this.imageArray.length - 1 : this.activeImage - 1; prevImage = new Image(); prevImage.src = this.imageArray[prevImageID].link; }, /** * Close the lightbox */ end: function() { this.disableKeyboardNav(); this.pauseSlideShow(); this.get('lightbox').hide(); this.get('overlay').fadeOut(this.overlayDuration); this.showBadObjects(); }, /** * Displays objects that may conflict with the lightbox * @param bool show (optional) Whether or not to show objects (Default: TRUE) */ showBadObjects: function (show) { show = ( typeof(show) == 'undefined' ) ? true : !!show; var vis = (show) ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; $(this.badObjects.join(',')).css('visibility', vis); }, /** * Hides objects that may conflict with the lightbox * @uses showBadObjects() to hide objects */ hideBadObjects: function () { this.showBadObjects(false); }, /** * Generate separator text * @param string sep Separator text * @return string Separator text */ getSep: function(sep) { return ( typeof sep == 'undefined' ) ? '_' : sep; }, /** * Retrieve prefix * @return string Object prefix */ getPrefix: function() { return this.prefix; }, /** * Add prefix to text * @param string txt Text to add prefix to * @param string sep (optional) Separator text * @return string Prefixed text */ addPrefix: function(txt, sep) { return this.getPrefix() + this.getSep(sep) + txt; }, hasPrefix: function(txt) { return ( txt.indexOf(this.addPrefix('')) == 0 ) ? true : false; }, /** * Generate formatted ID for lightbox-specific elements * @param string id Base ID of element * @return string Formatted ID */ getID: function(id) { return this.addPrefix(id); }, /** * Generate formatted selector for lightbox-specific elements * Compares specified ID to placeholders first, then named elements * Multiple selectors can be included and separated by commas (',') * @param string id Base ID of element * @uses options.placeholders to compare id to placeholder names * @return string Formatted selector */ getSel: function(id) { //Process multiple selectors var delim = ',', prefix = '#', sel; if (id.toString().indexOf(delim) != -1) { //Split var sels = id.toString().split(delim); //Build selector for (var x = 0; x < sels.length; x++) { sels[x] = this.getSel($.trim(sels[x])); } //Join sel = sels.join(delim); } else { //Single selector if (id in this.options.placeholders) { var ph = $(this.options.placeholders[id]); if (!ph.attr('id')) { //Class selector prefix = '.'; } } sel = prefix + this.getID(id); } return sel; }, /** * Retrieve lightbox-specific element * @param string id Base ID of element * @uses getSel() to generate formatted selector for element * @return object jQuery object of selected element(s) */ get: function(id) { return $(this.getSel(id)); }, /** * Checks if file exists using AJAX request * @param string url File URL * @param callback success Callback to run if file exists * @param callback failure Callback to run if file does not exist * @param obj args Arguments for callback */ fileExists: function(url, success, failure, args) { if (!this.options.validateLinks) return success(args); var statusFail = 400; var stateCheck = 4; var t = this; var proceed = function(res) { if (res.status < statusFail) { if ($.isFunction(success)) success(args); } else { if ($.isFunction(failure)) failure(args); } }; //Check if URL already processed if (url in this.checkedUrls) { proceed(this.checkedUrls[url]); } else { var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'HEAD', url, true); req.onreadystatechange = function() { if (stateCheck == this.readyState) { t.addUrl(url, this); proceed(this); } }; req.send(); } }, addUrl: function(url, res) { if (!(url in this.checkedUrls)) this.checkedUrls[url] = res; } } })(jQuery);
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