WordPress Link Directory Version 1.8.2での話と仮定。
#プラグインは同名もあるのでDL URLとVer.等も記載しましょう。
mail($Email,$Subject,sprintf(__('This is just a quick message to let you know that your link has been approved at %1$s and is now live at our site.%2$s'."\n\n".'Link Name: %3$s'."\n".'Link URL: %4$s'."\n\nNote that your email is not available to the public and that this is an automated message, please do not reply to it.",$WPLD_Domain),$BlogName,$LinkOut,$_POST['title'],$_POST['url']));
mail($Email,mb_convert_encoding($Subject, "SJIS", "auto"),mb_convert_encoding(sprintf(__('This is just a quick message to let you know that your link has been approved at %1$s and is now live at our site.%2$s'."\n\n".'Link Name: %3$s'."\n".'Link URL: %4$s'."\n\nNote that your email is not available to the public and that this is an automated message, please do not reply to it.",$WPLD_Domain),$BlogName,$LinkOut,$_POST['title'],$_POST['url']), "SJIS", "auto"));
mail(get_option('admin_email'),$Subject,sprintf(__('This is just a quick message to let you know that someone has added a link to your link directory on %1$s (%2$s).'."\n\n".'Link Name: %3$s (PR %4$s)'."\n".'Site URL: %5$s'."\n\n".'You can edit or delete this link by logging into your admin section. You can turn off email updates by turning the Email Me option in the admin section.',$WPLD_Domain),$BlogName,$SiteURL,$title,$Rank,$url));
mail(get_option('admin_email'),mb_convert_encoding($Subject, "SJIS", "auto"),mb_convert_encoding(sprintf(__('This is just a quick message to let you know that someone has added a link to your link directory on %1$s (%2$s).'."\n\n".'Link Name: %3$s (PR %4$s)'."\n".'Site URL: %5$s'."\n\n".'You can edit or delete this link by logging into your admin section. You can turn off email updates by turning the Email Me option in the admin section.',$WPLD_Domain),$BlogName,$SiteURL,$title,$Rank,$url), "SJIS", "auto"));