このテーマは2年以上更新されていません。すでにメンテナンスされていないか、サポートされていないため、最新のバージョンの WordPress と互換性の問題があるかもしれません。
Nirmala is the Indonesian word for Flawless, originated from sanskrit language. Nirmala theme is a simple WordPress theme based on Bootstrap front-end framework, suitable for news or blog site. Nirmala theme is a complete solution for whatever contents you have. It is as solid as the Bootstrap itself. All features of Bootstrap are supported by this theme. Nirmala theme is optimized for readability, highly mobile friendly and with neat and balanced layout. It is minimal, lightweight, yet multipurpose. This release is based on Bootstrap version 4.5.2 which is the latest stable version. This theme also contains Fork Awesome icon font, a fork of the renowned Font Awesome icon, enabling you to insert hundreds of icons easily.
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有効インストール: 80+
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