このテーマは2年以上更新されていません。すでにメンテナンスされていないか、サポートされていないため、最新のバージョンの WordPress と互換性の問題があるかもしれません。
Juliet is a simple, elegant blogging WordPress theme. Perfect for lifestyle blogs, fashion blogs, or personal blogs. It comes with two skins: a classic feminine look, and a more contemporary minimalist look. Juliet comes with WooCommerce integration and a special front page layout with a banner and featured posts. Multiple widget areas allow you set up your website your way! It also comes with built-in menus for displaying your social media presence, multiple blog feed layouts, text and image logo options, banner color overlay options, and much more! It is also perfect to creat a simple business website. You can also use Juliet to build a gorgeous online store, with it’s awesome WooCommerce integration. Beautifully designed and extremely clean and light weight, Juliet is backed by world class, one-on-one support, and a super active team of developers and designers ready to help!
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有効インストール: 900+
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