サポート » 使い方全般 » wpAppboxでのエラー

  • wpAppboxを使ってアプリのリンクを表示しているページだけに以下のようなエラーが発生します。

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpAppbox_CreateOutput::cleanURL(), called in /home/spotnote/spotnote.jp/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-appbox/inc/createoutput.class.php on line 371 and defined in /home/spotnote/spotnote.jp/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-appbox/inc/createoutput.class.php on line 21




    * wpAppbox_CreateOutput
    class wpAppbox_CreateOutput {
    	* Ersetzt HTTP und HTTPS durch // und wandelt Links für Apple und Amazon um
    	* @since   3.0.2
    	* @change  3.2.10
    	* @param   string  $theURL   App-Link
    	* @param   string  $storeID  ID des Stores (z.B. "googleplay")
    	* @return  string  $theURL   Umgewandelter App-Link
    	function cleanURL( $theURL, $storeID ) {
    		$theURL = str_replace( 'http://', '//', $theURL );
    		$theURL = str_replace( 'https://', '//', $theURL );
    		if ( strpos( $theURL, '.mzstatic' ) || strpos( $theURL, 'apple.com' ) ) {
    			if ( get_option('wpAppbox_sslAppleImages') ) {
    				$theURL = preg_replace( "/\/\/(?:[a-z]*)([0-9]+)(.mzstatic.com)(.*)/i", "//s$1$2$3", $theURL );
    			} else {
    				$theURL = 'http:' . $theURL;
    		if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "on" ) {
    			if ( strpos( $theURL, 'amazon.' ) ) {
    				$theURL = str_replace( 'ecx.images-amazon.com', 'images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com', $theURL );
    				$theURL = 'https:' . $theURL;
    		return( $theURL );
    	* Prüft ob eine gültige Store-ID und App-ID angebeben wurden
    	* @since   2.0.0
    	* @change  3.2.0
    	* @param   array    $attr       Attribute [WordPress]
    	* @return  boolean  true/false  TRUE when both
    	function checkAttributs( $attr ) {
    		if ( '' == $attr['store'] ) {
    			return( 'nostore');
    		} elseif ( '' == $attr['appid'] ) {
    			return( 'noappid' );
    		} else {
    			return( true );
    	* Baut den Funktionsnamen zusammen und ruft die Funktion auf
    	* @since   2.0.0
    	* @change  3.2.0
    	* @param   string  $storeID  ID des Stores (z.B. "googleplay")
    	* @param   string  $appID    ID der App
    	* @return  array   $appData  Array der App-Daten
    	function getTheAppData( $storeID, $appID ) {
    		$appData = new wpAppbox_GetAppInfoAPI;
    		switch ( $storeID ) {
    		case 'androidpit':
    			$storeID = 'googleplay';
    		case 'windowsphone':
    			$storeID = 'windowsstore';
    		$thegetfunction = "get$storeID";
    		return( $appData->$thegetfunction( $appID ) );
    	* Erzeugt die Ausgabe für den Feed
    	* @since   2.0.0
    	* @change  3.2.0
    	* @return  string  output  Feedausgabe
    	function getTheFeedOutput() {
    		$feedOutput = "<p><strong>WP-Appbox:</strong> <a href=\"{APPLINK}\" title=\"{TITLE}\">{TITLE} ({PRICE}, {STORE}) →</a></p>";
    		return( $feedOutput );
    	* Gibt den QR-Code zurück
    	* @since   2.0.0
    	* @change  3.2.5
    	* @param   string  $appLink   URL der App
    	* @param   string  $appTitle  Titel der App
    	* @param   string  $size      Bildgröße des QR-Codes [optional]
    	* @param   string  $EC_level  Fehlerkorrektur (L, M, Q, H) [optional]
    	* @param   string  $margin    Weißer Rahmen um den Code [optional]
    	* @return  string             HTML-Ausgabe des QR-Codes
    	* @infos   https://developers.google.com/chart/infographics/docs/qr_codes
    	function returnQRCode( $appLink, $appID, $appTitle, $size = '200', $EC_level = 'L', $margin = '0' ) {
    		global $ItemInfo;
    		$appLink = $this->returnAppLink( $appLink, $appID );
    		$qrCode = urlencode( $appLink );
    		$qrCode = "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=qr&chl=$qrCode&chs=$size"."x"."$size&chld=$EC_level|$margin";
    		return( "<div class=\"qrcode\"><img src=\"$qrCode\" alt=\"$appTitle\" /></div>" );
    	* Gibt den Entwickler mitsamt Link zurück
    	* @since   2.0.0
    	* @change  3.2.5
    	* @param   string  $appAuthor     Name des Entwicklers
    	* @param   string  $appAuthorURL  URL der Autoren-Seite im Store
    	* @param   string  $appLink       Manche Stores haben keine Entwicklerseite... [optional]
    	* @return  string                 HTML-Ausgabe (<a></a>) des Entwicklers
    	function returnDeveloper( $appAuthor, $appAuthorURL, $appID, $appLink = true ) {
    		if ( $appAuthorURL === NULL ||$appAuthorURL == '' || !$appLink ) {
    			return( $appAuthor );
    		} else {
    			$appAuthorURL = $this->returnAppLink( $appAuthorURL, $appID );
    			return( '<a href="'.$appAuthorURL.'">'.$appAuthor.'</a>' );
    	* Gibt das App-Icon zurück
    	* @since   2.0.0
    	* @change  3.2.3
    	* @param   string  $appIcon        URL des App-Icons
    	* @param   string  $appStore       ID des Stores (z.B. "windowsstore")
    	* @param   string  $appBackground  Windows Store hat teilweise Hintergrundfarben [optional]
    	* @return  string                  Rückgabe der Icon-URL (Windows Store mit Hintergrund)
    	function returnAppIcon( $appIcon, $appStore, $appBackground = '' ) {
    		if ( $appStore == 'windowsstore' && $appBackground != '' ) {
    			return( $this->cleanURL( $appIcon, $appStore ).'" style="background-color:' . $appBackground . ';');
    		} else {
    			return( $this->cleanURL( $appIcon, $appStore ) );
    	* Gibt den Link zum Store zurück (mit Affiliate)
    	* @since   2.0.0
    	* @change  3.2.12
    	* @param   string  $appLink  URL der App
    	* @param   string  $appID    ID der App
    	* @return  string  $appLink  Rückgabe der URL mit Affiliate-ID
    	function returnAppLink( $appLink, $appID ) {
    		* Link-Umwandlung für iTunes-Affiliate
    		$affiliateID = '';
    		if ( strpos( $appLink, 'apple.com' ) ) {
    			if ( get_option('wpAppbox_iTunesGeo') ) {
    				$appLink = str_replace( '//itunes.apple.com', '//geo.itunes.apple.com', $appLink );
    			if ( get_option('wpAppbox_userAffiliate') ) {
    				$authorID = get_the_author_meta('id');
    				if ( get_option('wpAppbox_user_'.$authorID.'_ownAffiliateApple') ) {
    					$affiliateID = get_option('wpAppbox_user_' . $authorID . '_affiliateAppleDev') ? WPAPPBOX_AFFILIATE_APPLE : get_option('wpAppbox_user_' . $authorID . '_affiliateApple');
    			if ( '' == $affiliateID ) {
    				$affiliateID = get_option('wpAppbox_affiliateAppleDev') ? WPAPPBOX_AFFILIATE_APPLE : get_option('wpAppbox_affiliateApple');
    			if ( false !== strpos( $appLink, '?' ) ) {
    				$appLink = $appLink . '&at=' . $affiliateID;
    			} else {
    				$appLink = $appLink . '?at=' . $affiliateID;
    		* Link-Umwandlung für das Amazon PartnerNet
    		if ( strpos( $appLink, 'amazon.' ) ) {
    			if ( get_option('wpAppbox_userAffiliate') ) {
    				$authorID = get_the_author_meta('id');
    				if ( get_option('wpAppbox_user_'.$authorID.'_ownAffiliateAmazon') ) {
    					$affiliateID = get_option('wpAppbox_user_'.$authorID.'_affiliateAmazonDev') ? WPAPPBOX_AFFILIATE_AMAZON : get_option('wpAppbox_user_' . $authorID . '_affiliateAmazon');
    			if ( '' == $affiliateID ) {
    				$affiliateID = get_option('wpAppbox_affiliateAmazonDev') ? WPAPPBOX_AFFILIATE_AMAZON : get_option('wpAppbox_affiliateAmazon');
    			$appLink = $appLink .' ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1638&creative=6742&creativeASIN=' . $appID . '&linkCode=am2&tag=' . $affiliateID;
    		* Link-Umwandlung für das Microsoft Private Affiliate Program
    		if ( strpos( $appLink, 'microsoft.com' ) ) {
    			if ( get_option('wpAppbox_userAffiliate') ) {
    				$authorID = get_the_author_meta('id');
    				if ( get_option('wpAppbox_user_'.$authorID.'_ownAffiliateMicrosoft') ) {
    					$affiliateID = Trim( get_option('wpAppbox_user_' . $authorID . '_affiliateMicrosoftDev') ? WPAPPBOX_AFFILIATE_MICROSOFT : get_option('wpAppbox_user_' . $authorID . '_affiliateMicrosoft') );
    					$programID = Trim( get_option('wpAppbox_user_' . $authorID . '_affiliateMicrosoftDev') ? WPAPPBOX_AFFILIATE_MICROSOFT_PROGRAM : get_option('wpAppbox_user_' . $authorID . '_affiliateMicrosoftProgram') );
    			if ( '' == $affiliateID ) {
    				$affiliateID = get_option('wpAppbox_affiliateMicrosoftDev') ? WPAPPBOX_AFFILIATE_MICROSOFT : get_option('wpAppbox_affiliateMicrosoft');
    				$programID = get_option('wpAppbox_affiliateMicrosoftDev') ? WPAPPBOX_AFFILIATE_MICROSOFT_PROGRAM : get_option('wpAppbox_affiliateMicrosoftProgram');
    			if ( ('' != $affiliateID) && ('' != $programID) ) {
    				$appLink = 'http://clkde.tradedoubler.com/click?p=' . $programID . '&a=' . $affiliateID . '&g=0&url=' . $appLink;
    		* Ausgabe des App-Links
    		return( $appLink );
    	* Gibt die Bewertung zurück
    	* @since   2.1.0
    	* @change  3.2.0
    	* @param   string  $appRating  Bewertung der App
    	* @return  string              HTML-Ausgabe der Bewertungssterne
    	function returnRating( $appRating ) {
    		if ( ( '1' == get_option('wpAppbox_showRating') ) || ( '2' == get_option('wpAppbox_showRating') ) ) {
    			if ( $appRating == '-1' ) return('');
    			$appRating = str_replace( ',', '.', $appRating );
    			$appRating = number_format( $appRating, 2 );
    			$appRating = round( $appRating, 1 );
    			if ( $appRating <= 0.3 ) {
    				$appRatingStars = '00';
    			} elseif ( $appRating >= 0.4 && $appRating <= 0.7 ) {
    				$appRatingStars = '05';
    			} elseif ( $appRating >= 0.8 && $appRating <= 1.3 ) {
    				$appRatingStars = '10';
    			} elseif ( $appRating >= 1.4 && $appRating <= 1.7 ) {
    				$appRatingStars = '15';
    			} elseif ( $appRating >= 1.8 && $appRating <= 2.3 ) {
    				$appRatingStars = '20';
    			} elseif ( $appRating >= 2.4 && $appRating <= 2.7 ) {
    				$appRatingStars = '25';
    			} elseif ( $appRating >= 2.8 && $appRating <= 3.3 ) {
    				$appRatingStars = '30';
    			} elseif ( $appRating >= 3.4 && $appRating <= 3.7 ) {
    				$appRatingStars = '35';
    			} elseif ( $appRating >= 3.8 && $appRating <= 4.3 ) {
    				$appRatingStars = '40';
    			} elseif ( $appRating >= 4.4 && $appRating <= 4.8 ) {
    				$appRatingStars = '45';
    			} elseif ( $appRating >= 4.9) {
    				$appRatingStars = '50';
    			} else {
    				return( '' );
    			if ( '1' == get_option('wpAppbox_showRating') ) {
    				$starsColor = 'stars-monochrome';
    			} else {
    				$starsColor = 'stars-colorful';
    			return( '<div title="' . $appRating . ' ' . __('of 5 stars', 'wp-appbox') . '" class="rating-stars ' . $starsColor . ' stars' . $appRatingStars . '"></div>' );
    	* Gibt die Screenshots zurück
    	* @since   2.0.0
    	* @change  3.2.6
    	* @param   array   $appScreenshots     Array der Screenshots
    	* @param   string  $storeID            ID des Stores (z.B. "appstore")
    	* @param   string  $appType            Typ der Screenshotausgabe (z.B "iphone") [optional]
    	* @return  string  $outputScreenshots  HTML-Ausgabe der Screenshots (Liste)
    	function returnScreenshots( $appScreenshots, $storeID, $appType = '' ) {
    		switch ( $storeID ) {
    		case 'appstore':
    			$appScreenshots['iphone'][] = '';
    			$appScreenshots['ipad'][] = '';
    			$appScreenshots['watch'][] = '';
    			$appScreenshots[] = '';
    			switch ( $appType ) {
    			case 'iphone':
    				$appScreenshots = $appScreenshots['iphone'];
    			case 'ipad':
    				$appScreenshots = $appScreenshots['ipad'];
    			case 'watch':
    				$appScreenshots = $appScreenshots['watch'];
    				$appScreenshots = array_merge( $appScreenshots['iphone'], $appScreenshots['ipad'], $appScreenshots['watch'] );
    		case 'windowsstore':
    			$appScreenshots['mobile'][] = '';
    			$appScreenshots['desktop'][] = '';
    			switch ( $appType ) {
    			case 'mobile':
    				$appScreenshots = $appScreenshots['mobile'];
    			case 'desktop':
    				$appScreenshots = $appScreenshots['desktop'];
    				$appScreenshots = array_merge( $appScreenshots['mobile'], $appScreenshots['desktop'] );
    		$outputScreenshots = '';
    		foreach ( $appScreenshots as $screenshotID => $screenshotURL ) {
    			$screenshotURL = $this->cleanURL( $screenshotURL, $storeID );
    			if ( $screenshotURL != '' ) {
    				$outputScreenshots .= "<li><img src=\"$screenshotURL\" alt=\"" . esc_attr( '{TITLE_ATTR} ' . esc_attr__('Screenshot', 'wp-appbox') ) . "\" title=\"\" /></li>";
    		return( $outputScreenshots );
    	* Gibt das Icon für Watch-Apps zurück
    	* @since   3.1.1
    	* @change  3.2.0
    	* @param   string  $watchIcon  URL des Watch-Icons
    	* @return  string              HTML-Ausgabe des Watch-Icons (<img />)
    	function returnWatchIcon( $watchIcon ) {
    		if( $watchIcon !== NULL ) {
    			$watchIcon = $this->cleanURL( $watchIcon );
    			return( "<img src=\"$watchIcon\" class=\"watch-icon\" alt=\"{TITLE_ATTR}\" title=\"\" />" );
    	* Gibt den Preis zurück
    	* @since   2.0.0
    	* @change  3.2.0
    	* @param   string   $appPrice   Aktueller Preis der App
    	* @param   boolean  $appHasIAP  TRUE when in-app-purchases
    	* @param   string   $oldPrice   Alter Preis der App (Shortcode "oldprice=x")
    	* @return  string               (HTML-)Ausgabe des Preises
    	function returnPrice( $appPrice, $appHasIAP, $oldPrice ) {
    		if ( $appHasIAP) {
    			$appIAP = "<sup><small>*</small></sup>";
    		} else {
    			$appIAP = '';
    		if ( '0' == $appPrice ) {
    			$appPrice = esc_html__('Free', 'wp-appbox');
    		if ( $appPrice == $oldPrice || '' == $oldPrice ) {
    			return( $appPrice . $appIAP );
    		} else {
    			return( "<span class=\"oldprice\">$oldPrice</span> " . $appPrice . $appIAP );
    	* Gibt den Reload-Link zurück
    	* @since   2.0.0
    	* @change  3.2.9
    	* @param   string  $cacheID  Cache-ID der App
    	* @return  string            HTML-Ausgabe des Reload-Links (<a></a>)
    	function returnReloadLink( $cacheID ) {
    		if ( !WPAPPBOX_DISABLE_CACHE && wpAppbox_isUserAuthor() ) {
    			return('<a href="'.get_permalink().(is_preview() ? '?preview=true&' : '?').'wpappbox_reload_cache&wpappbox_cacheid='.$cacheID.'" title="'.__('Renew cached data of this app', 'wp-appbox').'" class="reload-link">↻</a> ');
    	* Ausgabe diverser Fehler (wird überarbeitet)
    	* @since   2.0.0
    	* @change  3.2.0
    	* @param   string  $error_type  Fehlertyp (nostore, noappid, notfound, fallback)
    	* @param   string  $storeID     ID des Stores (z.B. "playstore) [optional]
    	* @param   string  $appID       ID der App [optional]
    	* @param   string  $style       Name des Banner-Styles [optional, Standard = simple]
    	* @return  string               HTML-Ausgabe der Fehlermeldung
    	function errorOutput( $error_type, $storeID = '', $appID = '', $style = 'simple' ) {
    		switch ( $error_type ) {
    		case 'nostore':
    			$output = esc_html__('The App Store is not recognized.', 'wp-appbox');
    		case 'noappid':
    			$output = esc_html__('The App ID is not recognized.', 'wp-appbox');
    		case 'notfound':
    			$output = esc_html__('The app was not found in the store.', 'wp-appbox');
    		case 'fallback':
    			if ( $style != 'compact' ) {
    				$output = wpAppbox_loadTemplate( 'simple' );
    			} else {
    				$output = wpAppbox_loadTemplate( 'compact' );
    			preg_match( '~(<div class="developer">.*</div>)~i', $output, $replacement );
    			$output = str_replace( $replacement[1], '', $output );
    			preg_match( '~(<div class="price">.*</div>)~i', $output, $replacement );
    			$output = str_replace( $replacement[1], '', $output );
    			switch ( $storeID ) {
    			case 'googleplay':
    				if ( 'compact' == $style ) {
    					$fallback_descr = esc_html__('Temporary recognition as a bot', 'wp-appbox');
    				} else {
    					$fallback_descr = esc_html__('Due to a temporary recognition as a bot can currently unfortunately no app details are displayed.', 'wp-appbox');
    			if ( 'compact' != $style ) {
    				$fallback_descr = "<div class=\"fallback\">$fallback_descr</div>";
    			preg_match( '~(<a .* class="apptitle">.*</a>)~i', $output, $replacement );
    			$output = str_replace( $replacement[1], $replacement[1] . $fallback_descr, $output );
    			return( $output );
    			$output = esc_html__('An unknown error has occurred.', 'wp-appbox');
    		if ( 'notfound' == $error_type ) {
    			$appID = str_replace( array( '-iphone', '-ipad', '-universal', '-watch' ), '', $appID );
    			if( 'id' == substr( $appID, 0, 2 ) ) {
    				$appID = substr($appID, 2);
    			$appURL = wpAppbox_GetAppInfoAPI::getStoreURL( $storeID, $appID );
    			if( strpos( $appID, "bundle" ) !== false ) {
    				$pageURL = str_replace( 'app/id', '', $pageURL );
    			$output = '<!-- WP-Appbox (Store: ' . $storeID . ' // ID: ' . $appID . ') --><div class="wpappbox error"><span>' . $output . ' :-( #wpappbox<br /><br /><strong>' . esc_html__('Links', 'wp-appbox') . ':</strong> <a ' . (get_option('wpAppbox_targetBlank') ? 'target="_blank"' : '') . ' ' . (get_option('wpAppbox_nofollow') ? 'rel="nofollow"' : '') . ' href="' . $appURL . '">→ ' . esc_html__('Visit Store', 'wp-appbox') . '</a> <a '.(get_option('wpAppbox_targetBlank') ? 'target="_blank"' : '') . ' ' . (get_option('wpAppbox_nofollow') ? 'rel="nofollow"' : '') . ' href="http://www.google.com/search?q=' . $appID . '+' . $storeID . '">→ ' . esc_html__('Search Google', 'wp-appbox') . '</a></span></div><!-- /WP-Appbox -->';
    		} elseif ( 'fallback' != $error_type ) {
    			$output = "<!-- WP-Appbox (Store: $storeID // ID: $appID) --><div class=\"wpappbox error\"><span>$output :-( #wpappbox</span></div><!-- /WP-Appbox -->";
    		if ( get_option('wpAppbox_eOnlyAuthors') == false || wpAppbox_isUserAuthor() || isset ( $_GET['wpappbox_show_errormessages'] ) ) {
    			return( $output );
    	* Rückgabe der eigentlich Appbox
    	* @since   2.0.0
    	* @change  3.2.7
    	* @param   array   $attr      Attribute des Shortcodes [WordPress]
    	* @return  string  $template  Rückgabe des fertigen Templates
    	function theOutput( $attr ) {
    		global $wpAppbox_optionsDefault;
    		if ( $this->checkAttributs( $attr ) === true ) {
    			switch ( $attr['store'] ) {
    				case 'appstore':
    					if ( $attr['bundle'] == true ) {
    						$attr['appid'] = 'app-bundle/id' . $attr['appid'];
    					if ( preg_match( '/-iphone/', $attr['appid'] ) ) {
    						$appType = 'iphone';
    					} else if ( preg_match( '/-ipad/', $attr['appid'] ) ) {
    						$appType = 'ipad';
    					} else if ( preg_match( '/-watch/', $attr['appid'] ) ) {
    						$appType = 'watch';
    					} else {
    						$appType = 'universal';
    					$attr['appid'] = str_replace( array( '-iphone', '-ipad', '-universal', '-watch' ), '', $attr['appid'] );
    					if( 'id' == substr( $attr['appid'], 0, 2 ) ) {
    						$attr['appid'] = substr( $attr['appid'], 2 );
    				case 'windowsstore':
    					if ( preg_match( '/-mobile/', $attr['appid'] ) ) {
    						$appType = 'mobile';
    					else if ( preg_match( '/-desktop/', $attr['appid'] ) ) {
    						$appType = 'desktop';
    					else {
    						$appType = 'all';
    					$attr['appid'] = str_replace( array( '-mobile', '-desktop', '-all' ), '', $attr['appid'] );
    			$appData = $this->getTheAppData( $attr['store'], $attr['appid'] );
    			if ( !$appData ) {
    				return( $this->errorOutput( 'notfound', $attr['store'], $attr['appid'] ) );
    			} elseif ( '1' == $appData['fallback'] ) {
    				$template = $this->errorOutput( 'fallback', $appData['storeNameCSS'], $attr['appid'], $attr['style'] );
    				return( $template );
    		} else {
    			$template = wpAppbox_loadTemplate( $attr['style'] );
    			if (  'screenshots' == $attr['style'] || 'screenshots-only' == $attr['style'] ) {
    				$appScreenshots = $this->returnScreenshots( $appData['app_screenshots'], $appData['store_name_css'], $appType );
    				if ( ( 'screenshots' === $attr['style'] || 'screenshots-only' === $attr['style'] ) && '' == $appScreenshots ) {
    					$attr['style'] = get_option('wpAppbox_defaultStyle');
    					if ( ( 'simple' != $attr['style'] ) && ( 'compact' != $attr['style'] ) ) {
    						$attr['style'] = 'simple';
    					$template = wpAppbox_loadTemplate( $attr['style'] );
    				} else {
    					$template = str_replace( '{SCREENSHOTS}', $appScreenshots, $template );
    			if ( is_feed() ) {
    				$template = $this->getTheFeedOutput();
    			$template = str_replace( '{WPAPPBOXVERSION}', WPAPPBOX_PLUGIN_VERSION, $template );
    			$template = str_replace( '{DOWNLOADCAPTION}', ( get_option('wpAppbox_downloadCaption') != '' ? get_option('wpAppbox_downloadCaption') : $wpAppbox_optionsDefault['downloadCaption'] ), $template );
    			$template = str_replace( '{APPID}', $appData['app_id'], $template );
    			$template = str_replace( '{APPIDHASH}', $appData['id'], $template );
    			$template = str_replace( '{WATCHICON}', ( ( $attr['store'] == 'appstore' && get_option('wpAppbox_showWatchIcon') ) ? $this->returnWatchIcon($appData['app_extend']) : '' ), $template );
    			$template = str_replace( '{ICON}', $this->returnAppIcon( $appData['app_icon'], $appData['store_name_css'], ( $attr['store'] == 'windowsstore' ? $appData['app_extend'] : '' ) ), $template );
    			$template = str_replace( '{TITLE}', $appData['app_title'], $template );
    			$template = str_replace( '{STORE}', $appData['store_name'], $template );
    			$template = str_replace( '{RATING}', $this->returnRating( $appData['app_rating'] ), $template );
    			$template = str_replace( '{STORECSS}', ( get_option('wpAppbox_colorfulIcons') == true ? $appData['store_name_css'].' colorful' : $appData['store_name_css'] ), $template );
    			$template = str_replace( '{APPLINK}', $this->returnAppLink( $appData['app_url'], $appData['app_id']), $template );
    			$template = str_replace( '{DEVELOPERLINK}', $this->returnDeveloper( $appData['app_author'], $appData['app_author_url'], $appData['app_id']), $template );
    			$template = str_replace( '{PRICE}', $this->returnPrice( $appData['app_price'], $appData['app_has_iap'], $attr['oldprice']), $template );
    			$template = str_replace( '{QRCODE}', $this->returnQRCode( $appData['app_url'], $appData['app_id'], $appData['app_title']), $template );
    			$template = str_replace( '"{TITLE}"', esc_attr( $appData['app_title'] ), $template );
    			$template = str_replace( '{TITLE_ATTR}', esc_attr( $appData['app_title'] ), $template );
    			if ( get_option('wpAppbox_nofollow') ) {
    				$template = str_replace( '<a ', '<a rel="nofollow" ', $template );
    			if ( get_option('wpAppbox_targetBlank') ) {
    				$template = str_replace( '<a ', '<a target="_blank" ', $template );
    			$template = str_replace( '{RELOADLINK}', $this->returnReloadLink( $appData['id'] ), $template );
    			if ( !is_feed() ) {
    				$template = '<!-- WP-Appbox (Store: ' . $appData['store_name_css'] . ' // ID: ' . $appData['app_id'] . ') -->' . $template . '<!-- /WP-Appbox -->';
    			return( $template );
    		} else return( $this->errorOutput( $this->checkAttributs( $attr ) ) );
    } /* Class beenden */
1件の返信を表示中 - 1 - 1件目 (全1件中)
  • wpAppboxプラグインそのものの不具合だと思われますので、作者さんへ報告して修正を待つのがよいのではないでしょうか。報告はサポートフォーラム(このリンク先)へ。

1件の返信を表示中 - 1 - 1件目 (全1件中)
  • トピック「wpAppboxでのエラー」には新たに返信することはできません。