これは block-library パッケージに含まれるブロックの一覧です。
- 取り消し線 (
strikeout) の項目は明示的に無効化されています。 - Experimental: true と書かれたブロックは、Gutenberg が有効化されている場合のみ利用可能です。
- Experimental: fse と書かれたブロックは、サイトエディター内でのみ利用可能です。
Archives / アーカイブ
- Name: core/archives
- Category: widgets
- Supports: align, interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: displayAsDropdown, showLabel, showPostCounts, type
Audio / 音声
- Name: core/audio
- Category: media
- Supports: align, anchor, interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding)
- Attributes: autoplay, blob, caption, id, loop, preload, src
Avatar / アバター
- Name: core/avatar
- Category: theme
- Supports: align, color (
background,text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding),alignWide,html - Attributes: isLink, linkTarget, size, userId
Pattern / パターン
- Name: core/block
- Category: reusable
- Supports: interactivity (clientNavigation),
customClassName,html,inserter,renaming - Attributes: content, ref
Button / ボタン
- Name: core/button
- Category: design
- Parent: core/buttons
- Supports: anchor, color (background, gradients, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), shadow (), spacing (padding), splitting, typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
alignWide,align,reusable - Attributes: backgroundColor, gradient, linkTarget, placeholder, rel, tagName, text, textAlign, textColor, title, type, url, width
Buttons / ボタン
- Name: core/buttons
- Category: design
- Allowed Blocks: core/button
- Supports: align (full, wide), anchor, color (background, gradients,
text), interactivity (clientNavigation), layout (default,allowInheriting,allowSwitching), spacing (blockGap, margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),html
Calendar / カレンダー
- Name: core/calendar
- Category: widgets
- Supports: align, color (background, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), typography (fontSize, lineHeight)
- Attributes: month, year
Terms List / ターム一覧
指定されたタクソノミーのすべてのタームのリストを表示します。 (Source)
- Name: core/categories
- Category: widgets
- Supports: align, interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: displayAsDropdown, label, showEmpty, showHierarchy, showLabel, showOnlyTopLevel, showPostCounts, taxonomy
Code / コード
- Name: core/code
- Category: text
- Supports: align (wide), anchor, color (background, gradients, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight)
- Attributes: content
Column / カラム
- Name: core/column
- Category: design
- Parent: core/columns
- Supports: anchor, color (background, button, gradients, heading, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), layout, shadow, spacing (blockGap, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html,reusable - Attributes: allowedBlocks, templateLock, verticalAlignment, width
Columns / カラム
- Name: core/columns
- Category: design
- Allowed Blocks: core/column
- Supports: align (full, wide), anchor, color (background, button, gradients, heading, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), layout (default,
allowEditing,allowInheriting,allowSwitching), shadow, spacing (blockGap, margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),html - Attributes: isStackedOnMobile, templateLock, verticalAlignment
Comment Author Avatar / コメントの投稿者のアバター (非推奨)
- Name: core/comment-author-avatar
- Experimental: fse
- Category: theme
- Ancestor: core/comment-template
- Supports: color (background,
text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding),html,inserter - Attributes: height, width
Comment Author Name / コメントの投稿者名
- Name: core/comment-author-name
- Category: theme
- Ancestor: core/comment-template
- Supports: color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: isLink, linkTarget, textAlign
Comment Content / コメント本文
- Name: core/comment-content
- Category: theme
- Ancestor: core/comment-template
- Supports: color (background, gradients, link, text), spacing (padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: textAlign
Comment Date / コメント日付
- Name: core/comment-date
- Category: theme
- Ancestor: core/comment-template
- Supports: color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: format, isLink
Comment Edit Link / コメント編集リンク
WordPress 管理画面でコメントを編集するリンクを表示します。リンクはコメント編集権限を持つユーザーのみに表示されます。(Source)
- Name: core/comment-edit-link
- Category: theme
- Ancestor: core/comment-template
- Supports: color (background, gradients, link,
text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),html - Attributes: linkTarget, textAlign
Comment Reply Link / コメント返信リンク
- Name: core/comment-reply-link
- Category: theme
- Ancestor: core/comment-template
- Supports: color (background, gradients, link,
text), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),html - Attributes: textAlign
Comment Template / コメントテンプレート
- Name: core/comment-template
- Category: design
- Parent: core/comments
- Supports: align, interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
Comments / コメント
- Name: core/comments
- Category: theme
- Supports: align (full, wide), color (background, gradients, heading, link, text), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: legacy, tagName
Comments Pagination / コメントのページネーション
- Name: core/comments-pagination
- Category: theme
- Parent: core/comments
- Allowed Blocks: core/comments-pagination-previous, core/comments-pagination-numbers, core/comments-pagination-next
- Supports: align, color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), layout (default,
allowInheriting,allowSwitching), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),html,reusable - Attributes: paginationArrow
Comments Next Page / コメントの次のページ
- Name: core/comments-pagination-next
- Category: theme
- Parent: core/comments-pagination
- Supports: color (background, gradients,
text), interactivity (clientNavigation), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),html,reusable - Attributes: label
Comments Page Numbers / コメントのページ番号
- Name: core/comments-pagination-numbers
- Category: theme
- Parent: core/comments-pagination
- Supports: color (background, gradients,
text), interactivity (clientNavigation), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),html,reusable
Comments Previous Page / コメントの前のページ
- Name: core/comments-pagination-previous
- Category: theme
- Parent: core/comments-pagination
- Supports: color (background, gradients,
text), interactivity (clientNavigation), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),html,reusable - Attributes: label
Comments Title / コメントタイトル
- Name: core/comments-title
- Category: theme
- Ancestor: core/comments
- Supports: align, color (background, gradients, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
anchor,html - Attributes: level, levelOptions, showCommentsCount, showPostTitle, textAlign
Cover / カバー
- Name: core/cover
- Category: media
- Supports: align, anchor, color (heading, text,
background,enableContrastChecker), dimensions (aspectRatio), interactivity (clientNavigation), layout (allowJustification), shadow, spacing (blockGap, margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),html - Attributes: allowedBlocks, alt, backgroundType, contentPosition, customGradient, customOverlayColor, dimRatio, focalPoint, gradient, hasParallax, id, isDark, isRepeated, isUserOverlayColor, minHeight, minHeightUnit, overlayColor, tagName, templateLock, url, useFeaturedImage
Details / 詳細
追加コンテンツの表示 / 非表示を切り替えます。(Source)
- Name: core/details
- Category: text
- Supports: align (full, wide), color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), layout (
allowEditing), spacing (blockGap, margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),html - Attributes: showContent, summary
Embed / 埋め込み
Twitter、YouTube など他サイトからコンテンツを引用表示するブロックを追加します。(Source)
- Name: core/embed
- Category: embed
- Supports: align, interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin)
- Attributes: allowResponsive, caption, previewable, providerNameSlug, responsive, type, url
File / ファイル
- Name: core/file
- Category: media
- Supports: align, anchor, color (background, gradients, link,
text), interactivity, spacing (margin, padding) - Attributes: blob, displayPreview, downloadButtonText, fileId, fileName, href, id, previewHeight, showDownloadButton, textLinkHref, textLinkTarget
Footnotes / 脚注
- Name: core/footnotes
- Category: text
- Supports: color (background, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
Form / フォーム
- Name: core/form
- Experimental: true
- Category: common
- Allowed Blocks: core/paragraph, core/heading, core/form-input, core/form-submit-button, core/form-submission-notification, core/group, core/columns
- Supports: anchor, color (background, gradients, link, text), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
className - Attributes: action, email, method, submissionMethod
Input Field / 入力フィールド
- Name: core/form-input
- Experimental: true
- Category: common
- Ancestor: core/form
- Supports: anchor, spacing (margin),
reusable - Attributes: inlineLabel, label, name, placeholder, required, type, value, visibilityPermissions
Form Submission Notification / フォーム送信通知
- Name: core/form-submission-notification
- Experimental: true
- Category: common
- Ancestor: core/form
- Attributes: type
Form Submit Button / フォーム送信ボタン
- Name: core/form-submit-button
- Experimental: true
- Category: common
- Ancestor: core/form
- Allowed Blocks: core/buttons, core/button
Classic / クラシック
従来の WordPress エディターを使用します。(Source)
- Name: core/freeform
- Category: text
- Supports:
className,customClassName,reusable - Attributes: content
Gallery / ギャラリー
- Name: core/gallery
- Category: media
- Allowed Blocks: core/image
- Supports: align, anchor, color (background, gradients,
text), interactivity (clientNavigation), layout (default,allowEditing,allowInheriting,allowSwitching), spacing (blockGap, margin, padding), units (em, px, rem, vh, vw),html - Attributes: allowResize, caption, columns, fixedHeight, ids, imageCrop, images, linkTarget, linkTo, randomOrder, shortCodeTransforms, sizeSlug
Group / グループ
- Name: core/group
- Category: design
- Supports: align (full, wide), anchor, ariaLabel, background (backgroundImage, backgroundSize), color (background, button, gradients, heading, link, text), dimensions (minHeight), interactivity (clientNavigation), layout (allowSizingOnChildren), position (sticky), shadow, spacing (blockGap, margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: allowedBlocks, tagName, templateLock
Heading / 見出し
新しいセクションを紹介しコンテンツを整理することで、訪問者 (および検索エンジン) のコンテンツ構造理解の手助けをしましょう。(Source)
- Name: core/heading
- Category: text
- Supports: __unstablePasteTextInline, align (full, wide), anchor, className, color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), splitting, typography (fontSize, lineHeight)
- Attributes: content, level, levelOptions, placeholder, textAlign
Home Link / ホームへのリンク
- Name: core/home-link
- Category: design
- Parent: core/navigation
- Supports: interactivity (clientNavigation), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html,reusable - Attributes: label
Custom HTML / カスタム HTML
カスタム HTML コードを追加します。編集しながらプレビューが可能です。(Source)
- Name: core/html
- Category: widgets
- Supports: interactivity (clientNavigation),
className,customClassName,html - Attributes: content
Image / 画像
- Name: core/image
- Category: media
- Supports: align (center, full, left, right, wide), anchor, color (
background,text), filter (duotone), interactivity, shadow (), spacing (margin) - Attributes: alt, aspectRatio, blob, caption, height, href, id, lightbox, linkClass, linkDestination, linkTarget, rel, scale, sizeSlug, title, url, width
Latest Comments / 最新のコメント
- Name: core/latest-comments
- Category: widgets
- Supports: align, color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: commentsToShow, displayAvatar, displayDate, displayExcerpt
Latest Posts / 最新の投稿
- Name: core/latest-posts
- Category: widgets
- Supports: align, color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: addLinkToFeaturedImage, categories, columns, displayAuthor, displayFeaturedImage, displayPostContent, displayPostContentRadio, displayPostDate, excerptLength, featuredImageAlign, featuredImageSizeHeight, featuredImageSizeSlug, featuredImageSizeWidth, order, orderBy, postLayout, postsToShow, selectedAuthor
List / リスト
- Name: core/list
- Category: text
- Allowed Blocks: core/list-item
- Supports: __unstablePasteTextInline, anchor, color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: ordered, placeholder, reversed, start, type, values
List item / リスト項目
- Name: core/list-item
- Category: text
- Parent: core/list
- Allowed Blocks: core/list
- Supports: anchor, color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), splitting, typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
className - Attributes: content, placeholder
Login/out / ログイン / ログアウト
- Name: core/loginout
- Category: theme
- Supports: className, color (background, gradients, link,
text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight) - Attributes: displayLoginAsForm, redirectToCurrent
Media & Text / メディアとテキスト
- Name: core/media-text
- Category: media
- Supports: align (full, wide), anchor, color (background, gradients, heading, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: align, allowedBlocks, focalPoint, href, imageFill, isStackedOnMobile, linkClass, linkDestination, linkTarget, mediaAlt, mediaId, mediaLink, mediaPosition, mediaSizeSlug, mediaType, mediaUrl, mediaWidth, rel, useFeaturedImage, verticalAlignment
Unsupported / 非サポート
- Name: core/missing
- Category: text
- Supports: interactivity (clientNavigation),
className,customClassName,html,inserter,reusable - Attributes: originalContent, originalName, originalUndelimitedContent
More / 続き
- Name: core/more
- Category: design
- Supports: interactivity (clientNavigation),
className,customClassName,html,multiple - Attributes: customText, noTeaser
Navigation / ナビゲーション
- Name: core/navigation
- Category: theme
- Allowed Blocks: core/navigation-link, core/search, core/social-links, core/page-list, core/spacer, core/home-link, core/site-title, core/site-logo, core/navigation-submenu, core/loginout, core/buttons
- Supports: align (full, wide), ariaLabel, inserter, interactivity, layout (allowSizingOnChildren, default,
allowInheriting,allowSwitching,allowVerticalAlignment), spacing (blockGap, units), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),html,renaming - Attributes: __unstableLocation, backgroundColor, customBackgroundColor, customOverlayBackgroundColor, customOverlayTextColor, customTextColor, hasIcon, icon, maxNestingLevel, openSubmenusOnClick, overlayBackgroundColor, overlayMenu, overlayTextColor, ref, rgbBackgroundColor, rgbTextColor, showSubmenuIcon, templateLock, textColor
Custom Link / カスタムリンク
- Name: core/navigation-link
- Category: design
- Parent: core/navigation
- Allowed Blocks: core/navigation-link, core/navigation-submenu, core/page-list
- Supports: interactivity (clientNavigation), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html,renaming,reusable - Attributes: description, id, isTopLevelLink, kind, label, opensInNewTab, rel, title, type, url
Submenu / サブメニュー
- Name: core/navigation-submenu
- Category: design
- Parent: core/navigation
- Supports: interactivity (clientNavigation), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html,reusable - Attributes: description, id, isTopLevelItem, kind, label, opensInNewTab, rel, title, type, url
Page Break / ページ区切り
- Name: core/nextpage
- Category: design
- Parent: core/post-content
- Supports: interactivity (clientNavigation),
Page List / 固定ページリスト
- Name: core/page-list
- Category: widgets
- Allowed Blocks: core/page-list-item
- Supports: interactivity (clientNavigation), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html,reusable - Attributes: isNested, parentPageID
Page List Item / ページリスト項目
- Name: core/page-list-item
- Category: widgets
- Parent: core/page-list
- Supports: interactivity (clientNavigation),
html,inserter,lock,reusable - Attributes: hasChildren, id, label, link, title
Paragraph / 段落
- Name: core/paragraph
- Category: text
- Supports: __unstablePasteTextInline, anchor, color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), splitting, typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
className - Attributes: align, content, direction, dropCap, placeholder
Pattern placeholder / パターンプレースホルダー
- Name: core/pattern
- Category: theme
- Supports: interactivity (clientNavigation),
html,inserter,renaming - Attributes: slug
Author / 投稿者
- Name: core/post-author
- Category: theme
- Supports: color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: avatarSize, byline, isLink, linkTarget, showAvatar, showBio, textAlign
Author Biography / 投稿者のプロフィール情報
- Name: core/post-author-biography
- Category: theme
- Supports: color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight)
- Attributes: textAlign
Author Name / 投稿者名
- Name: core/post-author-name
- Category: theme
- Supports: color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: isLink, linkTarget, textAlign
Comment (deprecated) / コメント (非推奨)
- Name: core/post-comment
- Experimental: fse
- Category: theme
- Allowed Blocks: core/avatar, core/comment-author-name, core/comment-content, core/comment-date, core/comment-edit-link, core/comment-reply-link
- Supports: interactivity (clientNavigation),
html,inserter - Attributes: commentId
Comments Count / コメント数
- Name: core/post-comments-count
- Experimental: fse
- Category: theme
- Supports: color (background, gradients, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: textAlign
Comments Form / コメントフォーム
- Name: core/post-comments-form
- Category: theme
- Supports: color (background, gradients, heading, link, text), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: textAlign
Comments Link / コメントリンク
- Name: core/post-comments-link
- Experimental: fse
- Category: theme
- Supports: color (background, link,
text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),html - Attributes: textAlign
Content / コンテンツ
- Name: core/post-content
- Category: theme
- Supports: align (full, wide), background (backgroundImage, backgroundSize), color (background, gradients, link, text), dimensions (minHeight), layout, spacing (blockGap, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
Date / 日付
- Name: core/post-date
- Category: theme
- Supports: color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: displayType, format, isLink, textAlign
Excerpt / 抜粋
- Name: core/post-excerpt
- Category: theme
- Supports: color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: excerptLength, moreText, showMoreOnNewLine, textAlign
Featured Image / アイキャッチ画像
- Name: core/post-featured-image
- Category: theme
- Supports: align (center, full, left, right, wide), color (
background,text), filter (duotone), interactivity (clientNavigation), shadow (), spacing (margin, padding),html - Attributes: aspectRatio, customGradient, customOverlayColor, dimRatio, gradient, height, isLink, linkTarget, overlayColor, rel, scale, sizeSlug, useFirstImageFromPost, width
Post Navigation Link / 投稿ナビゲーションリンク
- Name: core/post-navigation-link
- Category: theme
- Supports: color (background, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html,reusable - Attributes: arrow, label, linkLabel, showTitle, taxonomy, textAlign, type
Post Template / 投稿テンプレート
- Name: core/post-template
- Category: theme
- Parent: core/query
- Supports: align (full, wide), color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), layout, spacing (blockGap), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
Post Terms / 投稿タグ
- Name: core/post-terms
- Category: theme
- Supports: color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: prefix, separator, suffix, term, textAlign
Time To Read / 所要時間
- Name: core/post-time-to-read
- Experimental: true
- Category: theme
- Supports: color (background, gradients, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: textAlign
Title / タイトル
- Name: core/post-title
- Category: theme
- Supports: align (full, wide), color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: isLink, level, levelOptions, linkTarget, rel, textAlign
Preformatted / 整形済みテキスト
- Name: core/preformatted
- Category: text
- Supports: anchor, color (background, gradients, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight)
- Attributes: content
Pullquote / プルクオート
- Name: core/pullquote
- Category: text
- Supports: align (full, left, right, wide), anchor, background (backgroundImage, backgroundSize), color (background, gradients, link, text), dimensions (minHeight), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight)
- Attributes: citation, textAlign, value
Query Loop / クエリーループ
- Name: core/query
- Category: theme
- Supports: align (full, wide), interactivity, layout,
html - Attributes: enhancedPagination, namespace, query, queryId, tagName
No results / 結果なし
- Name: core/query-no-results
- Category: theme
- Parent: core/query
- Supports: align, color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
Pagination / ページネーション
- Name: core/query-pagination
- Category: theme
- Ancestor: core/query
- Allowed Blocks: core/query-pagination-previous, core/query-pagination-numbers, core/query-pagination-next
- Supports: align, color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), layout (default,
allowInheriting,allowSwitching), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),html,reusable - Attributes: paginationArrow, showLabel
Next Page / 次ページ
- Name: core/query-pagination-next
- Category: theme
- Parent: core/query-pagination
- Supports: color (background, gradients,
text), interactivity (clientNavigation), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),html,reusable - Attributes: label
Page Numbers / ページ番号
- Name: core/query-pagination-numbers
- Category: theme
- Parent: core/query-pagination
- Supports: color (background, gradients,
text), interactivity (clientNavigation), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),html,reusable - Attributes: midSize
Previous Page / 前ページ
- Name: core/query-pagination-previous
- Category: theme
- Parent: core/query-pagination
- Supports: color (background, gradients,
text), interactivity (clientNavigation), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),html,reusable - Attributes: label
Query Title / クエリータイトル
- Name: core/query-title
- Category: theme
- Supports: align (full, wide), color (background, gradients, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: level, levelOptions, showPrefix, showSearchTerm, textAlign, type
Quote / 引用
引用テキストを視覚的に強調します。「他者の引用は、我々自身への引用である」—フリオ・コルタサル (Source)
- Name: core/quote
- Category: text
- Supports: align (full, left, right, wide), anchor, background (backgroundImage, backgroundSize), color (background, gradients, heading, link, text), dimensions (minHeight), interactivity (clientNavigation), layout (
allowEditing), spacing (blockGap, margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),html - Attributes: citation, textAlign, value
Read More / 続きを読む
- Name: core/read-more
- Category: theme
- Supports: color (background, gradients, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: content, linkTarget
RSS または Atom フィードからの投稿を表示します。(Source)
- Name: core/rss
- Category: widgets
- Supports: align, interactivity (clientNavigation),
html - Attributes: blockLayout, columns, displayAuthor, displayDate, displayExcerpt, excerptLength, feedURL, itemsToShow
Search / 検索
- Name: core/search
- Category: widgets
- Supports: align (center, left, right), color (background, gradients, text), interactivity, spacing (margin), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: buttonPosition, buttonText, buttonUseIcon, isSearchFieldHidden, label, placeholder, query, showLabel, width, widthUnit
Separator / 区切り
- Name: core/separator
- Category: design
- Supports: align (center, full, wide), anchor, color (background, gradients,
enableContrastChecker,text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin) - Attributes: opacity
Shortcode / ショートコード
WordPress ショートコードで追加のカスタム要素を挿入します。(Source)
- Name: core/shortcode
- Category: widgets
- Supports:
className,customClassName,html - Attributes: text
Site Logo / サイトロゴ
- Name: core/site-logo
- Category: theme
- Supports: align, color (
background,text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding),alignWide,html - Attributes: isLink, linkTarget, shouldSyncIcon, width
Site Tagline / サイトのキャッチフレーズ
- Name: core/site-tagline
- Category: theme
- Supports: align (full, wide), color (background, gradients, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: level, levelOptions, textAlign
Site Title / サイトのタイトル
- Name: core/site-title
- Category: theme
- Supports: align (full, wide), color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: isLink, level, levelOptions, linkTarget, textAlign
Social Icon / ソーシャルアイコン
- Name: core/social-link
- Category: widgets
- Parent: core/social-links
- Supports: interactivity (clientNavigation),
html,reusable - Attributes: label, rel, service, url
Social Icons / ソーシャルアイコン
- Name: core/social-links
- Category: widgets
- Allowed Blocks: core/social-link
- Supports: align (center, left, right), anchor, color (background, gradients,
enableContrastChecker,text), interactivity (clientNavigation), layout (default,allowInheriting,allowSwitching,allowVerticalAlignment), spacing (blockGap, margin, padding, units) - Attributes: customIconBackgroundColor, customIconColor, iconBackgroundColor, iconBackgroundColorValue, iconColor, iconColorValue, openInNewTab, showLabels, size
Spacer / スペーサー
- Name: core/spacer
- Category: design
- Supports: anchor, interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin)
- Attributes: height, width
Table / テーブル
- Name: core/table
- Category: text
- Supports: align, anchor, color (background, gradients, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight)
- Attributes: body, caption, foot, hasFixedLayout, head
Table of Contents / 目次
見出しのリストを使用して投稿の目次を作成します。見出しブロックに HTML アンカーを追加してここにリンクします。(Source)
- Name: core/table-of-contents
- Experimental: true
- Category: design
- Supports: color (background, gradients, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: headings, onlyIncludeCurrentPage
Tag Cloud / タグクラウド
- Name: core/tag-cloud
- Category: widgets
- Supports: align, interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (lineHeight),
html - Attributes: largestFontSize, numberOfTags, showTagCounts, smallestFontSize, taxonomy
Template Part / テンプレートパーツ
- Name: core/template-part
- Category: theme
- Supports: align, interactivity (clientNavigation),
html,renaming,reusable - Attributes: area, slug, tagName, theme
Term Description / タームの説明
- Name: core/term-description
- Category: theme
- Supports: align (full, wide), color (background, link, text), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight),
html - Attributes: textAlign
Text Columns (deprecated) / テキストカラム (非推奨)
- Name: core/text-columns
- Category: design
- Supports: interactivity (clientNavigation),
inserter - Attributes: columns, content, width
Verse / 詩
- Name: core/verse
- Category: text
- Supports: anchor, background (backgroundImage, backgroundSize), color (background, gradients, link, text), dimensions (minHeight), interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding), typography (fontSize, lineHeight)
- Attributes: content, textAlign
Video / 動画
- Name: core/video
- Category: media
- Supports: align, anchor, interactivity (clientNavigation), spacing (margin, padding)
- Attributes: autoplay, blob, caption, controls, id, loop, muted, playsInline, poster, preload, src, tracks